Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1193: Electromagnetic cannon

"Ten times the speed of sound, what is this?"

The quiet imperial palace meeting room suddenly clamored.

The Changhong was captured by the satellite, and the measured speed was shocking.

Ten times the speed of sound, 3,400 meters per second, this speed is far more than most missiles, even on the hypersonic aircraft, no wonder Paulina's dynamic vision can not capture, because no powerful nerve should come.

Moreover, the destructive power of this Changhong is also very horrifying, even blasting a small hill head.

Although the hill is not big, but if you want to explode, at least ten heavy artillery salvos can only be achieved.

"I know what this is, electromagnetic cannon." A military figure was very sure and made a judgment based on the knowledge he had mastered.

"What? Electromagnetic guns? Are my fighting nation's secret weapons? When was it successfully developed?" Someone was surprised.

The military figure smiled bitterly and said, "Electromagnetic artillery is a high-precision and high-tech combat weapon. At present, only the world's great empire can be used in actual combat. The combat nation of our country is still in the experimental stage, and it is really deployed to the army In the middle, there is no time to come. "

"Then, this ...?"

Everyone was shocked, and there was a trace of disappointment.

The answer is very clear. If the Changhong that tears the sky and earth is really an electromagnetic artillery, it may only be that the current great empire is shooting, and a spy team has come.

"Oye, hit him and die. He is a young demon, a **** of gold, but that's it!"

Deep in the primitive forests of Siberia, on the cliff battlefield, on a densely forested hill a few kilometers away, an exhilarating voice suddenly came out.

A muscular man over two meters tall, wearing steel armor, holding a cigar in his mouth, suddenly stood up from the top of the mountain, holding a telescope in his hand, looking in the direction of the distant mountain cliff battlefield.

"No, he's not dead, only a residual image was hit. Sean, hurry down to me."

Beside him, a female voice scolded.

It was Kailisi, a female disciple and assistant of Lord Barof, the **** leader.

Hidden on this hill is a spy unit sent by the Imperial League of Gods. Last rainy night, he committed a heinous crime in Siberia and claimed more than 5,000 lives.

This team has a total of eight people, led by Kai Lisi, each of which is an elite of the Empire League, a ruthless character.

At this moment they all took off the rain, and the water was wearing steel armor and exoskeleton-powered equipment. It looked like a futuristic warrior coming out of the world of science fiction.

Next to Keris was a thick barrel, more than five meters long, connected to complex electromagnetic equipment. Many large iron boxes were thrown around.

At the muzzle, the heat wave was rolling, and there was a ray of azure blue beating, which was very strange.

The hill below the gun barrel was cracked by the shot just now.

Yes, this is a cannon, but it is not an ordinary cannon, but an electromagnetic cannon. The shells are fired by electromagnetic force. The speed is far above the ordinary artillery, and the power is even more powerful.

What the spy team brought was a "portable" electromagnetic gun, which was considered to be small. The army of the current empire also included more powerful electromagnetic guns.

However, the portable electromagnetic cannon is surprisingly large and complicated. Previously, the Spy Squad carried a large iron box behind each of them, which contained parts of the electromagnetic gun.

All the components in the big iron box are integrated together to assemble an electromagnetic gun.

The destructive power of the electromagnetic cannon test was just amazing. It exploded a small hill thousands of meters away.

The destructive power of the electromagnetic gun is not in the explosive effect, but in the penetration effect.

At ten times the speed of sound, even a piece of firewood can penetrate steel plates that are several feet thick.

If there are weapons in this world that can kill the young devil, the electromagnetic gun must be one of them. So the spy unit brought the electromagnetic gun.

In fact, the Spy Squad set up electromagnetic guns here, and originally did not intend to deal with Ye Tian, ​​because Ye Tian only appeared later. They are people who want to deal with the violent bear team and take Su Mengyao from the violent bear team.

In Su Mengyao's body, there is much to do in this great empire.

It is an accident that the electromagnetic gun fired on Ye Tian now.

It was found that the first electromagnetic shell hit only a residual image, and Kelly quickly took out another shell and put it into the barrel.

I saw that this shell was very peculiar. It was completely different from ordinary shells. It was a metal spear with long chopsticks. The whole body was dark and the light was shimmering. It seemed to give a very hard feeling.

The metal spear is a super-hard tungsten steel alloy. The real metal bullet can also be called a tungsten rod bomb, but it is much smaller than the tungsten rod bomb launched from space.

The largest electromagnetic gun of the current empire can fire a two-meter-long tungsten rod, which is much more powerful than the chopstick-long tungsten rod spear.


A loud noise came out, a small chopstick-long tungsten rod spear, dragging the blue light track, accompanied by the burning electric awn, slamming sonic boom, hitting Ye Tian's chest several kilometers away.

The tungsten rod spear stirred up a violent shock wave in the air, instantly tearing the ground below into a straight crack, and the mountains and rocks were turned into powder, which was shocking.

At this time, Ye Tian's afterimage had just disappeared in the battlefield on the cliff. The man appeared three meters away. His eyes were like two magic lamps, with golden golden awns and golden flames jumping right. Looking over the hill where the spy team was hiding.

The small tungsten spear that flew out of the barrel was just locked out of his sight. Although it was ten times the speed of sound, far exceeding the human visual limit, it was still captured by his fire eye golden pupil.

The dynamic vision of his fire-eyed golden pupil is far more than ten times the speed of sound.

If he wanted to hide, he would be able to hide, but he did n’t, but made an amazing move, protruding his right hand, spreading his fingers apart, and snapping at the tungsten rod spear.

Then, in the stunned eyes of many people, he snapped his fingers together, and a clear blue streamer seemed to be pinched by a snake for seven inches, and could no longer make a difference.

A tremendous loud noise erupted in his palm, and the terrifying kinetic energy was absorbed by his body, and then passed into the ground under his feet through his legs.

Click ~ ~ Click!

In an instant, a deep pit burst out of the ground under his feet, and there were dense cracks, radiating in all directions, spreading to a hundred meters away.

He didn't even use the power controlled by the metal. With the brute force of the Golden Eucharist, he took the ten-speed sonic tungsten spear in his hand.

"It's impossible, but ten times the speed of sound!" Kelly's face paled in shock.

The rest of the spy team members were also dumbfounded, Ye Tian's power far exceeded their imagination.

"Damn, the shells are still too small."

Freetown, the defense center, General Elson shook his head and gritted his teeth.

But some people don't think so, the young troll with a small spear of tungsten rods can hold it, and the young witch with a large tungsten rod with spears may not be able to catch it.

It is possible that the electromagnetic cannon can't deal with the young devil at all.

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