Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1022: Nuclear weapon

"It shouldn't be long here. I think you should leave first and join us!" Long Xiaoyun persuaded Zhao Tianlong and Su Mengyao.

Dong Yan's army appeared and expelled the onlookers. In a short period of time, people had gone seven or eight.

The situation was stronger than others. Long Xiaoyun was about to leave, persuading Ye Tian's two apprentices to leave.

"No, I can't leave. The teacher is still here. I want to go back with him."

Meng Yao was unwilling to leave, looking up and looking anxiously.

At this time, the snow was getting heavier and the wind was getting fiercer and fierce. There was nothing in the sky between the sky and the earth.

Meng Yao operated her eyesight and looked far away. She only faintly saw a cloud in the void. The night field in which Barov showed her, she had no knowledge of the fighting inside.

"You can go, but they want to stay."

Suddenly, a thunderous voice came, seeming to be giving orders, and the voice contained an irreversible will, with anger and murderous intention.

It was Fujita Masao, who was walking with a group of Kamikaze men, majestic and arrogant, and trampled the ground, making them aggressive.

There was also a man in military uniform walking along with Fujita Mayo, carrying three stars on his shoulders, and he was a general.

The Samsung general also brought a group of soldiers behind him. All of them were elite soldiers armed with teeth. They were tall and mighty, with some guns in their hands, some with rocket launchers in their shoulders, and even several infantry chariots following. Each infantry fighting vehicle carries a heavy machine gun, and the black hole muzzle thicker than an adult's thumb can spit out thousands of bullets in minutes, and ghosts and gods have to avoid it.

Fujita Mayo was talking to Long Xiaoyun, allowing several people to leave, but Mengyao and Zhao Tianlong could not leave.

In today's war, Dong Yan lost a lot of money. Abe Shengming, Ishino Yasuhiro, Watanabe Watanabe, the three great gods died. Among them, Amber Shengming even broke through the wonderland before his death, making the whole planet look amazing.

And Ishino Yasuhiro is the master of Fujita Mayo and has a close relationship.

Meng Yao and Zhao Tianlong are apprentices of Ye Tian. At this moment, it is impossible to say that in the eyes of the Shenfeng Policemen, it is the eyes of all the people of Dongyu.

"The young demon king slaughtered Zhongdong Liang, and his sins were extremely wicked. As his disciples, you have no excuse for your sins, so you arrest me!"

As soon as the voice of Fujita Makoto fell, the policemen were about to move, stepping out, close to Mengyao and Zhao Tianlong.

"I see who dares to touch me and sister!"

In the hands of Zhao Tianlong, the Chiyan war halberd trembled suddenly, bringing up a blaze of fire, his eyes widening like a copper bell, fierce evil.


Bai Hu opened his mouth wide and gave out a thunderous roar. It seemed to have performed a kind of sonic magic, deafening and trembling, which could almost shatter human soul.


A Kamikaze soldier frightened his legs and feet, fell to the ground, and all seven tricks were bleeding.

The other kamikazes were frightened, their heads were buzzing, and they were like a ball of paste. They were all cold-hearted. Where did they dare to start with Mengyao?

"A beast is born, and dare to fight!" Fujita really drank.

A sword behind his back slammed the sheath, and the knife slashed at the white tiger.


One blade splits, one blade splits into six, and the void is cut open.

Flying six cuts!

As soon as he shot, he hit the highest blow he could.

"Blast me that bird."

The general Samsung suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Suzaku hovering in the air.

boom! boom! boom!

beep! beep! beep!

Immediately, the guns rang out, and the shells poured out of Suzaku like raindrops.

I saw that the white tiger burst his eyes with spurts, opened his mouth, and uttered a lot of chaotic golden air from his mouth, like countless sharp swords, and suddenly the Fujita Masao's flying six-knife smashed away.

A hilltop was innocently affected by the chaotic golden air of the White Tiger, and was punctured with scars and holes, almost bursting.


Fujita's sword was not spared.

White Tiger just shouted, it was overbearing!

What a terrible fierce power this is, even the ancient beasts!

The Suzaku-style **** is also fierce. In the face of the bullet rain, he does not dodge and avoids, his wings flap, and he brings up a flame storm. The rain-like guns and cannonballs flew by the fire storm, or melted, before approaching its body.

Ahhhh ...

A scream came out.

As the flame storm passed, even the rocks melted into magma, and the shadows disappeared.

Both the White Tiger and the Suzaku-style gods now have the level of divine realm, and how terrible they are.

Zhao Tianlong and Su Mengyao, wearing battle armor, can also exert their combat power in the Divine Realm. How easy is it to deal with it.

However, the East Horde army was under pressure and various war killers appeared, which was really horrible.

The White Tiger and Suzaku completely angered the Dongying military, and a besiege battle may begin at any time.

Really, it is not as simple as a small gun or cannon, but a tank cannon is launched, or the **** state does not dare to face the edge.

However, at this moment, a sudden change in the upheaval disrupted the layout of the East's military siege, making Su Mengyao and Zhao Tianlong also chaotic.

In a void on the sea, a dazzling light suddenly lit up the dim sky and earth.

This light is so bright and so dazzling that it is ten thousand times brighter than the sun. I don't know how many people's eyes are suddenly blinded, white, and nothing can be seen.

Then came a loud noise, which shook the mountain in shock. I don't know how many people's eardrums were punctured and buzzed, and they couldn't hear anything and became deaf.

Then a huge mushroom cloud vacated, like a super volcano erupting, sweeping ten miles of sky, straight into the 10,000-meter sky.

"Fusion, nuclear weapons!"

On a hill ~ ~ Xiao Qingtian's pupils shrank sharply, and her heart was horrified to the extreme.

He never imagined that in the broad daylight, in the eyes of all eyes, the great empire of the world dared to use nuclear weapons.

East Rim has no nuclear weapons, and it may only have been launched by the great empire, and only the great empire has this courage.

Judging from the huge mushroom cloud erupting, it is at least one million tons equivalent of fusion nuclear weapons.

Compared with fission nuclear weapons, fusion nuclear weapons are more environmentally friendly, and they must be cruel. At the center of the explosion, high temperatures of tens of millions of degrees can be formed. Any substance can be gasified and no living body can survive.

The blazing light was too dazzling, Xiao Qingtian was an old-fashioned divine realm with extraordinary eyesight. He had to squint his eyes, cover his eyes with his hands, and peep through his fingers.

He saw a mushroom cloud rising from mid-air, just below the night field of Barov. The mushroom cloud grows rapidly, swallowing up the entire field with just one finger.

"Well, is that?"

Suddenly, with a stare in his eyes, he saw a figure burst out of the realm as soon as the mushroom cloud was going to devour the nightly realm.

"Blood King!"

The figure was carrying two huge bat wings, and he recognized the blood king at a glance.

"Ahhhh!" The blood king screamed, his face bleak, and he struggled to flap his wings.

Although Mushroom Cloud hasn't devoured him, the radiated light and heat have wrapped him up, terrible, hot, and the whole void is also shaking, the sound boom is roaring, he ca n’t fly at all, even supersonic Somewhat difficult.

Xiao Qingtian saw with his own eyes that he had flew less than a hundred meters away, and the bat wings burst into flames, and then the whole person was swallowed up by the mushroom cloud and never came out again.

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