Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1194: 15 times sound speed

Ye Tianchi grabbed ten times the speed of sound of the tungsten rod electromagnetic cannon, stunned everyone.

And then, what he did surprised everyone again.

In his palm, a sudden thunderstorm suddenly broke out. The chopstick-long tungsten spear instantly heated to a semi-melted state. With the metal control magical power, the tungsten spear spear deformed at a rapid speed, and became a drop of water in a flash The shape is about as big as the baby's fist, shiny like a mirror.

"Do you like to play electromagnetic cannon? Then let you see, the real way of playing electromagnetic cannon!"

In the sneering words, the drop-shaped tungsten steel projectile was placed three feet in front of Ye Tian, ​​suspended in midair, with his head facing outward, facing the hill where the spy team was hiding, and the sharp end facing himself.

The infinite lightning in his right palm suddenly spread, spread to his arm, and spun at high speed, turning into a huge lightning vortex.


When this huge lightning vortex formed, the water droplets of tungsten steel projectiles were induced, violently oscillated, and a ray of azure blue arc was excited on the surface, beating.

Lightning is essentially electricity. According to the principle of electromagnetic induction, whirlwind lightning can generate electromagnetic waves. When electromagnetic waves move, they can generate electromagnetic forces.

"What is he going to do?"

"Why do I have a bad hunch?"

"He's going to make a big move. No, hide!"


All the people on the hilltop were stunned. Although they didn't fully understand what Ye Tian was going to do, they all had a bad hunch.

"Who dare I run away? Fight with him!" Keris whispered, her beautiful eyes widened, clear as water, but radiating a chill.

In the electric light flint, she once again picked up a tungsten rod projectile and put it into the electromagnetic gun barrel.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the mountain shook violently, click and click, and numerous cracks spread out.

Only three electromagnetic tungsten rods were fired, and the whole mountain was about to be shattered.

The recoil produced by ten times the speed of sound projectile is so horrible that it is impossible for an elephant to shake into blood mud.

call out!

The tungsten rod spear turned into a blue-blue electricity, which instantly broke through ten times the speed of sound and flew out, but instead of rushing to Ye Tian, ​​it aimed at Meng Yao's position.

This is a small strategy of Kai Lisi, Ye Tian distracted, unable to perform the brewing big move.

As a result, she underestimated Ye Tian.

Almost as soon as the electromagnetic spear came out, Ye Tian clenched his fist in his right hand, and slammed into the drop-shaped tungsten steel projectile suspended in mid-air.


Water droplets of tungsten steel projectiles flew out in an instant, wrapped in a whirlpool of thunder and lightning, and turned into a lightning that tears the world and hit the muzzle of the electromagnetic gun directly.


In milliseconds, a thousand meters away from the hilltop where the spy team was hiding, there was a shocking sound suddenly, and a less specific mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

It seems to be a nuclear weapon eruption, strong enough to pierce blind people's eyes, and gather into a blazing shock wave that makes the sun lose its color.

Wherever the horror shock wave passed, everything was wiped out, everything was swept away, countless grasses were uprooted, and shattered into powder. Even the space is cracking, bursting into dense black cracks like a cobweb.


Above the hill, the members of the spy squad first stunned, and then fled.

Although the shock wave of the general nuclear explosion was radiated in all directions, it was the most fierce and the most terrifying in the direction of the hill where they were located.

However, they wanted to escape, it was too late.

The shock wave swallowed up the mountain instantly, tore up all the vegetation, and even many rocks were blown out and shattered.

Under the blast of shock waves, all of them were thrown out, and even the steel armor of some people was torn.

Fortunately, they were wearing steel armor, otherwise their bodies would be torn apart.

"Fifteen times the speed of sound!"

The world's great empire, the national defense center, and the battle command room were silent.

Not only were they stunned by the speed measured by the satellite, they were also stunned by the scene of the great destruction.

This is the general destructive power of nuclear weapons. Although it can only be comparable to micro nuclear weapons, it is also very amazing.

One is a tungsten rod spear with ten times the speed of sound, and the other is a tungsten steel droplet with fifteen times the speed of sound. Except for a little blessing of the power of thunder and lightning, it is almost pure kinetic energy collision. The energy exploded is easy to calculate.

"No, the spy unit may be captured." Suddenly, a man in uniform exclaimed.

Suddenly, everyone changed color, and even the imperial capital could not remain calm.

If someone in the spy unit is caught alive, the more than 5,000 deaths and injuries may be revealed. I do n’t know what crazy things the fighting people will do to revenge them.

"I urge them to sound the glorious bomb." The head of state Sen Leng said.

"If, if someone doesn't pull?" Someone asked.

"Then through the back door, help them pull."


Siberia, primitive mountain forest, cliff battlefield.

"What are you doing watching me? Are you waiting for the murderer to escape?" Ye Tian suddenly looked at Polina with a smile on her lips.

Polina was scared and dumbfounded, looking at Ye Tian like an alien.

She has always been proud of her abilities, and now facing Ye Tian, ​​she suddenly finds herself as small as a ants, and is very shocked.

However, she was a powerful woman after all, and she was very strong in her heart. She instantly recovered her expression. After a bit of teeth, she flew out and grabbed the captive.

"I said that my teacher was wronged. I'll help you. Interrogate them and give my teacher an innocence." Meng Yao also rushed out immediately.

The eight members of the spy unit were all alive under the bombardment of shock waves because of the steel armor. And ~ ~ They are abilities, and their physique is not generally strong.

However, they were all injured more or less, some were very seriously injured, and some were very slightly injured.

Boom, Boom!

Just as Meng Yao and Polina flew away, suddenly two loud noises came from far away. It was the members of the two teams that blew the glorious bombs and burst into two blood mists.

Some of the remaining team members are still fighting in their hearts, and some have already started to escape.

"You can't let them explode!" Meng Yao Jiao twitched, the speed under her feet was faster.

At the same time, she accumulates two groups of Taiyin ice cold in her hands and throws at the two running figures.

Polina was even more fierce, and directly summoned a snow storm, which was generally shot out of the mountains and the sea, and she wanted to freeze everyone in one fell swoop.

In the end, the members of the spy team exploded four people, and four were alive, all frozen.

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