Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 999 Chapter Name I Don’t Know The Name (4)

"Finally, my dear brother also misses you very much, and is waiting for your arrival in the Constructing God."

The man's voice is gentle and leisurely like a breeze, but it can't bring people a sense of comfort.

It was probably because everyone there was hostile to him, or something.

Thinking that Bai Guangxi had finished speaking, Guo Chengxiong spat, and then heard the voice again.

"Of course, you can think about it slowly, but please be careful during the consideration period. After all, we are each other's enemies before you agree."


The tablet made a small explosion sound, and it was really scrapped.

"Chief?" Guo Chengxiong looked at Qin Fan with implied concern.

A dull and oppressive atmosphere was brewing in the team, who would have thought that Qin Fan would say, "mentally retarded."

Everyone was taken aback, seeing Qin Fan staring at the scorched black tablet with indifferent and contemptuous eyes, his whole body relaxed inexplicably.

"That's right! Damn, it's mentally handicapped!"

"Hahaha, do you really fucking think we have nowhere to run?"

"Pretending to be aggressive! Pooh!"

Others cursed one after another, and the atmosphere gradually warmed up. Everyone looked at Qin Fan with unspeakable confidence.

Thinking about it now, the previous dullness was not because he suspected that Qin Fan would join the God-making organization as a rebel, but because of the pressure brought by Qin Fan's silence, the grief brought by the corpses of his former compatriots on the ground, and the self-righteous poaching by the God-making staff Depression is a mixture of emotions such as anger and disgust brought about by behavior.

Not everyone present knew Bai Guangxi, but it didn't prevent them from seeing the arrogance of Bai Guangxi's self-righteousness in holding them in his hands.

However, this self-righteous garbage, how can they know that they have no way to escape and return to the country as soon as possible, the reason why they are constantly being found, ambushed, and ambushed is that they stayed voluntarily and deliberately used them as bait and sickle to attract the god-making organization Focus.

The "thing" that Bai Guangxi just mentioned is indeed in Qin Fan's hands, and that thing is the information and evidence they got when they cleaned the god-making laboratory.

This evidence can prove that country R is suspected of participating in human experiments and its connection with God-making, which violates the contracts of various countries. As long as this evidence is submitted, they have the right to join forces with other countries to try Country R. ——Of course, whether to announce and carry out the thunder attack still needs to be discussed by the upper echelon.

After all, this is a problem that can be derived from the class of the national war.

This time Qin Fan and others returned to the country and divided into several groups. The team led by Qin Fan took care of both bait and knife.

The things in Qin Fan's hands are very important, but he didn't use other people as bait, and took the things back by himself first. He also didn't use himself as a bait to let other people take the thing back, because no one here can protect this thing better than Qin Fan, and nothing is safer than bringing it by himself, so there will be no accidents.

He just so blatantly told Zao Shen that the thing was in his hands, and brought a group of teammates who would affect his ability to be a single soldier king, attracting Zao Shen to send troops to intercept and kill him time and time again.

This kind of behavior of Qin Fan is asking for trouble. The gods can't understand it, and they can't ignore it. They can only hold Qin Fan back by holding Guo Chengxiong and the others. Rao they would never have imagined that Qin Fan and the others were dragged back on purpose, in order to process more god-made products to attract their attention, and at the same time drag their combat power to their side, giving Other departed players bring more vitality.

Are quest items important? important! Do teammates' lives matter? Also important!

Can both be balanced? Do your best! Never regret it!

The soldiers who stood with Qin Fan today, they all knew how dangerous it would be to stand here, and they also knew that they were playing games with their lives. Now that you have already invested your own life, killing one more enemy is a success, making them feel that their lives have more weight and glory!

Qin Fan looked at the recovered men and saw the fearlessness in their eyes. He raised his hand and made a military salute to the corpses on the ground, and then walked away.

The elite special forces behind him did the same thing, and then followed in unison.

Guo Chengxiong walked for a while, and finally couldn't help but leaned over to Qin Fan's side, and asked him for instructions in a low voice, "Chief, the little overlord..."

Hearing what Bai Guangxi said before, what Guo Chengxiong was worried about was not his own safety, nor his whereabouts being exposed, but Bai Guangxi's sentence, "My dear brother also misses you very much, and is waiting in the gods." Your arrival'.

"Do you believe me?" Qin Fan responded to Guo Chengxiong's endless words with a low and hoarse voice.

Not only did they not sleep and eat well these days, so did Qin Fan.

Guo Chengxiong said without hesitation: "Yes, Chief!"

He never doubted Qin Fan's trust. Whether it's his strength, his choice or others.

It's just that this has nothing to do with the possibility that Master Si was caught...

Qin Fan's voice had already sounded, "I believe her."

The man paused and looked up at the sky.

A drop of water fell from the sky, followed by continuous, torrential rain in the blink of an eye.

The rain moistened Qin Fan's dry lips, and his diamond-shaped lips relaxed slightly, and said lightly, "It's the same as you believe in me."

For a while, Guo Chengxiong couldn't say anything, and his always active mind couldn't think of anything, but he felt that his heart was very stable, and it beat as it should be.

On the bottom of the sea, a submarine drifts silently, like a ghost in the dark, without a destination.

Most places in the submarine do not use electricity to save energy consumption. There is only one room that maintains energy consumption all the time, and that is a laboratory with a two-meter-high nutrition chamber.

After more than half a month of hard work, the mixed-race woman in the nutrition warehouse has improved significantly.

She still has a mermaid tail, but her skin looks a lot brighter than before, even her tail, as if an aging dead tree has been nourished by rain and sunshine, and has regained its vitality, which makes people see hope. brilliant.

In addition to Li Lisi, who has never woken up, there are only Sihuang and Luo Susi left here. In order to watch Luo Susi and observe Li Lisi's improvement, Sihuang and Luo Susi even take a rest in this laboratory.

At this moment, Si Huang leaned against the wall, sat on the ground to rest, and covered her body with a thin quilt.

She has been resting in this way for more than half a month.

Because of the presence of Luo Suosi, Si Huang never really allowed herself to fall into a deep sleep, it was just a light sleep, and a small sound could wake her up.

[…] What should have been a quiet night as usual turned out a little differently.

An infrasound wave that normal humans cannot hear, sounded quietly, delicate and weak, as if newborns were not yet good at expressing meaning, but instinctively knew how to spread it out and convey it to the ears of the person they wanted to convey.

In the dim light, Sihuang suddenly opened his eyes. When he just woke up, his eyes were a clear and bottomless mint green, which slowly turned into a mysterious dark green with the owner's mood.

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