Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1192: 1 Prestige of Palm


Above the cliff, a golden giant palm, the size of a square or a hundred feet, resembles an immortal monument, like an immortal monument, the sky fell down, and the violent power made the sky tremble and undulate ripples.

In the palm of the golden giant palm, ten thousand strands of golden light fell, the chaos was turbulent, and the five-color thunder burst, suddenly condensing the entire void into an iron plate.

Nicholas, the animalized state, flew up from the cliff, and just half of his head protruded, and he was enveloped by the violent power of the whole giant palm.

It raised its head, its eyes larger than the water tank were wide, and only saw a giant palm hung across the sky like a golden cloud, covering the sky and the sky.

In the palm of the giant palm, all the lines of the palm are pointed, clear and clear, as if there is a heavenly giant god, lifting the giant palm of the **** and slamming it against it.

Its huge body of 100 meters high, compared with the giant palm of the hundred feet, is simply the kind of feeling that kindergarten children face adult adults, and their strengths are quite different.

However, it did not sit still.

The earthly bear in the ancient times was the predator at the top of the food chain, who was never afraid of anyone. Nikolay's fusion of the earth's fierce bear's magic core naturally inherited the character of the earth's fierce bear, and his temper is fiery and fearless.

What's more, it is now in a violent state!

When Chaos Jinguang God's palm fell, the earth storm bear also made a counterattack.

It has a large mouth, like a crater of a super volcano, and is still breathing out a storm, but the mouth is sharply reduced, and the breathing storm is sharply closed.In an instant, the storm becomes thinner and longer, and more penetrating.


The original thick and invisible breathing storm turned into a thick bucket of thin storms, thousands of wind blades, hundreds of millions of lines, blooming a sharp Shenhua, as if an indestructible war spear, soaring toward the chaotic golden light **** Palm of the palm.

Its intact left hand lifted up, and the huge black giant claws of the mountains tore the sky and earth, and the claw tips shot five thick kills, as if the five cracks of the void were torn, and they grabbed the golden light god.

Its almost smashed right hand also flicked violently and pulled out a long black blade of awns in the void. The pure wind blade was condensed and had a length of ten feet. It was a wind blade war blade.

Its two eyes were wide, and it burst into two chaotic airflows, like two dragons, accompanied by lightning bolts, making the void bounce and flutter.

At the same time, its undamaged brain shell is also a powerful weapon that directly hits the palm of God. .

Storm Column, Giant Claw, Windblade War Sword, Chaos Airflow, Brain, Earth Bear Bear do their best to use all of their strongest offensive in one go.

The thin pillar of the storm is like a peerless spear, which can easily penetrate a few meters of super alloy steel plate.

A giant claw that is as hard as tungsten steel is extremely sharp, and it can definitely smash a hundred-meter mountain.

A ten-foot-long wind-edged sword, one knife can flatten the top of a hundred meters.

Although the two chaotic airflows flying out of the two eyes are inferior, they can easily tear the armor of the tank.

Its hard brain is even a powerful attack weapon, which can smash mountains.

Each of the five attacks has the explosive power of the peak divine realm, and the five attacks are combined to be absolutely comparable to the one immortal blow.

However, under Ye Tian's chaotic golden light, all attacks were useless and were wiped out at once.

Chaos Jinguang God Palm is the magic power of Chaos Jinshen body, extremely strong, extremely condensed.

Ye Tian's golden body is small, comparable to the body of Jin Dan, with a full blow in its peak state, it can even be torn by hand.


In the earth-shattering explosion, the earth violent bear was slapped on the head with a palm, just like a falling meteor, and fell towards the bottom of the cliff, roaring bursts and roars.


A tremendous noise came from under the cliff, and the mountain was shaken in a burst, and the cliff collapsed again.

In space orbit, satellites looked over and saw a huge deep pit at the bottom of a thousand-meter deep cliff, a huge black bear lying inside, countless broken rocks piled on the body, almost buried alive.

In addition to this huge deep pit, there is a huge palm print that is as long as one hundred feet.


Everyone who saw this scene was stunned again, and took a breath.

"No, it's impossible. Even if the real Dixian shot, it wouldn't be possible to defeat the nun."

In the Imperial Palace conference room, Lewansky, the head of the intelligence department, muttered to himself, his calves cramped, and one stumbled.

A desperate emotion permeated the conference room. The hawks who had clamored to fight against the young devil were now silent.

"Let's go quickly, this star killer, go to the current great empire, my fighting nation can't wait for you." Someone said breathlessly.

On the other side of the ocean, in Liberty City, in the combat meeting room of the National Defense Center, the atmosphere seemed to have frozen for a while, with only the sound of rapid breathing and the trembling of teeth.

"He has recovered and seems to be stronger than before." Said one of the staff, with a look of panic.

"Squad Hunter, do you still have to shoot? It seems that he can't be killed!" A man in uniform asked General Elson.

"If you can't kill, you must kill! Now give the order to let the demon hunter fire."

Not waiting for General Elson to answer, the head of empire made a decision.

At this time, the Siberian primitive forest battlefield.

"No, don't kill me, I surrendered."

When Ye Tian looked over, Polina raised her hands, her body shivering, her voice dry.

When she just encountered the baptism of a violent bear's breath, she changed greatly, like a female ghost, with her hair disheveled and gray-faced, but her face was hard to hide. If you look closely, you will still find this is a woman with a peerless appearance.

Just when Ye Tian considered whether to forgive this woman's life ~ ~ Suddenly a sharp sound of breaking the air came from behind, so that he felt tight in an instant.

Polina's eyes happened to be behind Ye Tian, ​​and she saw a hill thousands of meters away. Suddenly, a blazing light turned on, and quickly turned into a sharp rainbow tearing the world, facing Ye Tian's back heart. , Flying over.

The speed of this ray of light was too fast, exceeding the limit of her dynamic vision capture with naked eyes. Almost in a flash of light, a torn heaven and earth Changhong flew behind Ye Tian.

Her naked eye's limit for dynamic vision capture is three times the speed of sound, and this Changhong is far faster than three times the speed of sound.

"Is it five times the speed of sound, seven times the speed of sound, eight times the speed of sound ...? What the **** is this?" She was shocked in her heart, and she couldn't react at all for a while.


I saw that Changhong passed through Ye Tian's back heart, and then a small hill thousands of kilometers away exploded and shattered into slag.

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