Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1200: Unmatched

Twelve times the speed of sound, four kilometers a second, the distance between the battleship and Ye Tian is about forty kilometers, so it takes ten seconds to reach.

For ordinary warriors, this time is enough to escape, not to mention Ye Tian.

Of course, if it is an ordinary warrior, it is impossible to have such strong spiritual power as Ye Tian. When the gun pops into the bore, it can be captured in a flash. It can only be found within the visible distance, and within the visible distance, It is difficult to escape from the divine realm.

But Ye Tian did not run away, but raised his fist.

This is a bold move that has left countless people speechless.

At the time, the "portable" electromagnetic guns used by the Shenmeng unit in Siberia not only could not compare with the speed of shipborne electromagnetic guns, the quality of the shells was also far inferior, which was equivalent to the gap between pistol bullets and tank shells.

As a pure kinetic energy weapon, electromagnetic guns must have a greater mass and greater destructive power at the same speed.

A super alloy tungsten rod shell more than two meters long and the thickness of an adult arm is more than ten times the speed of sound. The destructive power that can be exploded is equivalent to that of a heavy missile, and its penetrating power is far better than that of the world. A ground-drilling missile, the hull of an aircraft carrier, can penetrate.


In the deafening popping sound, a series of sonic booms were seen at low altitude on the sea surface, as if the void was torn, highlighting its terrifying speed and slamming straight towards Ye Tian's standing position.

The violent air shock wave is like a peerless sword, plowing a straight crack on the sea surface, almost touching the bottom of the sea dozens of meters deep.

"It's too fast, it's like lightning."

"DDG-10000 is worthy of being the most powerful driver in the world. This super electromagnetic gun alone is almost invincible. Although it costs a carrier cost, it is worth the money."

"Why didn't the young devil run away? What is he doing? What does clenching his fists mean? Does he want to...?"

"Breaking the electromagnetic cannon ball with a fist, this guy's courage is so great! Although the electromagnetic cannon is far less powerful than the rod of God, it is not a human being that you can contend with. Because, the tungsten rods launched by the world's empirical shipboard electromagnetic cannon The shells, known as the'spear of killing the gods', can cut the true god!"


In countless people's stunned eyes, Ye Tian clenched his fist in his right hand, the five elements of Chaos God Thunder were running, and the five elements of Lei Gang between heaven and earth also roared, forming a thick thunder whirlpool on his arm, rotating like a typhoon at high speed, allowing a large The sea is boiling.


In the blast of the shattered space, Ye Tian broke his fist, and a thick vortex of thunder and lightning broke free from his arm, accompanied by a blast of shocking light like a nuclear explosion, sweeping through the hurricane and swallowing everything.


Because of the excessive force, Ye Tian's feet were about two meters high above the sea surface. They disappeared and disappeared. They were stepped under the sea surface, and of course they shattered.

"Is this the legendary thunder fist? It's very domineering and true, but I don't think it can stop the tungsten rod electromagnetic cannonball."

"It is not known that electromagnetic shells are not energy shells, but kinetic energy weapons. The power is reflected in penetration, not blasting power, and it is almost impossible to intercept."

"The young devil is too ignorant, and this time he may die himself."


Countless lights gathered, countless arguments sounded, there were shocking voices, and there were also sarcasm.

Soon, everyone shut up, because a scene they could not imagine that they wanted to break their heads happened before their eyes.

Thousands of meters before Ye Tian's body, the thunderbolt punch vortex and the tungsten rod electromagnetic projectile met in a narrow path, and the huge lightning vortex swallowed the tungsten rod electromagnetic projectile at once.

This is a collision of two huge forces. Each force can easily tear a steel warship with a displacement of 10,000 tons, but it has not been annihilated or exploded.

The Thunderbolt vortex retreated hundreds of meters first, then turned into a Changhong tearing the world, and shot away at the DDG-100 million tons of large-scale drive that launched the electromagnetic cannon. The speed broke through ten times in an instant. Speed ​​of sound.

"What is this? What happened?"

Someone was dazed for a while and asked three times in a row.

"Isn't this the tungsten rod electromagnetic shell just flying back? How is this possible? What is the principle?"

"I seem to understand. The thunder vortex exploded by the young devil is an electromagnetic accelerator. Coupled with his unmatched fist, he suddenly turned the tungsten rod electromagnetic shell back."


At this moment, the whole world was stunned.

"Full fire, intercept!"

The Commander-in-Chief of the United Fleet, General Davis, forced a full three seconds before giving the interception order.

Coupled with the response time of the personnel, the time for the war gun to pop out of the bore, another three seconds passed.

In these six seconds, the tungsten rod shells that flew backwards had already flew nearly 20 kilometers, and they just came to the sea area of ​​the current great empire, so they could bomb with confidence.


Like a maiden's scattered flowers, the sky is bright, with hundreds of metal storms intertwined, forming a layer of airtight firepower network, which can intercept almost all the attacking weapons in the world.

However, in front of the Changhong that tore the world, all the metal storm fire nets seemed to be non-existent, destroyed and destroyed, layers were penetrated and continuously broken through.

In the end, it was also unable to return to the sky. The DDG-10000 with a displacement of nearly 20,000 tons was violently shocked. The armor of the waterline that was resistant to the bombardment of large-caliber naval artillery was torn apart in an instant, and in a flash, the hull about 30 meters wide After being penetrated, a huge hole appeared, and the entire battleship was almost torn into two pieces, completely abandoned.

The tungsten rod spear rushed out from the other side of the battleship, still maintaining strong kinetic energy, walking against the sea surface, rushing to another battleship, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, at more than three times the speed of sound. Although it was the end of a strong crossbow, it still scared the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier enough, the firepower was full, and the interception was desperate.

At this time, Ye Tian's figure also moved, striding in the void, the golden fighting spirit swept the sky, swept the world, swallowed thousands of miles, as if an ancient **** of war, thwarting the might of ancient times, and tearing the sky from the sky.

There is nothing more to say, just go to war.

His thunder wings flapped violently, and in an instant he broke through five times the speed of sound, rushing towards the battleship cluster like a lightning.

The battleship cluster was also violent at this moment. The firepower was fully on. In addition to the dense artillery, another missile was shot out, cutting through the sky, with a sharp scream, forming a nearly airtight metal bomb The curtain is like a thick copper wall and iron wall, and a brain blasts towards Ye Tian.

Because the bomb rain was too dense, a large number of collisions occurred with each other, and some burst halfway. UU reading

"The cost of this attack alone is worth the military expenditure of many countries for one year!"

"It is really not something that ordinary nations can afford to lose money in war and labor."


Many people sighed.

"go with!"

At this moment, Ye Tian sipped softly, and suddenly threw something in his hand, inflation-like inflation, turned into a nine-story Taoist platform, bursting into a chaotic atmosphere, like a tsunami, surging, overwhelming.

This chaotic gas is not a general chaotic gas, it contains elementary magnetic divine light, heaven and earth **** thunder, belief in mysterious yellow, and each kind has unmatched destructive power. The three kinds of energy are mixed together, and the destructive power will be amazing. The metal storms that pass through are as dense as copper walls and iron walls. It can easily tear the aircraft carrier into a metal storm.

Seeing this scene, countless spectators were collectively stunned!

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