Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1023: Global shock


Near East Sea, a fusion nuclear weapon detonated, and a huge mushroom cloud took off, shocking the world!

For many years, nuclear weapons only existed on the screen. In the memory of the world, never thought that one day they would really be seen as a weapon of war.

The shocking confrontation between the young demon king and Amber Shengming, as well as the subsequent battles with the Digital Supreme Realm, through live broadcast, I do not know how many people around the world are watching.

That huge mushroom cloud was also seen by hundreds of millions of people.

Time is up, the world is terrifying, and everyone is calm!

"It's a huge mushroom cloud, it's so intensely bright, at least it must be a fusion nuclear weapon with a million-ton equivalent."

"It's the great empire in the world, it must be the great empire in the world, it's too shameless. In order to kill someone, they used nuclear weapons."

"It's not just killing one person, it's killing several people, all of them are Supreme Divine Realms, the most powerful men in the world."

"Although I don't like the young demon king, but I also disagree with the desolate behavior of the great empire in the world, which is too much!"

"How do I think this is a pit dug by the great empire of the world? It is necessary to wipe out all the supreme divine realms in the world."

"I feel the same way. After this battle, there are no more people in this world who can threaten the great empire."

"The great empire of the world was too arrogant and overbearing. It was lawless and has no bottom line. Who can manage it? It would be best to erase it from this planet and return the world to a glorious future."

"My dear, you have created a big problem for the world! When the great empire of the world was overwhelming the world, showing its sharp edge, who would dare to defy it, besides the young devil?"

"So, is it impossible for the young devil to be alive?"

"It is absolutely impossible, but that is the center point of a nuclear explosion. The high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, even if the Transformers can't hold it for a second, will be gasified. The young devil is now a molecule."

"Hey, why are dogs long-lived, and heroes have always been short-lived? God, blind your dog's eyes!"


There was an uproar on the Internet, full of verbal whispers to the great empire in the world, and deep mourning to the young devil.

I have to admit that the great empire used nuclear weapons to commit anger.

When the Great Empire operated in this way, it was possible to use whatever means to achieve its purpose. The ugly face was exposed, and it also set off the greatness of the young devil, attracted a large number of fans, and many people turned black.

As Ye Tian and the decisive battles of several Supreme Divine Realms are unknown to outsiders, the deaths of several Supreme Divine Realms are naturally counted in the head of the great empire of the world.

However, there are also a few voices that support the great empire.

"No thunderbolt, no bodhisattva's heart. The nuclear war slaughtering demon, the great empire of the world did a good job."

"I just want to say that the great empire of the world should have done this long ago. Look at the world, what the scourge of the young demon king looks like.

"Although several Supreme Divine Realms have been killed by accident, those who have achieved great successes are informal. Several Supreme Divine Realms have also contributed to the peace of humanity and died well."

"The great empire of the world is the mainstay of this world, the hope of the future. Hope that the great empire of the world will unify the world one day, so that we foreigners can also bathe in the glory of the empire and thrive."


Huaguo Yancheng, a female dormitory in Yan University.

Qin Qinghan sat in front of the computer and looked at the huge mushroom cloud that was still rising in the live broadcast. His face was pale and bloodless, and his head was dizzy.

"Why is this happening?"

He just sat there stunned, with a movie in his mind, scenes of the past appearing, muttering to himself, sadness was so extreme that he couldn't even shed a tear,

Tianhai, Dongshan villa.

Gu Xiaoman's reaction was similar. The whole man was stunned, as if his soul had been hollowed out, leaving only a body.


Ning Xiaoyu, who has always been heartless and heartless, can't calm down at this moment, with a sad look on his face.

Bai Xue sits silently, tingling in her heart.

"Relax, Xiaotian is not an ordinary person, and nothing will happen." Ning Haifeng forced to calm down and comforted the three women. But he had a weak tone, clearly lacking in confidence, and he probably did not believe what he said.

After all, that is more than a million tons of equivalent fusion nuclear weapons. It can crush a city to the ground, far from being comparable to tanks and cannons and various missiles.

"Grandpa, look!"

Ye Lang suddenly pointed at a mushroom cloud on the distant sea and shouted to Grandpa.

At this point they had left the decisive battle scene, but did not go far.

Ye Changqing looked up, and suddenly his face was ashamed.

"Dammit Dong Dong, even dared to launch nuclear weapons." Ye Wenhua yelled loudly.

"It's not Dongying, it's the great empire of the world." Ye Changqing corrected, looking sad.

But I don't know, Dong Xuan is also filled with anger at this moment. They have just lost a ground fairy, and now they are about to lose another half-step ground fairy, Miyamoto Old Sword Master.

Either of these two is enough to raise Dongzhao's status in the international community and affect the entire world, but all have fallen.

Tokyo, the Supreme Authority's mansion.


The sound of a cup thunder suddenly broke out in the Prime Minister's office.

"Too much. Why didn't I be notified when the nuclear weapons were launched in my East Rim? Why did my East Razor's old sword saber kill one piece? Call me overseas, and I want to talk to the other side of the ocean!"

Immediately, the angry voice of the Prime Minister came.

"Sir Prime Minister, nobody answers."


On a hill near the coast, an old man in white robe stood with a solemn expression, his head was scattered with silver, and he held a black scepter in his hand. One end of the scepter was inlaid with a yellow spar, shining with a cold light, and several figures appeared in it. It was Ye Tian and the Supreme Divine Realm who appeared in the field of eternal night.

"Juvenile Demon, I don't believe you can survive." Looking at the mushroom cloud in the void ~ ~ Barov murmured to himself.

The yellow spar on the scepter in his hand had the function of leaving a picture, and Ye Tian and the scenes of several Supreme Divine Wars were recorded.

Divine Knight, Oriental Crane, Augris, these three Supreme Divine Realms died in the hands of Ye Tian. As long as he published these images, some rumors could be broken.

Even, he can make a little trick and forge an image to make the world believe that the blood king and Miyamoto Taro also died in the hands of Ye Tian.

Therefore, this nuclear weapon of the empire was only aimed at the young demon king, without killing anyone by mistake.

Although he believes that under the nuclear force, the young demon king will definitely die, but just in case, an aircraft carrier battle group of the empire is stepping up vigilance, and tens of thousands of soldiers on the coast are also vigilant.

Now I do n’t know how many muzzles, how many missiles, how many radars are aimed at the mushroom cloud. Any figure rushing out of it is the target of the strike.

After all, the last time in the Arctic Oasis, the empire had used nuclear weapons once, but it failed to kill the young demon king. We must not repeat the mistake this time.

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