Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1189: Raise your hand

"Emperor, what are you waiting for? If you don't launch nuclear weapons, your violent bear team will be wiped out, and the young devil will also escape. Don't tell me that you are scared by the young devil, then I will despise you!"

"My great empire used to be so cruel to the fighting nation. I have been intimidated by death for hundreds of times. You all survived. It turns out that the fighting nation is not really terrifying. This is a heroic nation, a great nation."

"If I remember correctly, a great leader in your country once said that all bulls, ghosts and snakes are paper tigers, and justice will defeat evil! My current empire is willing to be the strongest backing of the fighting nation, although you are ahead Rush, there is us behind. "

"As long as the young devil is eliminated, the fighting nation is the most trusted partner of my current empire, and also the most trusted partner of the entire Western world. It will never be excluded again. All future economic sanctions will cease to exist and the fighting nation It will usher in large-scale economic assistance, and recovery is just around the corner. "

When the call of the head of the world empire reached the table of the fighting nation emperor again, the emotion was very excited, and the tongue and lotus flower were urging the fighting emperor to take action against the young devil.

At this time, the battle scene deep in the Siberian primeval forest has been discovered by satellites.

However, because the time is too short, only the satellites of the current great empire and fighting nations look there. There is no live broadcast on the Internet, nor any related news.

"Have you finished?" The emperor said impatiently, and his ears would hear calluses.


"I'll hang up after I finish talking."

"You coward, coward, vain as a fighting emperor! You dare not launch nuclear weapons, then I will launch. You dare not offend the young devil, then I will offend it." The head of the great empire growled, even saying nothing, Broke the mouth and scolded.

What he meant was that to launch nuclear weapons into the territory of the fighting nation, it was like operating in the old empire of the peninsula.

"Just try it. My fighting nation is not an old empire on the peninsula. I am bullied. I swear that if a nuclear weapon falls into the territory of my fighting nation, there will be ten times as many nuclear weapon empires." The emperor said sharply.

How clever as he is, how can he not know the sinister intentions of the current great empire, so that the fighting nation can hold the young devil, so that the current great empire can stay out of the matter.

Fighting for weapons, who has the fighting nation ever feared?

There was a pant on the phone, and then the voice of the head of the great empire gritted his teeth: "I also swear that if the young devil came to my territory of the current great empire, I would impose ten times harsher economic sanctions on the fighting nations. .. I, the 49th head of the world ’s great empire, Hopkins, said it! You can do it for yourself! "

With a snap, the head of the Great Empire hung up the phone.

A conversation ended without joy.

The current great empire is so domineering, arrogant and unreasonable, impersonal, and the fighting nation has long been used to it.

If it were not for the economic punishment of the current great empire, all kinds of blockades, chasing and blocking, the fighting nation would not be as good as it is today, and it would be poor and weak, even before liberation.

After putting down the phone, the emperor's face was tired and his eyes were red.

He suddenly leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes, rubbed his swollen temple and relaxed himself.

"Give me eighteen years and give you a strong fighting nation!"

A voice echoed in the emperor's mind.

This was the strongest voice he shouted eighteen years ago, but now it is a joke.

Everything is because of the present great empire, otherwise, the great vision has already been realized.

"Young Devil, don't let me down!"

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, looked at the ceiling, smiled bitterly, and there were sour tears in the corners of his eyes.

He knew that as long as the great empire squashed this star one day, the fighting nation would be trampled under its feet for one day.

The only person who can pull the current empire from the altar is the third pole of the world, a young devil.

"Emperor, the analysis results of the experts came out. The butcher of the rainy night is probably not a young devil, but someone is posing."

At this time, an assistant walked into the office of the emperor and said to him.

The so-called rainy night butcher is the guy who slaughtered more than 5,000 people in a night and looks very similar to the young devil.

The fighting nation invited experts from various fields, behavioral science, trace science, combat methodology, etc., to re-evaluate all the evidence, and concluded that the rainy night butcher is probably not the young devil.

Disguise is only disguise after all, even if the disguise looks like it, it will leave flaws.

Moreover, the young devil is unique, has a prominent personality, and a distinct personality. Is it so easy to imitate?

"We initially suspect ..." the assistant whispered.

"Do you doubt the current empire?"

"If it is not the young devil, it may only be the current empire, because they have sufficient motivation and sufficient strength." The assistant said firmly.

The emperor took a deep breath, pondered, and said nothing.

"Emperor, if there is sufficient evidence to prove that the massacre was done by the current great empire, what should we do?" The assistant asked boldly.

"Kill back!"

Simple three words, but domineering side leakage.

"Also, the emperor, our violent bear team is about to lose. Are you going to check it out?" The assistant said before leaving the office.

"The result is doomed, and there is nothing good-looking. Just tell me when the young devil is gone. I want to take a break now."


Also in the imperial palace, in a conference room not far from the emperor's office, a group of generals and important officials were watching a live satellite video.

"It must be frozen!"

When the ice queen Polina made a big move, everyone in the meeting room tightened her nerves, her eyes wide and round.

It was a large net interwoven with ice and blue rays, like a cage, when the hood fell down.

In the large net, the cold wind screamed, the endless snow flew, and every snowflake was sharp like a sword, and even a few feet of thick steel plate could penetrate.

When the Xuanwu deity opened his mouth, but frozen himself into an ice sculpture, everyone in the office gained confidence.

But at this moment, Ye Tian raised his hand, and between the tremors of his palm, an ice-blue ray flew into his palm and turned into ice crystal particles.

But in a moment, the ice-blue ray net collapsed, and all the storms, snow, ice, and cold currents in the sky were swept away. Only in Ye Tian's palm, there was an ice-blue faceted crystal with a big fist.

The multi-faceted crystals bloom bright blue light, crystal clear, extremely dazzling, like an oversized blue diamond, revealing the ultimate frozen breath.

Suddenly, all the people were shocked and couldn't believe it!

"You even have ice power?" The ice queen was startled and frightened.

"It's just a little bit, but it should be enough to deal with you." Ye Tian said lightly. As soon as the voice fell, the ice-blue faceted crystal flew out and blasted towards the ice queen.

"I'm a peerless powerhouse with ice ability, you actually use an ice ball to deal with me?" Although the ice queen was scared, she was not scared.

Her hands flicked out of thin air, and a terrifying snow storm blew out like a mountain torrent, thrusting upwards, to contend and even devour ice-blue crystals.

However, when the snow storm and the ice-blue faceted crystal meet, the ice queen falls into the ice cellar.

Instead of intercepting the ice-blue multifaceted crystals, the snow storm she hit ~ ~ was swallowed by a brain.

After engulfing the snow storm, the ice-blue multi-faceted crystals swelled a bit, and the blooming blue light was more vigorous and faster, as if it was a heavy shell.

"Do not……"

The ice queen shouted, her face pale with fright.

Not to mention the frozen kill power contained in the ice-blue multi-faceted crystal, the physical attack power alone is not her small body can withstand.


At the moment when the ice-blue multi-faceted crystal was about to hit the body of the ice queen, a fist-print of a large grinding disc struck, and the ice-blue multi-faceted crystal burst into a burst, and turned into an ice-blue ray again. .

The Queen of Ice and Snow only felt a bit of icy breath, and she was too late to dodge. In a flash, her body was entangled with hundreds of ice and blue rays, and then it was frozen into a huge frost.

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