Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 994 That is a gentle person (1)

No one likes a double, whether it's the person who has the double or the person who is the double.

Sihuang is proud, she will not be so proud that everyone has to respect herself or regard herself as an important person, but she also hates doubles, very annoying.

This is the shadow brought about by experience, just as she was regarded as a substitute for 'Sihuang' from birth. Now she uses her own ability to make herself the only individual, and she will never become anyone's accessory, let alone anyone's substitute.

But who would have thought that now some people say that they secretly created their own double.

As soon as Sihuang thought of Bai Guangxi's clone, and then thought of this double, his disgust couldn't stop.

"Do you think someone can be my substitute?" Si Huang raised one corner of her mouth, her smile was cold and dangerous.

Luo Suosi probably thought of the reason for her anger, looked at her seriously and replied: "No." After a pause for half a second, he continued: "However, all you need to create a god is to deceive outsiders."

The outsiders in this statement are talking about ordinary people's fans.

That's right, a double created with god-making technology might really be able to deceive ordinary people. As long as this 'stand-in' doesn't go out casually, and meets everyone through a screen...

As for those who can't be deceived, such as Qin Fan, they also don't want to be confused outside, so they probably found out, and they would rationally not report it. Only in the dark, fighting with the God of Wisdom, trying to find a way to rescue or find out.

In this way, the role of the substitute is fully achieved.

Si Huang wanted to laugh, laughing at how calculating they were, but found that the smile on his face had cooled down instead, "Is this double artificial, or a clone?"

"It's artificial." Luo Suosi said.

Sihuang felt a little more comfortable. Since it was artificially played, it was not her clone. Thinking about it carefully, she is very careful every time, and there should be no genes that fall into God-making.

There was a brief silence between the two, and Si Huang could feel Luo Suosi's suppressed and eager eyes on her all the time. She pondered for a few seconds and turned to look at Li Lisi who was soaking in the nutrient solution.

The half-human, half-fish woman still had her eyes closed tightly, as if she was in a deep sleep or the eternal sleep of death.

"How sure are you of saving her?"

As soon as Luo Suosi heard this, he immediately said: "100%! She is alive all the time, I just let her live better, so that she can wake up, recover her health, and let her really live! Instead of being a vegetable! "

"I've told you everything I know. Even if you still doubt me, you should believe in your abilities. There are only you and me here. If I do something wrong, you can kill me and escape by yourself Go, the ocean is everyone's hell, but it's your paradise, you have an absolute advantage." After analyzing all these, and telling Sihuang, it can be seen that Luo Suosi is really going all out and dedicating everything , I just hope that Li Lisi can wake up healthy.

Human emotions are very complicated. As an actor, Si Huang thinks that love scenes are the best and most difficult to act in. She can act affectionately and let everyone indulge in it. But only if you have truly loved deeply, you will understand that what is staged and what is real still lacks something, the kind of profundity that can touch the soul.

Therefore, Sihuang was able to confirm that Luo Suosi's love for Li Lisi was true, and there was no deception in his eyes.

This man is also smart, what he said caught Si Huang's mind. It is precisely because she is in an absolutely dominant position that Si Huang will consider handing over such important things as gene cells. Even if something unexpected happens in the middle, she can handle it completely.

Knowing this, Luo Suosi didn't resist at all, and put himself in a low position, and offered all the chips he could to Sihuang. As he himself said, he threw everything out, including his own life, just for Li Lisi.

"How to do it?" Si Huang asked.

Luo Suosi's expression was agitated at first, and then he calmed down. If his hands were not trembling a little, it is estimated that he could not see the turmoil in his heart, and even his voice was suppressed and stable, "The best way is to lie down together. In the nutrition warehouse, the extraction of gene cells and Lilith matching treatment will be carried out during hibernation, but I know you will definitely not want to..."

"Get to the point." A sneer flashed in Sihuang's eyes. Knowing that she wouldn't be willing, but still saying it, is it just in case of hope?

Even if Luo Suosi showed everything in front of her eyes, she would not give the other party the same trust, let herself fall into a coma and let Luo Suosi do whatever she wanted.

"I need your tail scales and blood." Luo Suosi said.

Si Huang looked at him coldly.

Luo Susi and her stared at each other without moving.

"Your research and treatment must be under my supervision." Si Huang said.

Luo Susi nodded, "Okay."

The two reached an agreement, and Si Huang looked back at Li Lisi again, then turned and left to prepare what Luo Suosi needed.

Si Huanghui agreed to assist Luo Suosi in treating Li Lisi, not because he agreed with Luo Suosi's plan and his thoughts, but just wanted to hand over the decision to Li Lisi himself.

As Wu Bao once asked himself, he left the choice to her.

Luo Suosi was right about one thing, this life was given to her by Li Lisi, and Li Lisi was her mother, so she was willing to spend time and effort to help Li Lisi recover his health and consciousness.

Once Li Lisi regains consciousness and is able to think on her own, no matter what Li Lisi's answer is, Sihuang will respect her idea and help her achieve it.

She, Luo Suosi, and Li Lisi were the only three people in this submarine. Sihuang went back to the crew lounge to get the scales by herself. Naturally, there was no way to monitor Luo Suosi's behavior, but Luo Suosi didn't know that there was another inconspicuous The small pit goods can complete this task.

Wubao was left in the laboratory, watching Luo Suosi specifically to prevent him from making any small moves while Sihuang was away.

About three to five minutes later, Sihuang came back here again, her face was a little pale, and she handed the things in her hand to Luo Suosi.

During these three to five minutes, Si Huang not only pulled out her own scales, but also studied her own fish tail together, and then found some hidden problems. When the scales were pulled out, it really hurt her.

Ever since she became more capable and knew that her blood was not simple, Si Huang was rarely injured, and easily prevented herself from being injured, especially serious injuries that hurt muscles and bones.

She originally thought that there were so many scales, it would be nothing to pull out one piece, but after she did it, she realized that the pain was beyond her expectation. Without preparation for a while, she did it by herself, making herself unable to get off a tiger, so that the scales could not fall off halfway. It hurt even more, and then I pulled it hard and almost didn't make her cry out.

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