Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 987 Substitution (2)

Xu Zixiu was not frightened, and stared at Sihuang with unclear eyes, "Yaoyao, do you doubt me?"

"The clones produced by the gods have your genes." Si Huang said.

Xu Zixiu slammed on the accelerator, and the car rushed out, accelerating too fast and too hard, as if expressing his inner dissatisfaction to Si Huang.

"It's disgusting, Yaoyao! Don't tell me this, just listening to it is disgusting enough, and it's not my son who dares to keep my genes on him." Xu Zixiu became more and more angry as he spoke, his eyes were gloomy.

With Xu Zixiu like this, Si Huang couldn't guess what he was thinking in his heart, but Si Huang didn't believe that Xu Zixiu was the creator of gods. This was not only an intuition, but also because he knew Xu Zixiu's character.

If Xu Zixiu is really a god-maker, then he is definitely a troublemaker, and it would be good if the god-maker wasn't spoiled by him.

The benefit of speeding the car is to reach the central hospital faster, Si Huang did not tell Xu Zixiu that the blood flag had an action against Luo Suosi this time.

Because of the ambush incident at Dongying College, Si Huang was not sure whether the blood flag's arrest of Luo Suosi was smooth or not.

Before, they only suspected that Luo Suosi was a mountain spirit, but according to Xu Zixiu's opinion, Luo Suosi turned out to be a member of the god-making organization.

In this way, will Blood Banner's attempt to capture him turn into an ambush again?

Si Huang watched Xu Zixiu get off the car, and when she saw that she hadn't got off, she turned to look at her, but Si Huang still didn't move, "I'll wait here."

Xu Zixiu didn't ask her to go with her, and walked lazily towards the hospital.

Not long after sitting in the car, Si Huang opened the door and walked out, leaning against the car body and looking up at the top of the hospital.

From her direction, you can see the wards of Luo Suosi and Xia Qitong, there is no need to count and guess carefully, Sihuang can locate the ward where Xia Xitong is at a glance.

Her eyes also looked dark in the dark night, and if you didn't look at them from the front, you wouldn't be able to see the dark green color in the eyes, but at this moment, the reflections in the eyes were shining white light.

It's not the first time I've seen it, but Si Huang couldn't help sighing and wondering what Xia Qitong's special ability was when he saw the supernatural aura that was enough to light up the entire ward again.

It's just that I can't find the opportunity to ask, and I may not get a real answer if I ask. Just as she wouldn't tell Xia Qitong about her special bloodline, why should Xia Qitong tell her.

Dispelling this thought, Si Huang immediately thought of Qin Fan again, wondering where he is now?

Although the current situation is not good for him to appear in front of his eyes, but seeing the dangerous behavior the other party did before, he still can't help but focus on him.

A two-story private house some distance from the Central Hospital.

Qin Fan did not enter through the main entrance, but walked through the window.

As soon as he jumped into the house, he smelled blood.

Already familiar with this smell, Qin Fan's face remained unchanged, and he didn't approach the busy people, and only asked, "How's the situation?"

A person replied: "It is out of danger, but it must be cultivated for a period of time, otherwise there will be permanent sequelae."

Without waiting for Qin Fan to ask, the man added: "For example, the lame leg, or the force on the hand is not as good as before. Of course, there will be no problem if it is raised well."

Qin Fan nodded, and saw Qingtian baby on the operating table from the gap between these people.

At this moment, the sunny baby is still not unconscious, probably because he heard Qin Fan's voice, he half-opened his eyes with difficulty, and asked in a vague voice: " hair...what happened?"

Thanks to Qin Fan's good ears, he was able to hear clearly what he was saying.

"It's okay." Qin Fan replied, knowing that Qing Tianwa was asking about his leaving alone before.

Originally, he left with Qingtianwa and the others in the car, but he heard the hum of the propeller on the way.

Qin Fan looked out from the car and saw several helicopters flying past from the sky, and the direction they were going was the Dongying College.

Qin Fan immediately thought that the helicopter was probably aimed at them, but the helicopter did not stop when it encountered them, indicating that the other party did not notice their strangeness, but instead drove towards Dongying College without stopping. What can be imagined.

"Be careful, I'll go and have a look." Qin Fan jumped out of the car and left after leaving this sentence.

Personal speed is not as fast as that of the helicopter. When Qin Fan rushed to the halfway, he saw the rack helicopter flying back again. More precisely, the rack helicopter was chasing the one in front.

Qin Fan shuttled among the crowd below, staring at the sky with quiet eyes. After observing for a while, he probably guessed from the flight path of the first helicopter and the current pursuit situation that the pursued helicopter was about to escape. Routine and route, and then rushed towards the planned building without hesitation.

Facts proved that his calculations and predictions were correct, and the helicopter really came towards him.

Everything that happened after that happened naturally. After Qin Fan crashed into the building, because it was already early in the morning, there was no one in the building. Even if the alarm system was triggered, he escaped from that place safely and returned to this private house. inside.

It's not that he didn't want to go and see the so-called 'sea monster', but after careful consideration, Qin Fan realized that the timing was wrong, and chose to go back to the private house to see the situation of his soldiers.

The man's expression was stern, it could even be said that he had no expression, there was nothing unusual about it, and no one could guess what he was thinking.

Qing Tianwa was already exhausted, but the mental stimulation and physical pain brought about by the operation made him sleepy and the pain was so painful that he could not fall asleep peacefully, so he remained in such a dazed state. what.

The chief doctor who operated on him packed up his things, let Qing Tianwa take a good rest, and then quietly glanced at Qin Fan.

Qin Fan walked out of the room clearly.

The chief doctor came out after a while, and after confirming that Qingtian could not hear the sound, he whispered to Qin Fan: "Qingtian's condition is stable, but Brother Lu's condition is very dangerous, and he is still in a coma. Wake up, if you don't wake up all the time, it may cause the slow death of the brain domain."

"The solution?" Qin Fan asked.

The attending doctor shook his head, "I don't know, this is actually Brother Lu's field, and now he is in a coma, so he can only find a special bloodline person who is good at this field to see what can be done." After a pause, he said: " I suggest sending Brother Lu back to China as soon as possible."

Qin Fan was very decisive about these things, "Let a few people secretly take the sika deer back, since it's not convenient for Qingtian baby to take care of her injuries."

"Remember, this time you must..."

Qin Fan hadn't said a few words about his explanation when the cell phone in his pocket rang. When he took it out, it turned out that the call was a thunderstorm.

Speaking of which, when Qing Tianwa and the others were operating at Dongying College, they were ambushed like a thunderbolt, but Thunderstorm and their actions unexpectedly went smoothly.

It's just that due to the danger that Sunny Baby and the others have been exposed to, the rendezvous between the two parties has been suspended, and Lei Shower and the others have been allowed to watch over Luo Suosi for the time being.

After Qin Fan answered the phone, he heard the voice of thunder and rain coming from the other end of the phone, explaining something to him.

Bai Ze came to the Central Hospital.

And offer them a deal.

Exchange Luo Suosi with Sato and his son?

Lei Showyu asked Qin Fan what he meant and what answer he should give the other party.

Qin Fan was silent for a second after listening, and said, "Substitute."

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