Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 969: Mountain Resort

In the small world of Ye Tianyin, there are deep merits and names, but the outside world is full of legends about him.

The upcoming Dongbei War will not be mentioned for the time being, his return to Tianhai has been known by some people and is causing a stir.

The ordinary people are just talking about after-meal dinner, but the high society is eager to move and compete to meet this great god.

Jiangnan Jiangbei, there were many big guys who offended him, who did not know the true God, and each intestine was regretful. Now he wants to apologize to him. Even if he can't make friends, at least he must turn his gang into a jade.

A few days ago, the youngsters slaughtered several gangsters from the south to the north, which scared the high society and the emperor could not live all day long.

Tianhai ’s Qin family ’s grandfather Qin Yongchang and his younger son Qin Zhicheng were going to entertain Ye Tian at the Fairview Villa. I did n’t know how to get it out, and then a group of big guys in Jiangnan and Jiangbei went crazy and rushed to Tianhai to see this guy. The legendary Jiangnan Ye master, the young demon king, the golden **** of war.

Jinxiu Villa, the top private club in Tianhai City, has changed to the quietness of the past. Luxury cars drive in, not only the local licenses of Tianhai, but also the licenses of brother cities in Jiangnan and Jiangbei, and even vehicles from other provinces. It's like a rally, it's lively.

Fairview Villas requires members to enter on weekdays. Today, in the face of the young devil, the Internet is opened, and guests who are not members can also enter.

It's like last time that Jinxiu Villa was so lively, it was last year. At that time, Fairview Villas secretly held an underground black boxing match. It happened that Qin Qinghan, the pearl of the first family of the first family of Qinhai, also held a birthday party here on the same day. Many people came here.

"Sister Yang, who is this big man to meet today, why are there so many luxury cars in the field? Our richest man in Jianghai Province will not have such a big influence?"

A Toyota Alpha commercial vehicle stopped in the parking lot of Fairview Villa. A beautiful woman wearing a black evening dress with fur on her shoulders came down from the car and looked at the luxury cars from all over the parking lot, wondering You have to ask another woman around you.

"I'm not sure. The boss didn't tell me, just that there is a very important banquet here tonight. There will be many top names out there. Let me take you to it. From the luxury cars in the parking lot, there really is Many top celebrities have appeared, and you will have to perform well when you wait for the meeting. Knowing more people from the upper classes will be of great benefit to your future development. "

Next to the beautiful woman, a fat woman said.

"Well, who are you not, Shirayuki? Hahaha, it's so coincidental that I can't expect to meet a big star here."

Just then, a surprised voice came.

Not far away, I saw a middle-aged and elderly man who had just stepped down from a Rolls-Royce car with the help of a driver. He was looking at the beautiful woman, her eyes widened, and she was amazed by the beauty of the woman.

"Hahaha, yes, yes, your real person is much better-looking than on TV." The middle-aged and elderly man came to the beautiful woman and said with a smile.

He was about half a century old, in a suit and leather, with a big belly, and his hair showed signs of failure.

And that beautiful woman is naturally Bai Xue, coming to a feast. She painted exquisite makeup, dressed in a decent evening dress, and looked beautiful and beautiful.

The fat girl next to her is her agent, Sister Yang.

The big boss didn't hide his face, walked to Bai Xue, gave her a business card, and then walked away. However, before he left, he glanced a little, and smiled vaguely, without knowing the meaning.

"This person is good. The owner of a real estate company, Tianhai City has real estate developed by their company. Business cards can be kept."

Agent Yang took a look at the business card and put it in the bag.

Bai Xue shook her head helplessly, and seemed to be a little disgusted.

How savvy Yang Sister was, when she saw Bai Xue's reaction, the box opened and said:

"Bai Xue, don't blame my sister for saying you, since you come to this occasion, don't hold the shelf anymore. This occasion is rare. There are so many entertainers in the company, and the boss chose you, indicating that you are important to you. Tonight Be good at it, give yourself glory, and give your boss a long face. "

"Also, the young master will come tonight. When he sees him, he apologizes to everyone. Even if he played the young master's bodyguard, your friend is really brave. I advise you to deal with such people in the future, it will hurt It's yours. "

"I tell you, don't think you're famous, you can do whatever you want. As long as you take the wrong step, someone can replace you. Compared to those real front-line stars, you are nothing at all."


Sister Yang talked wryly, and Bai Xue heard the cocoon in her ears. She promised as she walked away, her face unhappy.

Although she knew that Sister Yang was doing good for her, there were some practices that made her very disgusted. She had gone astray, and now she just wanted to be upright and upright.

However, after entering the entertainment industry for the first time, she is still a newcomer, without a backstage, even if she has dissatisfaction in her heart, she dare not raise it.

Just then, a cool yellow Lamborghini supercar entered the parking lot, separated from Bai Xue by a row of cars, and stopped in a parking space.

Seeing this car, Sister Yang's eyes widened sharply and said, "Master's car, it's Master. Here's a coincidence, Bai Xue, hurry up with me and apologize to Master."

Bai Xue reluctantly, but was dragged by Yang Yang.

However, within a few steps, Sister Yang stopped suddenly, her eyes widened and rounded, almost staring out, staring at a beautiful woman coming down from the front passenger seat of Lamborghini, all surprised. Color.

This woman has a beauty that is not inferior to Bai Xue ~ ~ also dressed in a decent evening dress, wearing fur, stepping on high heels, a devil-like figure with undulating undulations, raising her hands and feet, various styles, **** and charming, very charming Temptation.

This is a peerless product!

In the driver's seat, a handsome young man also came down, wearing a brand-name, slender figure, handsome, and a high-handed handsome, is the son of Huahai Entertainment boss Zhao Donghai, Zhao Zhenghao, the master of everyone's mouth. He has been studying abroad and has only recently returned.

After getting out of the car, the beautiful woman naturally held Zhao Zhenghao's arm, left the parking lot together, and walked to the place where the banquet was held.

"Li Miner, why did she come? And when did she hook up with the young master?" Sister Yang stared at the beautiful woman, murmured in her mouth, and looked shocked.

If Ye Tian were here, he could recognize this beautiful woman at first glance, it was Li Miner who was affiliated with the Han and Jin family. Can't continue in Hanjing, she has now returned to China to develop and signed the same company with Bai Xue.

(There was a typo in the previous chapter. I forgot to delete a wrong sentence. Chiyan Battlegear has wings)

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