Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 998 Chapter Name I Don’t Know (3)

Sometimes being killed instantly is actually a kind of luck.

Sombra's hunt was carried out silently at first, but as the number of people decreased, the hidden team that was chasing the prey finally discovered something was wrong.

It's just a pity that it's too late to find out now. The team that was chased by them suddenly turned back. It seemed that they had expected this scene a long time ago. They turned around and gave the ambush team a carbine with a tacit understanding. Still surrounded by anti-kill.

Logically speaking, there was a group of people chasing and killing in the front, but there was a person approaching silently in the back. No matter how you look at it, it would be more effective to break out from behind.

However, the assassins who were shot back did not do so. They seemed to know that the few remaining people who broke through with that person would not have any effect. It would be better to kill them head-on. It's better than nothing to be buried with two people.

The frontal fight between the two sides has officially begun, but the roles of hunter and prey have changed.

Three minutes later, the woods returned to silence, with only the slight sound of insects and birds, and the smell of blood mixed with earthy and damp entered his nose.

This group of special forces soldiers have smelled more disgusting smells than this, and they can keep their expressions on. At this time, even though they had adapted to the dark vision, each of them looked ugly, even ugly.

"Damn it!" Guo Chengxiong couldn't help cursing as he looked at the corpse on the ground that was mostly broken into a pool of rotten flesh.

He was the one who took the lead in calling for a stop before. Now they obviously won, and there was no death in their own team, but it still made this man's eyes turn red with anger.

A tall figure walked towards this side, his body was stained with the moisture of the night, and more of it was a chilling evil spirit.

However, everyone including Guo Chengxiong looked at him with eyes full of respect and awe. As the figure approached, they all stood up straight. The cycle of killing and killing the enemy made this group of strong soldiers exhausted, and it did not prevent them from showing the most sincere respect to this man.

It was this man who led them this way, and it was also the existence of this man who allowed them to experience the baptism of blood and fire, and escaped several times.

"Chief, the man with sharp knives... and Wolf Smoke, Long Ying..." Guo Chengxiong said to Qin Fan who came closer and could already see a familiar handsome and cold face.

His eyes were painful, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, revealing hatred, sadness and heaviness.

Everyone present looked similar to him, because the group of people killed by them on the ground were indeed their former comrades-in-arms.

If they could, they definitely didn't want to do such a cruel thing to their comrades-in-arms and compatriots, but they had a painful experience before, so they had to do this.

Because these familiar comrades-in-arms are no longer people they know, but a group of biological and chemical weapons that have been formed through experiments and transformations.

I still remember that there were familiar people among the attackers I met a few days ago. Some of them wanted to knock the other party out, or cut off their limbs and bring them back alive for treatment. Maybe they could restore their memories, even if they couldn’t. , and at least help them get rid of God's control.

However, it turned out that the familiar former comrade-in-arms suddenly exploded when he was knocked out and brought into their crowd!

Even if Qin Fan had already felt something at that time, it was too late to remind him aloud. He watched a small group of team members being blown to pieces by this humanoid bomb.

They still remember that scene deeply, as if it happened yesterday. They can remember not how ugly and heroic and disgusting the picture is, but because of the anger from the heart, which almost burns their souls.

Their comrades-in-arms have been transformed into biological and chemical weapons. It's fine if they don't know themselves, and they will kill more compatriots around them!

God damn it!

What's even more hateful is that at that time they were also tasked, and they couldn't even dig a hole for them to burrow into the ground for safety. The flesh and blood of several people were blown together, and it was no longer clear who was who.

The eyes of this group of iron-boned men who have always shed blood but not tears are almost red, and some of them have wet pupils but stubbornly resisted not shedding tears, and the anger in their eyes quickly burned the water dry.

It's just that that was just the beginning, and then they encountered such a situation and had to deal with their compatriots with absolute death.

Qin Fan didn't speak, and even his eyes didn't fluctuate in the slightest. It was as dark as an abyss. Even Guo Chengxiong didn't dare to look at him for too long in such darkness, as if he was looking up at the abyss.

"Zizizi." The sound of electric current was caught by everyone in the silence.

Qin Fan looked towards the place where the sound came from, and saw a flat plate slipping out of the clothes of a body that hadn't exploded.

The LCD screen of the tablet lights up, and a portrait video appears.

This is a young man in pure white casual clothes. The handsome eyebrows made Qin Fan look a little familiar, and then he remembered that this person was Bai Guangxi.

He has read the information about Bai Guangxi, and Bai Guangxi and Bai Junyuan look a bit imaginative, so it is not difficult to remember this person's face.

It's just reasonable to say that Bai Guangxi is now twenty-six years old, but his appearance in the video looks like a tender and young man in his early twenties.

"Hello, Chief Qin." Bai Guangxi on the screen looked at Qin Fan with a smile, and the direction of his gaze was indeed looking at Qin Fan, as if this was not a video that had been recorded long ago, but a video call that was automatically turned on. There was a bit of noise at the beginning, but now it is completely clear, "Maybe I should call you the Qilin leader of the Z Blood Banner Corps. I am Bai Guangxi, Sihuang's brother."

This is a forest with no artificial traces, and there is also no internet, but a tablet is automatically turned on, which is really a weird thing.

Bai Guangxi on the screen opened his mouth, and continued to want to say something politely, but Qin Fan kicked a stone accurately on the LCD screen of the tablet, causing the screen to shatter and become dark.

Qin Fan didn't bother to listen to Bai Guangxi's nonsense.

Maybe it was this unreasonable behavior that Bai Guangxi didn't expect, so the tablet went dark for a few seconds before the sound of electric current continued to ring, accompanied by Bai Guangxi's voice.

"I think you might prefer to be more direct, so I won't beat around the bush. Through the inspection of you these days, Zao Shen is very satisfied with you, so I sincerely invite you to join us. I think the hospitality during these days will also let you I have learned more about the perfection and enthusiasm of God-making, if you can come, we are sincerely happy and will bring you unexpected surprises."

"Of course, you can't be this kind of consumables, but as the ruler who uses consumables like me. You should understand that the things in your hands are very troublesome. If you really insist on going your own way, you will give this balance The pattern brings chaos, this is a situation that everyone does not want to see, after all, the purpose of creating gods is not to cause war, but they are not afraid of any battle."

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