Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1041: Penglai Temple

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Ye Tian left Tiannv Cave, and once again stood up in the void, looking around, beautiful mountains peaked into the eyes, towering into the clouds, covered with vegetation, and verdant.

The mountains are surrounded by haze all the year round, and many ancient woods are scary. The thickest ones are as thick as houses. The lush foliage can cover an entire mountain.

Penglaixian Island is very large, with a radius of 100 kilometers. Not only are there mountains but also fertile plains.

As you can see, on the plain, the vegetation grows wild, the fruits and flowers are fragrant, the Qi flowers are blooming, the rivers meander through, and the lakes are quiet like sapphires, dotted with birds in the sky and beasts in the ground ...

In short, this is an extraordinary pure land that satisfies all the fantasy of wonderland in the world. It is hard to find a second place in the world.

Penglai Xiandao has a spirit vein underground and is self-contained. Although the heaven and earth are exhausted, it is not completely affected here, and still maintains many ancient times.

However, with the depletion of the underground spirit veins, the appearance of this ancient era is constantly degrading. Maybe hundreds of years, thousands of years ago, everyone is here.

The exhaustion of the heavens and the earth is a general trend. It cannot be said that an island in Penglaixian Island is a small Kunlun world comparable to a continental mass, and it is always affected.

Since ancient times, the world has only known that the heaven and earth have dried up, but they do not know why.

In fact, few people think about this problem, even in the Daomen.

It seems that this is a natural phenomenon, similar to environmental degradation, or related to the cyclical change of the earth's environment. It is beyond human control and there is nothing to explore and think about.

Even Ye Tian initially thought so. But now, standing on Penglaixian Island, he faintly feels that the problem is not so simple, and there may be some inside information.

It is certain that the earth in ancient times was rich in aura and suitable for spiritual practice. It is a mature ancient star of immortality. The earth immortal is like rain. Jindan is not in the minority, and may even have a Yuan infant.

A mature Xiuxian ancient star, the heaven and earth aura will maintain a balance, it will not be so easily exhausted, even if the environment is degraded, even if the climate changes periodically.

Now the aura of the earth seems to be sucked away and disappears completely.

From Ye Tian's point of view, the earth has become a complete waste star. Unless the world reopens, there is no possibility of recovery.

"Aura was taken away ...?"

Thinking of this, Ye Tian suddenly hesitated in his heart, and came out with a bold guess.

This speculation is terrible, but it is very likely to explain the current situation.

However, Ye Tian didn't think deeply, and his body moved, flying towards a green mountain.

His eyesight was extraordinary, whether it was covered by haze, or he saw many high halls standing on the top of the mountain, some of which had collapsed, but were very ruined.

"I said, a huge island that has lived with so many powerful cultivators, how could there be no temple, it was all here." Ye Tianxin said.

He walked in the air, and soon came to the mountain gate.

Miyamoto naturally followed him, lagging behind a few steps, unconsciously leaning on his waist, a little old-fashioned, a little old-fashioned.

His face was still hard to see. Obviously, the depressed mood was not diverted, and there was still resentment against Ye Tian in his heart.

However, when he came to this high hall, he suddenly came to his spirits, his eyes widened, and his expression of surprise overflowed.

In fact, not only him, but even Ye Tian's eyes were a little bright.

The terrain here is extraordinary. Nine green mountains form a circle, each towering into the clouds, and one mountain is higher than the other. From a distance, it looks like a prone dragon is connected end to end.

In the middle of the nine mountain peaks, there is a large lake, blue waves and acres, misty water, bottomless, bright like a pearl.

The lake overflowed, and there were one mouth on each of the nine mountain peaks, forming nine silver waterfalls, which fell down and were white and very spectacular.

Seen from a distance, these nine waterfalls are like nine dragons.

A big dragon and nine small dragons symbolize the dragon and the nine sons. This is the real place where dragons rise. It is rare in the world.

No wonder Ye Tian and Taro Miyamoto would be surprised.

Palaces lined every mountain peak, but many fell.

The stone trails leading to the hills are overgrown with thorns and thorns, and can no longer be pedestrians.

That's it. The scenery here is still spectacular, like a painting, it is fascinating.


As soon as Ye Tian and Taro Miyamoto approached here, a lion roar came over, shaking the world.

It was Huoyun Lion, standing on the top of the highest mountain, roaring loudly, his hair exploded, and the copper bells that nearly spewed fire were full of hostility.


Then there was a loud bird song, like Hong Zhong Daluo, deafening.

The black-scale eagle fluttered its wings and hovered over a large lake in the middle of nine mountain peaks, warning the two nearby.

It seems that they are the guardians here, dutifully guarding all outsiders.

"Guarding the mountain beast?" Takamiya Miyamoto squinted and made a guess ~ ~ No wonder he was so hostile to the two beasts and beasts when he first arrived on the island.

Ye Tian saw two fierce birds and beasts like nothing, came out of the air, and fell on the edge of a large lake in the mountains.

Huoyun Lion and Blackscale Eagle are very excited, but they have just seen Ye Tian's methods, and they can't help but yell and stare.

Although there are palaces on the nine mountain peaks, Ye Tian's attention was first focused on an island in the Great Lake. The island is not very large, but there is a magnificent palace built on it, which has a total of nine floors and is towering.

The palace was tilted, but it did not collapse and was very strong.

If you look closely, you will find that the palace's whole body jade material, carved beams and painted buildings, can really be called Qionglou Yuyu.

On the first floor of the palace, there is a plaque hanging on the lintel, and the four letters are written:

Penglai Temple

Amazingly, this palace is the core of the entire palace, and the most organ is located.

"Strange, how did this island float on the lake?" Taro Miyamoto said suddenly, and found the island's unusual place, not rooted at the bottom of the lake, but floating like a boat in the lake.

"Because this is a floating island!" Ye Tian smiled lightly, suddenly took a step, walked towards the island in the center of the lake, and stepped on the sparkling lake surface, such as flat ground.

"Floating island?" Takamiya Miyamoto froze suddenly and suddenly realized.

Many large arrays must have been laid on this island, and many lines have been engraved to allow the island to stand in the air. However, as the years passed, the large array was broken and the mana was unsupported, and the island fell.

The island is suspended, and the palace is called Penglai Tiangong, which is also worthy of the name.

Although Sheng Jing was absent, Taro Miyamoto could vaguely outline the wonderful scenery in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel ups and downs, and was so emotional that he could not be born in that era and became one of the Penglai Baixian.

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