Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1187: The emperor bowed his head

"We don't need to declare war on the young devil this time. He has declared war on us. Eight fighter planes have been annihilated. Since World War II, has the air force of my fighting nation ever suffered such a heavy blow?"

"Since he wants to fight, why should my nation be fighting a war? Twenty million people, nearly ten thousand nuclear warheads, are our strong backings. The big deal is the destruction of the entire world, and they all die together."

"I feel that it is not feasible to cooperate with the current great empire and hunt the devil together."

"Looking at the young demon's female disciples as a bait, it is not too difficult to lay down the nuclear weapon massacre, draw it into the urn, and cut the dog head on his item."

"Emperor, please give instructions!"


Mo City, Imperial Palace, a conference room, the atmosphere is unprecedentedly serious.

Just a moment ago, they heard a news that a small fighter unit chased a **** bird over Siberia, and the whole army was wiped out.

The last message on the ground was that a sword of light broke through the sky, destroying the entire fleet.

Although there is not enough evidence, the culprit is locked in the young devil.

First of all, the **** bird that was chased once appeared next to Ye Tian.

Secondly, Ye Tian has a flying sword, which can kill the enemy from a distance.

Some hawk generals in the conference room had already gritted their teeth and asked to take the initiative to wait for a fight.

The three armies have been mobilized, and nearly one million tigers and wolves are prepared to wait for everything. Everything is ready, only at the order of the emperor.

"I am fighting against the national conditions of poverty and weakness, can I still withstand the consumption of a war? There is no turning arrow when opening the bow, the emperor, please think twice!"

"It's World War I, how can we have a chance of winning? Is it a victory, and what benefits can we get? I can say with certainty that there is little chance of winning, and there is no benefit. Is it just for a bad breath? ? "

"Hunting a human, just to let out a bad breath, it is also possible to drag a nation into the abyss of nowhere. Such a war is not worth it, there are all harms and no benefits."

"This time we are also wrong. It is our fighter who is chasing the young black monster first."

"There are more than 5,000 deaths and injuries in the town, and there are still a lot of doubts. They may not be the actions of the young devil. I always feel that it is greasy."


There are also a lot of parties on the sum. It is not that they are frightened, but a comprehensive consideration. Such a war will bring disastrous consequences that the fighting nation cannot afford.

After all, they did not have the comprehensive national strength of the current great empire. Even if they destroyed an aircraft carrier battle group, they would not have to blink their eyes.

"The glory of the nation is above everything, and the dignity of the country is paramount. You soft-hearted people, do n’t talk to me about the people ’s sentiments, or the disastrous consequences. If a country loses its dignity, what's the point of such a country? I have a blood of blood and only ask for a battle, although I still have no regrets after nine deaths. Great Emperor, please instruct! "

"Knowing that you will lose, but fighting a battle, you are ignorance. Emperor, be careful, think twice!"

"The battle has not yet begun, and the outcome is still unknown. How dare you conclude that my fighting nation will be defeated? If this fool dare to disturb the army's heart again, I will shoot you down."

"You militant, you have to bring down the country, are you willing to give up?"

"What do you say on your horse? Who do you say are militants? Dare you say it again?"


In the quarrel, the main war party and the main war party are going to be pinched.

"Shut up for me and be quiet!"

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded.

The Emperor's eyes looked around, and his sharp eyes glanced around all of them. At the moment, everyone was silent, and there was a feeling of thorns on the back.

The companion is like a tiger!

"Did the young disciple's female disciple catch it?"

In the end, the emperor's eyes fixed on a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, and asked him.

This is a supervisor of the intelligence department, and he is responsible for the violent bear team to contact.

As soon as the emperor's remarks came out, many people's minds were alive.

Did the emperor intend to execute the demon hunt plan?

Using the female disciples of the young devil as a bait, the nuclear weapon massacre is set!

"I didn't receive the message, it should haven't been caught yet. However, the result is no suspense. The four King Kongs of my violent bear team are out, and the female disciples of the young devil are unable to escape." The man replied.

"Not yet?" The emperor frowned, seeming disappointed.

"Shall I call and ask again now? Maybe someone has already caught it and hasn't had time to notify me."

"You should call them and let them escape. Cancel this arrest and let the young devil leave." The emperor exhaled with a sigh of relief.

At once, everyone was shocked, and the whole audience was in an uproar!

Did the emperor soften the clothes of the young devil?

Are more than five thousand injustice dead?

Are the eight fighter planes that have fallen down recognized?


The emperor who has always shown his iron fists in his mind is great, like a myth. Since he took the stage, he has swept through the six wildernesses and wiped out the ghosts of gods, ghosts and snakes.

Even when the current great empire pressed hard, strategic repression, tactical harassment, and various sanctions emerged one after another, the emperor also kept his spine straight, proudly right.

But now, it is unbelievable and incomprehensible to bow his head to a teenager.

A myth was broken.

In the voice of a group of people, the director of the intelligence department made a phone call and told the four members of the violent bear team to give up the arrest operation and be careful of the young devil.

"He is already in front of us." An old voice came, although it was very loud, but there was a tremor.

In this old voice, there was also a scream of heartbreak.

At the moment, deep in the primitive jungle of Siberia, on the edge of a mountain cliff.

In the bear team, a muscular man named Kalk was just killed by Ye Tian at a glance.

Seeing Meng Yao's injury, Ye Tian was furious.


The boundless golden blood and the unmatched fighting intention broke out from inside him, sweeping out like Wang Yang.

At this moment, he seemed to be possessed by the demon, and it was so powerful that he was palpitating.

"Don't, don't kill me, I didn't do anything." Il, the man in the black metal suit, scared his urine and ran away.

He was closest to Ye Tian, ​​and Ye Tian saw that he shot Meng Yao, so he shot a Geng Jin Bing Vulcan Thunder before falling, but unfortunately let him escape.

This time ~ ~ He couldn't be so lucky.

Ye Tian protruded a big hand to him, and suddenly his whole body was bad, and the metal suit on his body contracted suddenly. The metal-reinforced bones in the body were also about to move, trembling violently.

"Junior Demon, stop! We are the fighting bears of the fighting nation. Do you want to fight against the fighting nation?" Polina shouted loudly.

In the voice, she flicked her fingers together, and a ray of ice and blue rays flew out from between, gorgeous and dazzling, not directly flying to Ye Tian, ​​but intertwined out of thin air, to form an ice blue net.

"Noisy!" Ye Tian scolded.

He tore his fingers apart, and the metal armor on Yi ’s body was torn instantly, and his skin and muscles were also torn apart. The blood-shot shot, a piece of metal-reinforced silver-white bone broke out, threatening the landslide The ground fissure, in the deafening sonic boom, the arrow generally flew away to Polina.

This is a metal control ability, and it is extraordinary!

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