Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1186: Calf protection

"Mad, who dare to attack me?"

Watching the magma spew out a small hole more than ten meters high, the man in the metal suit, Il, burst into the corner of his eyes, his scalp tingled, and shouted loudly.

Even though his body and bones have been strengthened, he has reinforced iron bones, and his flesh can shake the tank hard, but if he is hit by this burning golden light, there is no chance of survival, and his flesh will be torn.

This is a lore, a death blow, and the ice queen Polina saved his life.

From his perspective, this golden light may be a thermal weapon. It has terrible kinetic energy in addition to the terrifying thermal energy. It easily penetrates the rock and melts the rock, so an "magma fountain" is instantly formed.

And in his treasure trove of memory, there seems to be no such weapon in the world.

Such a blow, Mo said that he did not dare to attack the front, that is, the captain of the bear team Nikolai may not be able to parry in a normal state.


Immediately afterwards, in a series of earth-shattering popping sounds, a golden rainbow shone from the sky like a falling meteor. I do n’t know how many times the speed of sound. The white galaxy hung across the sky, magnificent and vast.

There was a loud bang, and the golden golden rainbow fell on the edge of the mountain cliff.


As if it was really hit by a meteorite, the cliff exploded, collapsed, and the cracks were as dense as a spider web, shocking.

And where the rainbow fell to the ground, a big pit burst out, the gravel splashed, and the dust filled the sky.

Even with the extraordinary eyesight of Nikolai, Polina, and others, it is not difficult to see that this Shenhong is a figure, not a meteorite.

They could even see that this figure was a man, his clothes were ragged, his body was scorched black, his hair was rooted up, and he looked like a demon, as if he had been struck by lightning.

However, the breathing machine in the man's body is like mountains and sea, blood is surging, and there is a gleaming golden cover. Although the body is black, every inch of skin is glowing like a flame.

Captain Nikolai and the ice queen Polina thought of the young demon at the same time. This is an intuition, but it is not certain at all.

Because the handsome and handsome young demon king is connected with a dark, mad man in front of him, some are too ridiculous.

"Who are you?" Nikolai, the captain of the violent bear, asked, seemingly indifferent, his dark nerves also tense up, and the fighting power was also climbing.

This king's appearance alone, and the destructive power of an almost meteor blow, deserves his vigilance.

However, the dark figure did not answer, but looked at the direction in which Meng Yao flew out.

At this time, Meng Yao was still flying backwards and crashed into a boulder.

The burnt figure suddenly reached out a hand, manifested a golden palm print, and grabbed Meng Yao with lightning-fast speed.

Seeing this golden giant palm, Nikolai and Polina changed their faces instantly.

This is the chaotic golden light palm of the young demon king, and they can now be sure that this uninvited guest, the madman-like man is the young demon king.

In an instant, a great sense of fear haunted the minds of the two violent bear teams.

This is a cultivation practice based on divine realm, but the peerless existence of Dixian can't be an opponent.

However, they recognized the young devil, and the two teammates did not seem to recognize it yet.

The man named Carque, with strong body hair and bald head, walked like a big muscular fierce man in the walkway and shouted violently:

"Where's the wild boy, can't you hear if I ask you? This chick is the one we want. Would you dare not take advantage of the fire?"

As soon as the thunderous roar fell, Kalk snarled and rushed towards the scorched black figure.

The two odd-shaped swords in his hands danced fiercely, and the two blades crossed and slammed, making a sound of Hong Zhongdalu's steel collision, and suddenly two long and three scarlet knives burst out like two rounds. The **** meniscus that crisscrossed into a cross shattered the ground and shattered the void, screaming at the scorched black figure in the smoke with the tyrant swept across the six wilds and eight wildernesses.

What's more terrifying is that, as Kark's rhinoceros rushed out, his figure was soaring, and there were a fluffy flame blooming on the surface, and the big ribs were red as a soldering iron, like a lava flowing .

The animal skin boots on his feet turned into ashes at once, and his feet stepped on the ground, stepping out a lava foothole one by one.

He is known as the lava **** of war, violent state, full power, can be turned into a giant lava giant.

At this moment he is becoming violent, and he has already become a sign of being a lava giant.

"Calke, don't, come back soon, dangerous!" Polina shouted to Calk suddenly, unprecedented anxiety, even pretty face pale.

But the movement was too great for Calke to hear. He was like a **** of war possessed, and he was utterly confused.

Two crescent-shaped scarlet knives crossed the ground, tearing through the sky, and rushed into the diffuse smoke almost in an instant, slashing towards the black body.

