Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1199: Above the strait

The figure of the young devil is not yet visible, but the flying sword released cut off dozens of fighters and a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, which shocked the whole world.

This happened in an instant. Not only did the masses who eat melons fail to react, but even the soldiers on the battleship did not react.

When Jianhong went west, the battleship group sounded a dense artillery fire, but it was too late, because Jianhong's speed was too fast, and the ordinary shells could not catch up.

Moreover, the width of the strait is less than one hundred kilometers, basically two countries are divided in half, and one inattentive shell will hit the side of the fighting nation.

If it is an ordinary country, the current great empire naturally does not care, and even nuclear weapons dare to bombard it, but they have to be cautious when fighting nations.

In order to respond to emergencies, the combat national air, land and air forces have also come to the forefront, deploying no less than 10,000 troops, and even the only aircraft carrier has been brought over. There are bombing fighters in the sky to mount nuclear cruises, just to prevent the current empire Cross the border and burn the war to the side of the fighting nation.

call out!

A sword rainbow crossed the sky, and when it flew to the side of the sea of ​​fighting nations, the artillery fire became much thinner. But there were still some gunfire that could not stop the car and crossed the line.

Suddenly, the fighting nation responded, and Lianzhu shelled out more than 100 shells to warn him.

In this way, the current great empire lost his temper all at once, and all the artillery fire was collectively misfired. They don't want to offend the fighting madness, the fighting nation, beyond the young demon king.

A sword Hongxi went, and was finally held in the hands of a young figure.

The young man's face was as sharp as a knife, his heroic spirit was compelling, his eyes were shining like stars, his posture was strong and powerful, he was shrouded in the vast golden radiance, and the volley came from the void, just like Emperor Ling Chen.

In addition, his whole body, Qinglong and Suzaku harmoniously, Bai Huxiaotian, Xuanwu Tuohai, and golden gleam, a bright, but also set off his extraordinary, really like the emperor in the world.

When I saw the figure of the boy, the whole world was boiling.

"It's him, the young devil, he's really here." Someone said with a trembling voice, and the corners of his eyes were suddenly wet.

"I haven't seen you in a few days, and the youth style is better than ever! It seems that the retreat in these few days has been very effective. This time, we will be able to beat the current empire into a dog."

"Be born like a young devil."


Today's young devil, in the minds of many people, already exists as a totem. He dared to say no to the injustice of this world, dared to challenge the authority, and dared to sweep away all the bulls, ghosts and snakes in a thunderous situation. No one has had such courage and ability in history.

"Damn young demon king, how dare he come! Isn't it enough to make trouble in Europa? Is it really necessary to destroy the current great empire before it is willing to stop? If the current great empire has a nuclear arsenal that can destroy the entire world, if it is forced to despair , Really destroyed the world. He is pushing the whole world into the fire pit!"

"Destroy the current empire, you look too high on him. No one in this world can destroy it except the current empire itself, which may die to death."

"Let's go through the Bering Strait first."


However, many people have reported hostility to the young devil, thinking that he has broken the rules of this world, did not obey the order, and is the public enemy of mankind.

Unexpectedly by many people, the young devil did not rush towards the Bering Strait, but landed on a reef off the coast of the fighting nation and stood down.



The wind is roaring, the waves are tumbling, the water is very turbulent, there are many unmelted ice floes floating, and even some are as big as hills.

The cold air was filled with the smell of fire, and the strong killing air.

A large wave hit the reef, sounded deafeningly, crashed into a puffy white wave, splashed into the sky, and turned into a downpour rain, showing the wildness of this sea area.

Ye Tian stood on the reef, stood with his hands down, looked forward, motionless, shrouded in golden light, and no drops of rain caught him.

The Sun and Moon Divine Sword hovered in front of him, and the sword was energetic, flowing out of Shenhua, intertwined into stars, walking around the sword.

The sword force just split dozens of fighter planes and an aircraft carrier, which is very cool, but it takes too much energy. If he hadn't just knocked a strong grass, he wouldn't dare to do it.

Although he is now capable of sweeping all warships on the Bering Strait with only the Sun and Moon Excalibur, he does not plan to do so, because this is the first pass, and there are more difficulties to overcome later.

If the mental power is exhausted, it is not interesting to find another place to retreat.

He has fists and feet, why should he stick to the Sun and Moon Excalibur?

"What is the young demon king doing? Why not rush over while the iron is hot? Do you think people will let him pass when you stare? Or do you think people will succumb when you stare?"

"The living target stands there. Why doesn't the current empire fire? After this village, there is no such shop."

"The young devil is the territory of the fighting nation. Without the permission of the fighting nation, the current empire would not dare to fire."

"What is the situation with the young devil backed by the fighting nation? Is it possible that they have become so angry that they are embarrassed?"


Another round of discussion sounded, and many people shouted and couldn't understand.

"What are the fighting nations doing? Guarding the young devil? Open fire and bombard the young demon king. I don't believe that the fighting nation really dares to be the enemy of my current empire and dare to stand against the entire human race."

In the Liberty City, the National Defense Center Building, and the war conference room, the head of empire roared.

But he didn't realize that he stood on the opposite side of mankind, obviously he is the great empire of the world!

"Heads of state, we must be cautious. The massacre of 5,000 people in the Shenmeng League, the fighting national authorities may have known the inside story. If so, they would not dare to tear my face with my current empire! A young devil is already very difficult Anyway, if a fighting nation is added, it will be extremely unfavorable to our great empire. The whole world may also be out of control because of this." General Elson, the commander of the three armed forces, worried.

Five thousand deaths and injuries are enough to make any country crazy, not to mention the fighting nation that must be reported.

There have been many bad news from the intelligence services. The fighting nations' three armed forces mobilized their forces towards Siberia. Many hidden heavy missile silos opened the manhole cover, and a doomsday weapon pierced the sky.

"I blame the Imperial Divine League, which is unfavorable, and I can't even wipe my buttocks." Some people complained.

"Now it's not time to complain about the League of Gods, you have to find a way to intercept the young devil."

"If you want to intercept, you have to use force. I have a suggestion that using electromagnetic cannons, lethality is concentrated, and the scope of the damage is small. It should not anger the fighting nation."

"Yes, apart from the electromagnetic gun, only nuclear weapons are effective against the young devil. But nuclear weapons can't be launched."


On the strait more than sixty steel warships fluttering, one of the three sci-fi 10,000-ton DWD-10000, the huge mechanical body on the deck suddenly heard a piercing sound of Weng, The long pipes flashed electro-optically.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, a super alloy tungsten rod and spear with a length of more than two meters and the thickness of an adult arm turned into a streamer, bursting out, and the speed suddenly exceeded twelve times the speed of sound.

The huge recoil was transmitted to the hull, and the 10,000-ton drive with a displacement of nearly 20,000 tons was suddenly moved back by ten meters. The water line also dropped by more than one meter, and the sea area was boiling.

"What? The world's great empire fired electromagnetic guns!"

Seeing this scene, countless people exclaimed.

"I give you time to ask you to beg for mercy, to bow your head to admit your mistakes, but you don't know how to grasp it. Then it's no wonder that I." Ye Tian's eyes were indifferent, and the strong mental power locked the tungsten war spear, fist in his right hand, joint With a crackling sound, he punched hard.

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