Just when Meng Yao Fei jumped into the cliff, the extremely handsome man in a black metal suit shot.

He lifted his right palm, slammed into the sky, and the metallic luster shone, and a dark metal chain flew out of the sleeve gun.

Meng Yao only listened to the sound of a clattering chain behind her, her body floating, but before she could sink, her ankle was entangled.

"I never beat a woman, it's rude this time." In the voice of magnetic words, the man in the metal suit quickly gathered up the chain and dragged Meng Yao towards the shore. Pang Junlang looked sorry, but a little bit sorry. Contempt and ridicule.

He has great strength, and Meng Yao is hung in the air, unable to resist at all, just like a kite, he is dragged away.

"Don't you fight, or are you reluctant to fight?" The ice queen Polina Jiao smiled, her voice gentle and ethereal, confusing.

She was wearing an ice-blue long dress with a graceful figure, her skin was white, her hair was crystal clear, and she was surrounded by the cold ice and snow all the time, accompanied by snowflakes, but she smiled like a spring breeze, as if brilliant Into the world.

This is a strange woman. Compared with her fascinating ice and snow ability, her gorgeous beauty is more likely to make a deep impression and memorable.


Meng Yao responded quickly, and when pulled away by the chain, he chopped it off and cut the chain. But under inertia, she still rushed ashore.

The man in the metal suit first stunned and smiled immediately, saying: "Sweetheart, don't make trouble, won't you catch it when you're in trouble? Would you like me to tie you into dumplings before you give up?"

The joke's words just fell, and the men's sleeved guns in metal suits waved again, and several chains flew out, flashing the cold cold light, like a spirit snake dancing in the sky, making people dazzled.

Bang Bang Bang!

In the dense air explosion, several metal chains criss-cross and criss-cross the shadows of the heavy chains. The sensation kills the world, winding and whipping at Meng Yao.

This time, he gave a hard hand, no longer pity Xiangxixiyu.

"You never want to catch me!" Meng Yaojiao drank.

Her eyes widened, her silk fluttered, her body was stabilized at a rapid speed in mid-air, like a breeze, the knife resembled a moving cloud, and the white clothes fluttered. The whole person looked like a fairy flying outside the world. As fast as electric flint, he avoided the heavy chain shadow dexterously and cut the handsome man with a knife.

"Hua Guo's martial arts? Interesting." The ice queen Polina narrowed her eyes and chuckled lightly.

"This is not ordinary martial arts, it is a kind of light exercise. I have watched the fight video of the young demon king and used the same form. The body is like a floating light and shadow, disillusioned, and has a flash electrode speed. Although she is still far away Can't compare with the young demon king, but also learned a little bit of fire. Don't care, you help, help Il. "Nicholas, the captain of the violent bear team said with a frown.

At this time, in the field, the face of the man in the metal suit named Il changed wildly, apparently shocked by Meng Yao's fascinating physique and strong attack power.

He finally put away the cynicism and looked unprecedentedly serious, pulling out a short knife from his waist.

At this time, facing his direction, Meng Yao was condescending, struggling with all his strength and fighting spirit, and struck down.

It was at this moment that the girl was completely exploded, unprecedentedly strong, recklessly struggling.

Someone wants to frame her teacher, and she will never allow it, even if she takes her own life, she must fight it.

Because of too much force, her pretty face was a little bit ugly, and her eyes were full of anger.


Above the blade, between the thunder and thunder of purple electricity, an illusory purple phoenix bird rose from the blade.

Then, with Meng Yao slashing out with a knife, a ten-foot-long purple phoenix, tearing the sky and smashing the void, flew to the metal armor man Il.

Click, click!

Several chains block the road, all of which are made of superalloy materials, which are comparable in strength to the thick steel wire rope of the arm of the suspension bridge.

The Purple Electric Yin Thunder Knife is ten feet high from the ground, but wherever the Purple Phoenix bird passes, it cuts off the sharp knife gas and cuts the mountain and stone ground below, like a hot knife cutting butter A long and narrow crack of more than a foot, spread quickly in the direction of Il.

Purple Phoenix Nine Cuts, this is the first time to manifest Purple Phoenix, and even Meng Yao was shocked.

With this knife, she devoted all her energy and fighting spirit to manifest the Purple Phoenix.

With this knife alone, a steel warship with a displacement of several thousand tons can definitely be cut in two, and the hill of 100 meters can be easily cut to the ground.

Il was so stupid that he held a short knife in his hand and didn't know how to deal with it for a while. He was shrouded by invisible swords all over his body, and the pressure was so great that he could not escape.

"Yes, it is worthy of being a disciple of the young devil."

The ice queen Polina exclaimed and smiled: "However, with these alone, you can't get rid of it today!"

During the talk, she suddenly burst out of the whole body, a bright ice blue cold light, a powerful momentum rose rapidly.

Then she stretched out her right hand, and her slender white jade fingers tremble gently, her fingertips gleaming brightly, and her frosty turbulence suddenly burst into five ice blue rays.

Among them, the ice-blue ray emitted by the thumb burst into the direction of Meng Yao, and the position of the eyebrow was extremely vicious.

The ice-blue rays exploded by the remaining four fingers blasted towards the Purple Phoenix Blade Qi.

咻咻 咻!

The five ice blue rays passed by, and all the storms, ice and cold around them were absorbed in a flash. The five ice blue rays transformed into five ice blue war spears. Although they were only the size of chopsticks, they were as fast as lightning. , Through the void, pulled out a long phantom, the attack power is absolutely amazing.

Meng Yao didn't dare to neglect, he quickly fled to avoid, and at the same time withdrew the Zidian Yin Thunder Knife, traversing towards an ice-blue war spear.


In the popping sound of wearing gold cracked stone, a chopstick-long ice blue war spear collided with the blade of the purple electric Yin Thunder Knife. A tyrant shock wave, accompanied by the ice blue cold light, erupted from the knife body and spread around.

Meng Yao's body flew out, the tiger's mouth burst into bleeding, his entire arm was weak, and the sword almost came out.

At the same time, the other four ice-blue war spears and Zihuang Daoqi confronted each other, losing the support of Zidian Yin Thunderblade. Zihuang Daoqi continued to be weak, and it instantly shattered.

However, the broken purple phoenix was still terrible, and it vaguely showed the shape of the purple phoenix, rubbing his shoulders with the man in the metal suit, not only torn the whole suit of the right arm, but also a large piece of flesh. ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Silver bones can be seen under Yin Hong's blood.

Yes, his bones are silver, not only shining metallic color, but also metallic texture.

His body has been strengthened and has reinforced iron bones.

In the bear team, he also has a nickname, the steel skeleton.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you." He roared angrily, but clenched his fists, lightning flashed out, slamming toward Mengyao flying out.

"Be careful!" The Queen of Snow suddenly reminded loudly, and slapped Yi at the same time.

A icy blue palm print broke the sky and flew out of Il at once.


At the moment when Il flew out, a scorching golden light flew over the remnant of Il which had not completely disappeared, and hit the rocky ground next to it, bursting a bottomless hole, Crimson magma spouted more than tens of meters high.

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