Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 988 Mountain Spirit

In the central hospital.

Lei Shower put down his phone, no emotion could be seen on his tough face, but he was secretly relieved in his heart.

He already knew that Qingtianwa and the others were in danger. If he hadn't had a mission, and he couldn't make it in time to help, he couldn't help but help his teammates.

Originally, they came to arrest Luo Suosi because they suspected that he was a member of the Undead Corps, mainly for Bai Ze's mission.

Although catching Bai Ze is also related to making gods, in Lei Shower's view, catching Bai Ze is not much easier than making gods.

Now that Bai Ze exchanged Sato and his son for Luo Suosi, they would not be at a disadvantage, but this also made Bai Ze's identity even more suspicious. According to their understanding, Bai Ze is not someone who would sacrifice his own interests for his teammates, so Luo Suosi is really a key person?

Lei Showyu knew what he could think of, Qin Fan couldn't have missed it, but the boss who thought of this still agreed to change, was he afraid that he would be confronted with Bai Ze? Bai Ze, who failed to achieve his goal, went crazy?

"How is it?" Xu Zixiu asked lazily again.

Lei Showyu also has a facial paralysis face, but his facial paralysis is not expressionless, it just gives people a very serious and numb feeling.

"Change." One advantage of facial paralysis is that no matter how much you think in your heart, you can't see it on your face.

Xu Zixiu seemed to have guessed that the answer must be so, she raised her eyebrows and asked Lei Showyu to bring her to go with him.

The three of them went downstairs to the parking place together.

Si Huang, who was leaning on the car door, heard the movement and turned around to see them.

There was no surprise on Sihuang's face, and his eyes met with Lei Xiaoyu's and then staggered.

Compared with the fleeting inquiry in Lei Showyu's eyes, Si Huang looked at him as if he was looking at an insignificant person, without paying any attention.

"What?" Sihuang asked Xu Zixiu.

Xu Zixiu: "Two for one, we are not dead because we are so rich and powerful."

Si Huang understood as soon as he heard it, opened the car door, and then staggered his body to let Lei Showyu carry the goods by himself, and said lightly: "If you think it's troublesome to move, don't rush to throw it away."

Xu Zixiu, who had been punctured, didn't feel embarrassed at all, and said proudly, "Yaoyao still understands me."

As soon as Lei Shower heard this title, he silently glanced at Si Huang, thinking that this is the immortal siren?

Moved Sato and his son out, and then put Luo Suosi into the car. With Thunderstorm's tall and strong figure, carrying two people was as easy as carrying two packages.

Xu Zixiu sat back in the driver's seat and waved to Si Huang, who opened the back door and sat in.

Xu Zixiu didn't say anything, and walked away regardless of the thunderstorm as soon as he stepped on the accelerator.

Lei Shower saw that they had disappeared and did not stay in the central hospital. It was still easy to move the two of them, and he still had time to call Qin Fan to report the situation, "The people have changed hands, and I saw the immortal siren. Bai Ze told him attitude is very different.”

"Why is it different?" Qin Fan's voice came.

Lei Showyu said: "It's very face-saving."

Everyone knows that Bai Ze doesn't know what face is at all, he always does things according to his own mood, and there are too few people who can give face.

Qin Fan is one, and so is the upper class, but the face of these people depends on his mood before choosing whether to give it or not. Seeing him getting along with one of his team members now, Lei Showyu immediately felt that something was wrong.


Thunderstorm froze for a moment, what does an 'um' mean?

Immediately afterwards, he heard Qin Fan's order to let him return, and the topic about Bai Ze and the sea monster naturally ended like this.

Si Huang, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, looked at Luo Suosi who was unconscious next to him, checked his physical condition, and slowly a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Stop pretending." Si Huang said, seeing that Luo Suosi next to him didn't respond, and continued: "You still want me to do it."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Suosi who was next to him opened his eyes. His eyes were clear, without the confusion of just waking up. He looked at Si Huang coldly, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Hearing what he said, Si Huang remembered that he was still covered with the effect of illusion skills. After thinking about it, Si Huang took off the illusion, revealing her original appearance, and then watched Luo Suosi's expression change instantly.

"You..." Luo Suosi's eyeballs kept trembling, and there was an unbelievable emotion flickering inside.

Si Huang smiled and said, "You don't think I really intend to give you three days to think about it, do you?"

"What do you mean?" Luo Suosi's face tightened again.

Sihuang: "It means that we are going to Lige now."

Luo Suosi's pupils tightened, and soon he sneered, "Do you think this can scare me?"

Si Huang, who didn't achieve his goal, didn't mind. He smiled deeper and shrugged, "Well, I lied to you. In fact, we are relying on you to go to the god-making laboratory now."

The skin on Luo Suosi's face was tense again, Si Huang's eyes did not have any pressure, but they did not deviate from Luo Suosi at all, leaving Luo Suosi nowhere to escape.

"Bai Ze, now you can tell me, is he a mountain spirit?"

Si Huang did not forget that when he asked Xu Zixiu this question before, Xu Zixiu did not give an accurate answer.

Xu Zixiu, who was driving in front, raised his voice, "Yaoyao is asking you something."

