Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1042: Ascend the island

"Foreigners, stop quickly. This is a place of immortality, which you can't set foot on."

The black-scale eagle snarled and spoke to Ye Tianshen.

This is a spirit bird with a high IQ and knows how to communicate with humans.

It knew that it was not Ye Tian's opponent, and he did not take the initiative to attack, but was waiting for the opportunity.

"Immortal earth? I only saw a ruin, and two fierce beasts and beasts." Ye Tian said with a smile, carrying his hands, walking on the lake, very kind, and able to pass on his voice to the black-scale eagle. No surprise at all.

"I read that you just helped me and kindly advised you. Humans, don't you know how to deal with it? This fairy land is not something you can set foot on and dye your fingers. Carefully fall here and become your burial ground." The Blackscale Eagle spoke again, sounding a little sincere.

Boom boom!

It hovered above the lake, two huge wings fanned, rolled up a wave of storms, set off waves on the lake surface, hindering Ye Tian's progress.

"Humans, it's enough!"

Huoyun Lion also jumped down from the top of the mountain. A vertical leap is hundreds of feet, like a fire meteor, fierce and imposing.

"Two beasts are so restless. Give me a break, otherwise you will split you one by one." Miyamoto yelled, and the murderer was suddenly held in his hands, swallowing blood all over, the whole Human momentum suddenly changed, his eyes were fierce, and he became the strong and brutal Taro Miyamoto before.

"Master, let me help you explore the way. I'm afraid there will be some restrictions on this island, and it will be dangerous."

He said to Ye Tian that he took the initiative to call for action.

"Go!" Ye Tianhui smiled and gave him a chance to perform, although he knew Xiao Jiu Jiu was in his heart, trying to find a secret treasure in Penglai Temple.

The Penglai Tiangong has nine floors, magnificent and magnificent. The whole body is made of jade material, carved beams and painted buildings, and heavy eaves bucket arches. It can really be called Qionglou Yuyu.

The tall base is clearly carved from a piece of superb black iron jade, giving people a sense of heaviness, more calm than the mountains.

The materials on each layer above are different, but they are all extremely precious spirit stone jade materials. They are exquisite and clear, colorful and dazzling. There are silver essence jade smelted with Da Luo silver essence. Earth lung fire fine jade, there are frozen ice jade that condenses eternal cold ice, and so on.

Each type of jade and spiritual material is extremely rare. It is placed in modern society, and the small fingernails are large and difficult to change.

The spiritual materials are born from the collection of heaven and earth, and the spiritual energy declines and exhausts, and the spiritual materials will gradually degenerate and eventually become mortal.

Therefore, these jade spirits are no longer visible in the world.

There is nothing in the hollow of Penglai Tiangong. The nine-story palace alone is a priceless gem!

However, this heavenly palace is blessed by countless arrays, and it has countless prohibitions. It is not easy to take it away, and even it is in danger of death.

"If these jade spiritual materials are all from the earth, then the earth in ancient times should be a great place for cultivation of immortals, so they can be bred. Among the many cultivation planets I have seen in my previous life, they can enter the third class. There is more to the bottom than more to the bottom. "Ye Tian thought in his heart, and he had a deeper understanding of the earth in ancient times.

"The third-rate Xiuxian planet, Tiandao is at the level of Yuanying. It can give birth to only a small number. Because the more the number of Yuanying, the more powerful Tiandao will be. Unless the old Yuanying falls, a new Yuanying will be born. It will be easier. Penglai Xiandao has only the spiritual imprint of the Jin Dan strong. It seems that among the schools of ancient earth, it can only belong to the second-class. I do n’t know which school was born in the ancient times. Where is it? "

Seeing autumn leaves and knowing autumn, Ye Tian thought of Penglai Tiangong and thought of a lot.

He is really more and more interested in the earth in the ancient times of the immortality. There are many mysteries waiting for him to solve.


Just as Ye Tian was thinking, Taro Miyamoto held both hands with a knife and slashed with a slash. The sword was long and slender, dividing the river and the sea. A channel was opened in the big wave lake lifted by the wings of the black-scale eagle, leading to the Penglai Temple The standing island is nearby.

Then, he swiftly moved towards the small island in the center of the lake.

The island is a beautiful mountain peak intercepted. The mountains are magnificent and magnificent. The Penglai Tiangong is located on the top of the mountain. It is surrounded by flowers and flowers, all flowers are shining, and all the petals are shining. Colorful, fragrant, bursts of haze.

This is a pure land in a pure land, condensing the general situation of the whole island, and the spiritual charm is the most prosperous.

"Damn humans, what do you want to do, stop!" The black-scale eagle sent a voice to God, and rebuked Taro Miyamoto.

Then, it fluttered its wings, and more than ten scale feathers flew out. It was several feet long, black and bright, harder than steel, and sharper than the blade. It was clearly a sharp sword with a handle, tearing the void, and sending out a burst. Through the sound of the golden crack stone, the killer shocked the world and stabbed Taro Miyamoto.

The scale feather is a sword. This is a big killing trick of the black scale eagle.

"Old goods, see my Wanjian return to the ancestors, and pierce you into a hedgehog."

Miyamoto Taro was furious and said, "You dead bird, wait for me. I will take out all the feathers on your body and roast them."

Uh ...

There was a sword scream in the void, ringing in the sky, more than a dozen flying sword-like feathers had not yet arrived, but the bitter murderousness had wrapped Taro Miyamoto.

His old man was not afraid. The black-scale eagle was the defeat of his men. If it was not Ye Tian's rescue, the black-scale eagle might have been killed by him or taken as a mount.


The killing blade force splits again, and a thousand swords emerge out of the sky, sharp and unmatched, like a dragon, destroying and dying, as if it can split the sky.


Thousands of swords and feathers crumbled, and more than a dozen scale feathers collapsed.

"Old goods, watch me burn you into roast suckling pigs."

The Huoyun Lion's voice was also a bit naughty.

It opened its mouth, and a blaze of flames swept over Taro Miyamoto, crackling, and the void was scorched open.

Miyamoto Taro didn't even look at Huoyunshi ~ ~ they stomped, the lake boiled, and a water wall greeted it like a tsunami.

"I am also waiting for you, the golden retriever, to have your skin cramped."

In the sound of anger, Taro Miyamoto rushed to the front of the small island in the center of the lake, and he was about to go ashore in a hurry.

But at this moment, the entire island and the nine-story Tiangong above were shaken violently, and a series of bursts emerged, and a dense array of mansions burst out and split in the same direction.

There are thousands of ways to kill mansions, and each one is as thick as a war spear, thousands of times stronger than the scale feathers of the black-scale eagle, and overwhelms Taro Miyamoto below.


Miyamoto Taro waved his killing blade and smashed into a killing man, but was almost blown out.

"Dammit, is this the immortal warrior?" Takamiya Miyamoto's pupils shrank, and the spine blew out in a horror.

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