Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1201: All burst

Deep in the primitive forest of Siberia, in a thunderstorm weather, Ye Tian re-finished the nine-story Xuanhuang Daotai, merged with the broken earth seal, and absorbed the power of a thunder sea god.

The current nine-story platform can not only hit people with bricks, but also carry out energy attacks. If all the energy inside is released at once, the power is absolutely comparable to a super nuclear weapon, which can shock the whole world.

At this moment, the nine-story Xuanhuangdaotai Niudao small trial, the effect is amazing, not only the first-class attack power, but also the protection ability, not to mention, caught the enemy by surprise.

With the cover of the nine-story Taoist platform, Ye Tian continued to approach the battleship cluster, unscathed, and he was in full swing.

Although all warships are in motion, they are too bulky. In seconds, the maneuverability is almost zero, just like a live target, waiting to be cut by Ye Tian.

There are Xuanhuang Daotai blocks in front of them, devouring everything, shredding everything, all naval guns, rocket artillery, etc. guns have lost their functions.

At such a short distance, the strongest attack weapon on the battleship, the vertical launch system, and the heavy missiles are also not easy to use, because they belong to long-range firepower, they can fly out of the atmosphere in one breath, and the lights are dark.

Of course, even without the nine-layer Xuanhuang Daotai cover, he could shake almost all the firepower with his physical body. The only thing that might be able to cause damage to him was the electromagnetic cannon.


A fighter plane flew behind Ye Tian, ​​set aside the Xuanhuang Daotai, snorted like rain, and launched a fierce attack on Ye Tian.

"Death!" Ye Tian angered.


The long sword in his hand swept into the air, and he pulled out a sword field with thousands and thousands of feet. Wherever he passed, all the bullet rain was destroyed and exploded into the sky.

"go with!"

With a toss in his hand, the Sun and Moon Excalibur flew out directly, turning into a terrifying sky, and suddenly crossed the sky, slashing out of a higher-altitude fighter.


The sword light is like a dragon, flexible walking, draws a path of mysterious mystery, as if the extension of Ye Tian's arm, as the arm instructs, the speed is incredible. His mind has long locked all fighters like a radar, and he can't escape.


In the Void Riot, a fighter plane was cut open and turned into a ball of fire, and a loud noise came out, like a blooming firework.

In a blink of an eye, nearly a hundred fighters turned into broken copper and iron, like the fallen leaves of autumn, drifting down from the void, falling into the sea, splashing a puff of water, and ending a mission.

This is a unilateral slaughter, a general blow to dimensionality reduction.

The juvenile divine power is almost invincible.

Seeing this horrific scene, countless people all over the world expressed shock and panic. Of course, some people were uplifted and applauded.


At this time, the Xuanhuang Daotai suddenly shook, and a tungsten rod electromagnetic bullet penetrated the chaotic air and blasted on the Xuanhuang Daotai.

"Oye, fifteen times the speed of sound, finally worked. Give me twenty times the speed of sound. I want to smash this broken thing."

On the No. 2 DDG-10000 large drive, Captain General Thomas raised his eyebrows and made a powerful call to the electromagnetic gun operator.

"Captain, fifteen times the speed of sound is already the limit. If you accelerate again, the turret can't bear it. If it is twenty times the speed of sound, even the entire warship may not be able to bear it." The gunner looked embarrassed, looking towards The captain's eyes seemed to be watching a lunatic.

At just 15 times the speed of sound, the entire turret was already in jeopardy, shaking constantly, and the overload alarm sounded constantly.

In the usual launch training, the electromagnetic gun only dared to hit twelve times the speed of sound. Although twelve times the speed of sound is only three times that of fifteen times the speed of sound, the energy consumption is massive, because there is an exponentially increasing relationship. The same is true of the recoil generated. As the speed increases, the recoil increases exponentially.

"I don't care, give me twenty times the speed of sound, this is the order!" Captain Thomas growled, looking crazy.

"Captain, I really can't do it."

"You can do it if you can't do it. Believe it or not, I killed you?"

When a gun was pointed at his head, the operator soldier finally compromised.


Under the great pressure, the operator soldier turned several knobs to the bottom and adjusted it to the maximum.

Suddenly, the entire electromagnetic gun was not good, and there was a violent overload alarm.

Several huge turrets as large as the houses were violently oscillated, as if dancing, causing the entire large drive to shake.

Moreover, sparks are everywhere, and I feel that it may explode at any time. Especially the long barrel, shrouded in a layer of gorgeous arc light, continuously discharge.

"Never drop the chain!"

A group of soldiers prayed, and their hearts raised their throats.

"5, 4,..."

"After charging, double the threshold."

"The electromagnetic rotation acceleration is normal."

"The shells are loaded and they are launched."


