Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 995 That is a gentle person (2)

That kind of pain is not a small scale on the skin, but it is like pulling out a bone, which is very small and dense, tearing off more tiny capillaries in the texture.

Oh shit! It hurts!

Si Huang tried not to show the pain on his face, but when he came to see Luo Suosi, his face was still uncontrollably pale.

Luo Suosi didn't pay attention to her strangeness, took the things over and began to operate under Sihuang's nose.

Si Huang sat on the chair and looked at him, his thoughts lost slightly, and he thought of Qin Fan who also had scales.

Especially in the early stage, if Qin Fan developed scales, he would have to pull out each one.

I haven't experienced it before, and I don't know what it feels like. This time I experienced it personally. Si Huang thought that if Qin Fan's scales were pulled out, it would be this painful, then...

Thinking of the man's calm face, Si Huang felt more admiration and distress for Qin Fan from the bottom of his heart, stabbing his heart in every possible way.

Qin Fan, will know how to do it. Since he didn't stop Bai Ze, and didn't recognize himself, there are only two possibilities.

One really didn't recognize herself, and the other agreed with her plan.

Si Huang squinted slightly, she used Bai Ze and the others to create gods for personal reasons, this is really the style of the Undead Corps.

Qin Fan's actions can't be as willful as hers, because he is a member of the state after all, he is a good soldier who only cares for the people of the country.

However, she is also a member of the Blood Banner. When solving personal problems, she doesn't mind doing something that is in line with her captain's rank and the contribution that the Blood Banner Overlord should make.

"The ability to create gods, after previous trials, combined with the information given by Luo Suosi, I think I probably know what it is." Sihuang's lips moved slightly, only she could hear, "Tell me this Give the blood flag, you can exchange a lot of military merits."

a week later.

Sihuang has been in the sea with Luo Suosi for a week.

Due to the mysterious and vast sea area, when they deliberately hid, the network and communication were cut off, and it was too difficult for others to find them.

During this week, Sihuang didn't do anything else, but accompanied Luo Suosi to work on Li Lisi's materials, and obtained more useful information from him.

In addition to Luo Suosi's previously confessed identity and the secret of making gods, Si Huang asked him about the Wildfire Team and Xia Qitong. According to Luo Suosi's dictation, he didn't know what position the wildfire team played in the god-making, but it must have something to do with the god-making, and Xia Qitong, as the young owner of the wildfire team, was just as inseparable from the god-making.

"I saw him in the laboratory of the early gods, when I was a child." Luo Suosi said: "I only saw him once."

"...At that time, he was a gentle child." Luo Suosi's tone was a little low.

"How?" Si Huang asked.

"They are very sad." Luo Suosi stated this sentence in a subtle and low tone, as if imitating someone's tone, and then returned to normal, "At that time, I was injecting the basic experimental medicine, and I was the same People, there are many people who are worse than me, I heard him say this, and then cried."

Si Huang was stunned for half a second, unable to figure out what Xia Qitong looked like crying.

Although it is very common for children to cry. Thinking of it this way, Si Huang also said the same, "It's normal for a child to cry, maybe he was frightened?"

"No, you didn't see it with your own eyes, so you don't understand that feeling." Luo Suosi said seriously: "The child's eyes... are too clean. It's like experiencing it personally." He looked at Sihuang again, his eyes Complicated, "I never knew what role Xia Qitong played in God-making, but I think he will not hurt you, but has been helping you."

Si Huang was a little confused and couldn't tell from his expression.

Luo Suosi said again: "...I hope you won't hurt him."

Si Huang raised his eyelids, "Just because of a sentence he said when he was a child?"

"He helped me a lot." After Luo Suosi said this, he didn't continue talking about this topic.

Si Huang didn't continue to ask, it could be seen that Luo Suosi had already told everything he knew.

After a while, Sihuang asked again: "How long will it take for Li Lisi's treatment to be effective?"

Luo Suosi: "I can't be sure."

"I'll give you another week, at least let me see the improvement, I don't have so much time to stay in the sea with you."

"……it is good."

This remark is tantamount to rejecting Luo Suosi's plan of "escape the shell of the golden cicada" mentioned earlier, and Luo Suosi has no way to persuade him to succeed.

Compared with the calm in the sea, the outside is completely opposite.

Four men dressed as bodyguards stood outside the door of a senior ward in the Central Hospital. You don't need to look at their faces, you can feel their aura just by approaching them.

not to be trifled! Don't mess with it!

At this time, in the ward, an old man with frosty temples was sitting beside the bed, and behind the old man stood a tall and elegant young man.

If Sihuang was here, it would definitely stimulate the memory, and recognize this elegant young man as the appearance of Bai Guangxi in memory, but the facial features are a little longer, and just judging from the appearance, he feels that he is not much different from her age.

At this moment, Bai Guangxi was standing behind the old man with a respectful attitude, but he was not humble. Compared with his subordinates, he was more like a junior who knew the rules.

On the hospital bed in front of them, Xia Qitong leaned back against the pillow, his face was pale and fragile like crystal, but his expression was calm and peaceful, making it impossible to treat him as a fragile object.

"Where is the person?" The old man's tone was stern, but not aggressive.

Xia Qitong looked at him with clear eyes and shook his head.

Anger appeared in the old man's eyes, and he said angrily: "Qitong, if you are so foolish again, even grandfather can't protect you!"

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