Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1190: Dynamic

"Young Demon King, let me see your true skills!"

Accompanied by a thunderous roar, the world suddenly shook violently, as if an invisible chain was broken, and a violent roar broke out in the body of Captain Nicholas.

With this roar, a violent breath like the sea swept out of Nikolay's body, as if a sleeping ancient beast, waking up from a dream, slowly opened his eyes.


A thick blood rushed out of Nikolay's heavenly cover, majestic like the sea, towering like mountains, straight to the nineth heaven, stained half of the sky dome.

The breath of this majestic and majestic war beast radiated a hundred miles in an instant. The countless creatures in the range, all kinds of birds and beasts, were all in a panic, and some were scared, paralyzed and stunned. Scared to death.

This is the breath of ancient war beasts and earth bears!

In a flash, even Ye Tian's heart felt a trace of oppression.

In the violent war beast breath, Nikola's body is generally inflated, muscles are like iron, big tendons are like dragons, bones are like steel, and thick hair grows on the surface of the body, instantly turning into a body of 100 meters tall Behemoth, earth bear.


There was a booming sound in the air, and even a storm was blown.


The layers of the ground beneath the feet spread out and burst and burst.

The hard rocky ground turned into a turbulent sea surface, rolling wildly like a dragon turning over, and the ground was riddled with holes.

"This ...?" The girl stunned.

As if a big cloud was floating, Meng Yao's field of vision was obscured at once, and his eyes were completely dark.

The young girl's body shook, only to feel that the surrounding air solidified like an iron plate, the bones in the body tremble, but they couldn't move, the forehead was blue, and her mind was blank for a moment.

An ancient war beast with a height of 100 meters appeared in front of him. There was nothing more terrible than this. The breath alone is not something that ordinary people can bear.

In ancient times, the earthly bear was the predator at the top of the food chain, and even the Nordic devil wolf could not challenge it, and it could also fight against the ancient gods in court.

However, this ethnic group is more than brave, but its IQ is insufficient, and its destiny is very sad, and it is often caught by people as war beasts and pets.

At this moment, in the conference room of the Imperial Palace of the Fighting Nations, all the important officials of the authorities choked their breaths again.

They were shocked. Many of them do not even know Nikolai, and it is even less likely that they have seen Nicholas in a beast state.

Second, they had great expectations of Nikolay.

"Lewansky, do you think Captain Nikola can beat the young Demon King?" Someone asked the intelligence director, Lewansky asked.

Lewanski stood upright, his arms crossed his chest, his expression was solemn, and said: "In a violent state, transforming into a terrible bear, Captain Nikolai can explode to the power of the earth immortal level, and the physical body is not King Kong. Bad, close combat, invincible. Fighting by flesh alone, no magic weapon is used, and the three young demon kings are not opponents of Nikolay together. "

On the other side of the ocean, in the battle command room of the Liberty City and the National Defense Center, Hopkins, the head of empire, and a number of important officials of the authorities are also watching this scene.

Looking at the shoulders can support the peaks, the spine can support the sky, the feet can suppress the earth, and the eyes are like two rounds of scorching sun, exuding a fierce and violent atmosphere, and the gorilla and Godzilla in the science fiction movie. Everyone's eyes are indifferent in the fight of the earth's fierce bears.

"Big and improper!"

This is the conclusion of all of them, do not think that Nicolas can beat the young devil.

"Otherwise, will our demon hunter squad take action? Exterminate the young demon king with this big bear." Someone suggested.

"Don't worry, the Big Bear doesn't seem to be as unbearable as we thought. It's better to wait for them to lose both sides and get injured, and then we will take action." General Three Army Commander, Commander of the Demon Hunter, and General Five-Star General Elson said.

The head of empire nodded gently, agreeing with Elson's decision.

At this time, I saw on the battlefield that Ye Tianxun shot quickly, preemptively,

He pointed with his right hand like a sword, struggling to slash, and a golden sword burst into the sky, like a lightning that tears through the sky, accompanied by the clanging sound through the gold crack stone, and cut to the face of the earth's fierce bear.


The earth's violent bear opened his mouth, the sound wave was loud, and his voice was like thunder, and he bit the knife sharply.


The earth violent bear bite the knife that can cut the gold and iron in one bite, and bite it with a loud crack, like a big bite, and swallowed it into his stomach three or two times.

"Huh?" Ye Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, a bit surprised between the eyebrows.

His sword awn is made of condensed chaotic gold, and it has a strong power of splitting. It is still terrible after breaking up, and can crush the flesh of the soul into blood mud.

The earth bear violently crushed the chaotic Gengjin gas and swallowed it into his stomach, but nothing happened. Ye Tian was slightly shocked.

"Lei Lai!"

Ye Tian shouted, five fingers Qingtian, the chaotic truth inside his body rushed to the palm, a thunder came down from the sky, and the endless Lei Gang's vitality came violently, and instantly turned into a huge lightning spear in his palm, with a wire The rod is so thick.

Ye Tian held the lightning spear, his back bent like a bow, and the lightning spear threw like a javelin, still striking the face of the earth's fierce bear.

The earth's fierce bear kept shining, and suddenly the huge house-like palm suddenly slammed it out, and suddenly caught the thick lightning spear of the telephone pole into his palm.

Then in the stunned eyes of many people, the earth violent bear thrust the thunder spear into his mouth, still gnawing like a big bone, crunchy, and nibbled clean one by two.

At this time, Ye Tian's eyes flashed with golden light, and he made another big move. His eyes were like two magic lamps, spraying two thick pillars of fire, burning like a water column from a high-pressure water gun, almost straight shot. The huge beast of the earthly bear.

I saw that, where the fire passed, the rock on the ground melted sharply, forming two lava rivers, which led directly to the foot of the earth's fierce bear.

This time, the earth storm bear didn't **** and slammed, but instead roared, spewed a tornado storm, and burst two fire pillars at once.

"Useless, the earth's fierce bear teeth have sharp mouths, reinforced iron bones, and physical diamonds are not bad, and can devour everything. In ancient times, even the so-called true gods could swallow."

In the Imperial Palace conference room, Lewansky, the head of the intelligence department, smiled proudly.

"It's too strong." Meng Yao's face was already scared, and her heart stopped beating.

"I said, juvenile demon king, use your true skills. These little tricks are invalid for me."

In the sound of thunderous words, the earth violent bear bent down, and the black bear paw shot like a mountain fell down, blasting towards Ye Tian's heavenly cover.


The turmoil in the sky, the giant palm of UU reading is coming, the invisible coercion of the drooping, has caused the ground around Ye Tian to drastically settle, showing a huge palm pit.

Under the huge iron palm like a mountain, Ye Tian's face does not change color, takes root on the ground, fists in his right hand, punches in the air, and goes up against the sky.

The power of pure flesh, there is no golden light blooming, no chaos lingering, no five elements of God blessing, just a glorious fist, but it burst out of a terrifying monstrous momentum, as if the world's supreme shot, a fist burst into the ninth heaven.


In the sound of the sky falling apart, the sky and earth slammed, the cliffs collapsed over a large area, the earth and rocks rolled over, the violent shock wave rolled in all directions, and the smoke that covered the sky and the sky was burst.

There was broken bones flying in the blood, and the huge paws of the mountain-bearing bear, which were huge, were broken down at once, and the huge 100-meter-long body flew out and fell into the cliff.

"Isn't it good to play slowly? It's not forcing me to move, I'll kill you." Ye Tian shook his head, disdainful.

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