Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 968: Warframe Cheng

In the thunder pool, a majestic armor was quickly condensed and formed, and it was similar to the original armor only 50%. The joints, laser cannons, high frequency knives, and other technological attributes, all disappeared.

This is a pure avenue-type battle armor, Chiyan battle armor, showing a pale golden color, brilliant brilliance flashes, the sun is generally dazzling, and it is like a flame burning, ancient atmosphere, extremely dazzling.

Behind the Chiyan Battlegear, there are a pair of flame wings with condensation of scaled armor. The wingspan is more than a foot wide, and the scales are glittering, like a pair of metal wings.

This scaled armor is very similar to Chiyan Dragon's scaled armor, but it is much smaller. It is remelted by Ye Tian and condensed into a pile of wings. There is no sense of disharmony, making the armor look like a piece of armor. The Dragonscale Battlegear bears prestige and domineering side leakage.

Mengyao ’s holy garment is made by Ye Tian imitating the purple phoenix garment of the purple phoenix fairy. This red flame war armor Ye Tian also has a reference. A fire **** and immortal power “vulcan” armor".

Integrating the heart and scale armor of Chiyan Dragonfly, Chiyan Warframe has the attributes of fire, called Chiyan, which is also worthy of the name.

Under the tempering of Lei Chi, there were more flashes of lightning interweaving on it, letting the battle suit exude a sharp and imposing momentum, as if a **** was bred in Lei Chi, causing a heart palpitation.

After a quarter of an hour, the war armor sacrifice was completed, and the final step was to recognize the Lord with blood.

Ye Tian took a drop of innate essence blood from Zhao Tianlong and entered the Chiyan Battlegear. Suddenly, there was a sense between Zhao Tianlong and the Chiyan Battlegear, as if it were a part of the body. sense.

At this moment, Zhao Tianlong was supposed to be happy, but was filled with fear. Because the Chiyan Battlegear was burning with fierce fire, and there was a ray of lightning on it, terrifying to the extreme, he did not dare to wear it.

"Stupid Master, Chiyan Battlegear is your magic weapon. If you are afraid of flames, you can make them disappear!" Su Mengyao reminded.

Zhao Tianlong seemed to react, and suddenly woke up.

"Flame, close!"

With a sip of light, the flames of Chiyan's Battlegear disappeared and blended into the Warframe. The surface of the armor is still shining, it is a shadow of flames, which may spray out at any time and turn into a blaze of fire.

When his mind moved again, the Chiyan Warframe flew out of the thunder pool, and the Leishangang on it also disappeared.

Although the Red Flame Warframe has been tempered by the Thunderchief, it does not have lightning properties. It just makes the Warframe stronger after being tempered.

"Battle armor, possession!"

Zhao Tianlonghu shook his body, overcame the fear in his heart, and shouted.

A golden light flashed, and Chi Yan's Battlegear appeared on his body, the right size, without any discomfort, the golden light was gorgeous and extraordinary.

He was still worried about getting burned, which was pure thought.

Since Chiyan Battlegear is his innate magic weapon, how could he hurt him.

Instead, the Warframe gave him a magical power, a flame power.

It's like Meng Yao's body is fused with Bingwei Shenzhu, awakening the ice-based magical powers. The smelt of the heart and scale armor of Chiyan Dragon Crest in his armor made him awakened by the fire magic.

It's no exaggeration to say that his Firepower is stronger than most Firepower Awakeners on Earth. There is also the fire control technique of the major gates, which is like a chicken and a dog in front of him, which is incomparable.

He is now able to exert the combat power of the God Realm with the practice of the Huajing Master. As long as he is not an old-fashioned god, he has the power of a battle and can even be crushed.

A layer of **** was formed where the Warframe was in contact with his skin, and it was tightly attached to his skin, just like a parasite, as if it existed without any discomfort. It shows that the Warframe and his physical body are integrated into one body, connected by blood, and is his magic weapon.

"I thief!" Ning Haifeng exclaimed, eyes straight.

Everyone else was trembling, and the armor was too martial.

Zhao Tianlong put on the Chiyan Warframe, and his temperament suddenly changed, giving people a sense of majesty, as if the **** of war in the heavens came to the world, full of vitality and marvelous, people could not help but want to worship.

He practiced Taikoo Dragon Elephant Gong, his body was made into steel, and his flesh was like a dragon. He was strong enough to control this armor. If you change to other people, like Ning Haifeng and Wuji Real Life, you can't control it.

If Mengyao's holy clothing represents femininity, his Chiyan Battlegear represents masculinity, and it is the ultimate masculinity.


Suddenly, Zhao Tianlong shook his wings and jumped up, soaring up, light as a bird, flying to the sky,


It was as if a meteor crossed the sky and flew into the atmosphere. The flames of Chiyan actually raised flames, the flames were fierce, and the heat waves billowed.

In the Chiyan Battlegear, Zhao Tianlong did not have a burning sensation.

Chiyan Battlegear has no wings and can only stay in the air for a short time. This is a pity.


He exaggerated and laughed, launched with one palm, and a large flame palm print flew out, printing a striking palm print on the boundary film of the small world.


He punched out another fist, hitting a dragon with flames and Taikoo Dragon Gong, which shocked the small world.

"White tiger, dare you come out for a fight?"

Zhao Tianlong shouted loudly, his body was full of strength, and he wanted to provoke the white tiger and release the energy in his body.


A tiger howling shook the sky, and the white tiger-like deity, which was comparable to an African adult elephant, suddenly leapt to the sky.


The white tiger-like **** opened his mouth, spit out a golden light like a tsunami, spit out from its mouth, and made a metal howling sound, like countless flying swords, whistling away at Zhao Tianlong.

This is the chaos gold chaos, the change of chaos gold body tactics, every strand is like a sword like a sword, cut gold and iron like a rotten wood.

"not good!"

Zhao Tianlong's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart was shocked.

He has become stronger, and White Tiger has also become stronger, a real god-level beast.

"Master Zhao has no weapons, and his fists are hard to beat against the sword!" Wuya real person sighed.

Ye Tian nodded, and also felt that Zhao Tianlong lacked a weapon at his disposal.

With a thought, a black halberd flew out of the ring.

Suddenly, a terrible breath spread over the world.

This black war halberd is like a peerless murderer.

Ye Tian once fought with Zheng Dongao, the East Division master, and this black spear was Zheng Dongao's weapon ~ ~ seized by him.

From the perspective of the earthly world, this war halberd is a very good weapon, and it is not inferior to Xiao Qingtian's dragon gun.

However, the black war halberd and Zhao Tianlong's Chiyan battle armor were not well matched, and Ye Tian had to re-sacrifice it. It just happens that there are some leftovers of Chiyan Dragonskin, which can be blended into the war halberd to give it a flame attribute. Later it can be renamed Chiyan War Halberd, which matches the Chiyan Warframe.

At this time, in the void, Zhao Tianlong retreated, but was swept up by the sword sword that came from the general tsunami.


Jin Ge's symphony sounded through the world, as if numerous swords were split on the armor.

The blazing flames on Chiyan's Battlegear seemed to have been splashed with water and extinguished immediately. Zhao Tianlong was also rolled up and flew out, his body was unstable.


Suddenly, as soon as Bai Hu stepped on his large hoof, Zhao Tianlong was stepped into the dirt.

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