"Belongs to the Undead Corps, code-named Mountain Spirit." Luo Suosi said in a deep voice, "Hello, Commander..." Then he looked at Si Huang with complicated eyes, and gritted his teeth: "Hello."

Si Huang smiled and said: "The fine score is good."

In reality, Luo Suosi's character is completely different from the character of the mountain spirit in the Undead Corps.

Xu Zixiu interjected, "If you can't even fool Yaoyao, how can you lie to the god-maker?"

Si Huang's eyes flickered, and he understood immediately, "Undercover?"

"Bingo~" Xu Zixiu snapped his fingers.

Si Huang looked at Luo Suosi meaningfully, "It's not that easy to sneak into the god-builder, he can not only hide the god-maker, but also hide from his own people, but he was dug out by you, even I have to suspect that you are It doesn't have anything to do with making gods." These words were addressed to Xu Zixiu.

Xu Zixiu: "I'm curious too, maybe I'm really the final boss of God-making."

Si Huang finally turned his eyes away from Luo Suosi's face, and looked at Xu Zixiu in front, "Why do you say that?"

Xu Zixiu sighed, "As long as I can remember, I knew I couldn't die. If you said I couldn't die, how long did I live?"

Si Huang was stunned, "You don't have childhood memories?"

"No." Xu Zixiu said.

He answered quickly, without any emotion, and Si Huang didn't continue to ask, with many thoughts running through his mind.

She suddenly understood that maybe Xu Zixiu was going to trouble God, not just to vent his thoughts, he, like her, wanted to pursue a truth, a truth about his memory.

There was a brief silence in the car, and Luo Suosi's voice suddenly broke, "Now is not the best time to make gods. What happened today will put them on guard."

"The suggestion is invalid." Xu Zixiu ruthlessly rejected Luo Suosi.

The corner of Luo Susi's eyes twitched, "I need to prepare something."

"Xiao Jingjing, I don't have much patience." Xu Zixiu looked back at Luo Suosi.

To be honest, Xu Zixiu's appearance doesn't look more than 30 years old, and he is handsome and small. He looks like a young man in his twenties. It's strange to call Luo Suosi, a man in his early thirties, "Xiaojingjing" However, the situation in front of him obviously made Luo Suosi feel more frightened than strange.

Luo Suosi knew that he couldn't say anything to Xu Zixiu, so he turned his gaze to Sihuang's face.

Si Huang noticed it, "Now I'm even more curious about Li Lisi and the Lige family."

Luo Suosi froze, opened his mouth and closed it again, then showed a bleak smile, and looked at Sihuang with even more helplessness.

He already knew that even if he had the identity of a teammate, he would have no way to resist these two.

"I understand, soon you will know everything you want to know." Luo Suosi lowered his eyelids, as if he had made a certain decision.

Si Huang glanced at him and said nothing. Take out your phone and fiddle with it, send messages to Yuene and the others, and...

Time passed slowly, and they drove the car to the station. The three of them took the car to another city, and then took a boat to an island.

The island is neither big nor small. There is only a village on it, which is a small tourist spot.

When the three of Sihuang arrived, it was already 6 o'clock in the morning.

All three of them made a disguise, led by Xu Zixiu, and slowly walked away from the normal artificial road and walked up the mountain road. After about 20 minutes, Sihuang saw a long stone ladder, which was a country R. style temple.

The temple should have a history. The traces of her simplicity can be seen from the details. There are leaves that have not been cleaned on the road, and no one can be seen at a glance.

This time, Luo Suosi walked forward and entered the temple. Si Huang watched Luo Suosi walk into a utility room, and directly pulled away an iron plate on the ground to reveal the stairs inside.

The basement in the utility room was completely dark, which could not affect Sihuang, who was able to see at night. Except for an elevator, there was nothing in the basement in sight.

"Interesting, isn't it?" Xu Zixiu smiled at Si Huang: "I don't hide it at all, which is quite to my liking, so I don't need to bother looking for it."

Si Huang didn't answer, and if he didn't hide it when he had time, it would be easy to be ignored. It may also be that there is absolute confidence, believing that even if someone delivers it to the door, the other party will never return.

Luo Suosi's words just matched Si Huang's thoughts, "There is a local legend that people often disappear here, so people on this island will not come if they have nothing to do."

While speaking, he had already walked into the elevator, giving up the seats of Si Huang and Xu Zixiu.

After everyone came in, he pressed the bottom button.

The elevator jolted for a moment, then quickly descended.

During a period of silence, Sihuang calculated the speed and time of the elevator's descent to predict the depth of the underground place, and asked casually, "Where is the missing person?"

Luo Suosi turned to look at Sihuang, and in the dim light of the elevator, he smiled.

I don't know if it's because of the light and shadow, which makes his smile look weird, and his tone of voice has a hint of a smile, "Either die, or life is worse than death. There is a saying that curiosity killed the cat, and sometimes curiosity can't be too much." Heavy."

Si Huang's expression remained unchanged, and he replied: "You are a bit like a mountain spirit."

Ross looked away.

At this time, the elevator also came to the end.

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