Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 993 Fish Tail Exposed (2)

Are you going to take them down this time?

There is no place to hide around. If you can't leave here, you will be stunned by the electric shock.

Si Huang looked back at Luo Suosi.

The latter kept trying to crack the secret with a pale face, but to no avail.

Sihuang took a big stride, lifted Luo Suosi's back collar with one hand, and lifted a tall man up easily like a child.

Before Luo Susi could react, he heard a loud noise.


It was so loud it was almost deafening, especially right next to the ears.

Luo Suosi was stunned, "Your leg will be broken... eh!?"

He saw the alloy door...


The wire routes linked by the edges are all flickering with sparks. is this possible! This is definitely not the terrifying power and bones that humans should have!

When Luo Suosi was rolled out with Si Huang, he lowered his head to look at Si Huang's legs, then his eyes widened, and the eyeballs almost jumped out of their sockets.


At this time, one shouldn't lose one's mind, but Luo Suosi was still distracted by seeing a beautiful scene.

They glide very fast, even faster than Si Huang could run before. The huge silver-blue fish tail looks as beautiful as a work of art completed by God himself, but in fact it is not fragile at all. Falling down, there is no difficulty in gliding on the ground.

It's just that people can't help but feel a kind of reluctance after seeing it. What should I do if such a beauty is used to contact the ground?

From entering the alloy door, he slid into a space in the blink of an eye, and Si Huang could tell at a glance that it was inside a ship.

It seems that her guess is right, the God-making Laboratory has dug really deep, and it has already connected an underground sea.

Sihuang is familiar with the structure of this kind of hull, and when he just pressed a button at the entrance, the upper entrance was closed.

She left Luo Suosi behind, and arrived at the console in front of her in a transformation, and after a glance, she started the operation of sailing.

It's just not successful, you need to turn on verification. There was no need for Si Huang to shout, Luo Suosi, who had been left behind, had already got up and walked to her side, put his palm on an LCD screen, and then the entire console lit up.

The entire hull vibrated for a moment, and then the front display screen displayed a picture, proving that the hull had started diving.

Luo Suosi breathed a sigh of relief, "Natural sea water can isolate God-made detection."

Si Huang could hear the strange tone in his tone, turned his head to meet Luo Suosi's gaze, and saw that Luo Suosi's pupils shrank violently when they saw him, and there was a momentary absence, followed by a thick and complicated look. .

Although Luo Suosi covered it up in time, Si Huang still noticed his intention to look down several times, but he just endured it for some reason.

Si Huang knew what he wanted to see, his eyes were cold and warning.

Luo Suosi turned around and returned to the original entrance, picked up Li Lisi who was on the ground again, without looking at Sihuang again, "Lilith can't leave the water for too long, you..."

Si Huang didn't wait for him to finish speaking, "Let's go together and give me a set of clothes."

"……it is good."

This submarine has a lot of space. After leaving the cockpit, Luo Suosi first sent Li Lisi to the nutrition cabin in the laboratory that had been prepared in the ship, and then took Sihuang to the lounge to change clothes.

Si Huang first checked whether there was surveillance in the hull before recovering her legs and changing her clothes.

This is the first time Sihuang has shown her tail in front of people. After this experience, she feels that the most troublesome problem is after transforming. Clothes are a big trouble, but other things can be tolerated. Maybe the bloodline is so magical, some instincts come naturally, even if it is the first time to use it like this, Sihuang doesn't have any discomfort or twist.

Coming out of the crew lounge, Luo Suosi first lowered his head and stared at Sihuang's feet, then slowly moved his gaze upwards, and found that Sihuang had really returned to his original state. He had already prepared his mind, but he still couldn't help but change his face. , the heart beat violently.

How many years have you been studying God? How much effort did you make? But still no success! But in front of him, there was a real and perfect miracle that appeared in front of his eyes!

Luo Suosi couldn't control his distraction, his eyes shone with obsession and more complex brilliance, his lips trembled slightly, and murmured the deepest desire in his heart, "In this way, Lilith must be saved, she will definitely be alive, she will be better."

After saying this, he came back to his senses, and suddenly reached out to grab Sihuang.

It's just that she didn't succeed in meeting Sihuang, so she avoided it.

"Want cell genes?" Si Huang could see the hope in Luo Suosi's eyes, the kind of madness and fear that did not allow her to repent, "Yes, but don't worry, we should talk first."

Now that they have left the god-making laboratory, even if Sihuang agrees to save Li Lisi, it is impossible to impulsively let Luo Suosi do what he does without knowing anything.

There was no one else in the submarine. If what Luo Suosi said before was not a lie, then this thing is really a retreat planned by Luo Suosi.

The two returned to the laboratory where Li Lisi was placed.

To be honest, Si Huang didn't like the laboratory environment very much. She glanced at Li Lisi in the nutrition warehouse, and knew Li Lisi's situation and had to stay in this environment, so she didn't say anything.

Moving a chair over to sit down, Sihuang looked at Luo Suosi in front of him, "I ask you to answer, or do you tell it all yourself?"

Luo Suosi had no direct choice. He said: "I have already told you my identity. You asked me before whether the God-made is an organization or an individual. I don't know. This is the biggest secret of the God-made. But the hacker skills of the God-made Both biotechnology and biotechnology are in the leading position in various countries, so I guessed that the core of God-making is a powerful bio-computer, but the research has not been completely successful, there will always be a period of dormancy, and there is no way to operate for a long time. Currently the only Knowing its weakness is the inability to work non-stop, and the inability to hack into natural signals."

"My main focus is not on biotechnology, but on the cultivation and research of special blood." Luo Suosi noticed the frown of the young man in front of him when he talked about the research, and the disgust appeared in his eyes.

This made Luo Suosi's words pause, and then said: "I am using everything to win your trust, my identity, everything I have earned over the years, my life, and my love!" A sense of destruction was evident from Luo Suisi's expression, "Ever since you were targeted by the gods, the gods have already arranged a plan to arrest you. But this plan can be reversed by us. I know that your blood has evolved You can survive in the sea to a certain extent, so as long as you create the illusion of death, you can escape your shell after lurking in the sea for a period of time, and change your identity to live safely again, at the cost of not using special abilities in the future and choosing a remote living environment."

After listening to this, Si Huang didn't react at all, but laughed lightly in her heart: How long is this period of time? A remote living environment? No wonder Luo Suosi wanted to ask her whether it was important to be alive or to be rich.

Luo Suosi's next words followed, "You want to use the influence of a star to protect yourself, this is a good way, but the gods have already created your substitute, as long as they catch you, they will release your substitute to the outside world. This is also an opportunity for you, allowing you to get rid of the identity of 'Sihuang' more successfully..."

Before he finished speaking, he was startled by Si Huang's eyes suddenly raised. The deep dark green rolling waves were like layers of increasing waves, which would shock and collapse people's minds.

"You mean, a stand-in?"

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