At that moment, the scorched black figure suddenly turned sideways, and two eyes looked over.

I saw that these two eyes were like two thunderballs, and when they looked around, they burst into a burning electric light.

"Death!" Jiao Hei's figure spoke indifferently, and two thin beams of lightning thunder suddenly burst out of his pupils, like the laser eyes and laser eyes in a science fiction movie. The space passed by exploded.

Boom, Boom!

Hearing two crisp sounds, the two crescent-shaped crescent-shaped scarlet knives confronted the two bolts of light burst from the eyes of Jiao Hei's figure, and they shattered at once.

Then, these two beams of thunderbolt shot at Kalk, as if they were two lightnings, but they were a hundred times more terrible than lightning.

"Damn it!" Kalk yelled in horror.

Between the electric light and the flint, he laid two odd shaped swords in front of him, blocking the two beams of light.

However, the power of these two beams of light far exceeded his imagination. His iron-cutting mud could easily split the two super-alloy odd-shaped warriors of the tank, and even a finger could not hold it, he was penetrated. .

"No!" Kalk's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was a little desperate, feeling that he might be spiked.

In a thousand shots, an ice-blue ray flew out, spread out in front of him, and thickened rapidly, forming a shield.

Naturally, it was the hand of Polina, the ice queen, who froze and formed a wall of ice.

This ice wall shield has a good defensive effect on flame, thunder, and other energy attack methods, and can absorb and disintegrate energy attacks.

At the same time, Captain Nicholas also shot, throwing a large scratched bone shield, traversing towards two beams of light.

This bone shield is not ordinary bone, but the bones of the ancient mythical war beast Earth Bear, which is harder than the hardest steel in the world. The shield made can withstand all calibers *, and even ordinary ground-drilling missiles are Not at all.


Kark's tank-like majestic body suddenly flared up, instantly rising to a foot, his skin turned to charcoal black, cracks cracked, and his body was like a super volcano, red magma surging.

Under this state of lava giant, his body can be immune to all energy attacks and magic curse attacks, which is an indestructible shield in itself.

The three shields in succession can withstand almost all attacks in the world, but under the two thunder rays in the pupil of the burnt figure, the three shields are virtually useless and cannot withstand a single blow.

As if wearing three pieces of tissue paper, the bone war shield of the earthly bear, the ice wall war shield of Polina, and the lava war shield of Kark ’s body, all failed to stick to one finger, they were all penetrated, terrible energy He shot directly into Calk's body.

After a few more flicks, Calk ’s lava body turned into a thunder ball, and countless Raymans jumped on the surface of the cracked body, gorgeous and hot.

Then, in a burst of screams, the violent energy exploded from Kalk's body.

After an earth-shattering blast, there was only one big pit left on the spot, and Kalke's form and spirit were extinguished, and no piece of flesh or bone was left.

With just one glance, Jiao Hei's figure instantly killed the lava **** of war, Kark, an S-level peak power.

This is terrible and unreal.

Da da!

In a black metal suit, Il's teeth shuddered violently, and his mind became spaced, and his body became stiff.

The ice queen Polina was short of breath and her body shivered slightly.

Captain Nikolai's look is as unprecedentedly dignified.

At this moment, the golden palm giant palm protruding from Jiao He's figure caught Meng Yao in front of the boulder, grabbed her in her hand, and put it in front of her. The movement seemed simple and rough, but it was very gentle.

"Are you all right?" Jiao Hei figure asked.

"Teacher, how did you become like this? Did the fighting nation take action against you? Hurry up and leave me alone."

Although Jiao Hei's figure resembled a madman, Meng Yao still recognized him at a glance, Ye Tian.

She didn't think that Ye Tian was struck by thunder, but thought of nuclear weapons at once, and she couldn't help worrying.

Based on her understanding of the fighting nations, the use of nuclear weapons is not necessarily impossible.

This nation has launched a ruthless ~ ~, but the current great empire is afraid of three points.

Although Ye Tian was scorched black by thunder, it didn't matter. He lightly shook his body, and instantly the scorched black dead skin fell, and his whole body bloomed with golden light, gleaming like a golden gold glaze, clear and unblemished.

The tattered clothes also disappeared, replaced by a majestic thunder shirt.

A crazy man transformed into a perfect and beautiful man, completely transformed into a person.

"Teacher, please tell them that it was not you who killed you, someone was going to frame ..." Meng Yao anxiously said.


Before she finished speaking, she coughed up blood.

Her right hand was cracked, her flesh and blood were blurred, and the ice cloak was smashed, obviously injured.

Ye Tian suddenly looked like an old cow protecting a calf and broke out.

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