Accompanied by an earth-shattering loud noise, the electromagnetic turret was violently shaken. The long barrel, muzzle position, two-meter-long tungsten rod shells, like a red soldering iron, wrapped around a thousand strands of electric awn, slightly faster than the turtle. The speed flew out inch by inch and landed on the deck with a bang.

After all, the chain was dropped and the launch failed.

Although no violent explosions occurred, thick smoke came from several places in the electromagnetic cannon, the sirens no longer, the arc no longer, obviously burned out.

A group of soldiers were dumbfounded, and Captain Thomas even turned black.

However, at this moment, the No. 3 DDG-10000 large drive, the electromagnetic muzzle suddenly rushed out of a brilliant blue electric awn, like lightning rushed to the Xuanhuang Road platform, the radar speed showed 18 times the speed of sound.

"Don't let me down!"

The captain of the No. 3 DDG-10000 drive, General Cap, muttered to himself.

Beside him, a huge electromagnetic turret ruptured several cracks, the barrel was twisted, and even the deck of the battleship was deformed.

Under this blow, the entire warship retreated more than twenty meters, the waterline sank two meters, and the seawater rolled over to the deck.

This is a fatal blow!

At this time, Ye Tian had already rushed into the battleship cluster, only a few kilometers away from the No. 3 DDG-10000 large drive.

At such a short distance, under eighteen times the speed of sound, time is almost negligible.

Almost immediately in the presence of the azure blue electric awn, a sturdy sound was blasted on the Xuanhuang Dao platform.


The ten-foot-high Xuanhuang Daotai shocked again, without bursting, but the speed of the horizontal strike dropped sharply.

Suddenly, Ye Tian narrowed the Xuanhuang Daotai, and saw a tungsten rod spear pierced into the Daotai, about half a foot deep, the tungsten rod was twisted into a twist, shortening from two meters to one meter.

Countless people said they couldn't believe it, because the one-strike just made it possible that the ten-meter-thick alloy steel plate could penetrate, but it only penetrated into the Xuanhuang Daotai half a foot deep, which is too unreal.

For Ye Tian, ​​this half-foot depth is already a miracle. Because the Xuanhuang Daotai is far harder than any known object on the earth, and it has heavy pattern protection.


Ye Tian pulled out the tungsten rod and spear, looked at the shocking wound, and couldn't help but get angry from his heart.

"No! Stop him quickly, shoot, shoot!"

Captain of the No. 3 DDG-10000 large drive, General Kaip yelled. But the sickle of death was already on his neck and he couldn't escape.

Ye Tian squeezed the twisted tungsten rod straight with his hand, blessed a chaotic Gengjin God Thunder and a chaotic Cinderella Fire Thunder, and then bent down like a bow, throwing a tungsten pole like a javelin throw Go out and aim at the No. 3 DDG-10000 drive.


A string of sonic booms appeared in the void, as if the sky was torn.

Although it was purely brute force throwing, the tungsten rod also broke through six times the speed of sound.

A series of metal storms fired, but they couldn't stop it.

In just two or three fingers, the tungsten war spear blasted a solid on the No. 3 DDG-10000 drive.

Although the speed fell and the wind was inferior to the speed of the electromagnetic gun, but the blessings of Chao Gengjin God Thunder and Chaos C Vulcan Thunder, still detonated a small half of the hull, and the whole warship capsized.

Then, aiming at the No. 2 DDG-10000 drive, Ye Tian smashed the Xuanhuang Daotai in his hand.

Near the front and back of the big drive with lightning speed, the Xuanhuang Daotai suddenly expanded to ten feet high, suddenly drove the big drive out, ten feet high from the water surface, disintegrated into the sky, and countless figures turned into blood mist.

After rushing into the ship cluster, Ye Tian no longer took cover with the help of the Xuanhuang Daotai, and held the Sun and Moon Excalibur in his hands, turning it into a golden lightning, such as a wolf entering the flock and splitting vertically.

He was shrouded in the golden light of the whole body, the golden blood flew to the sky, and the unmatched combat power swept like a big ocean, sweeping all the bulls, ghosts and snakes.

He had given the current great empire a chance, but the great empire was not sure.

Now he has no worries, there is nothing to say, only the means of launching a world-wide attack to let the world see the powerful monk.

"Five, six, seven,..."

Some people think that the excitement is not too big, but even counting the warships that Ye Tian destroyed.

But no one knows that, at this moment, the commander-in-chief of the combined fleet, General Davis, such as Miao Kao, looked so ugly.

"God, have you abandoned your most loyal people? Why should you let Satan the Devil come to slaughter your people?" The old general suddenly mourned, his eyes slightly moist.

"General, do we want to surrender?" asked an officer who also carried the star on his shoulders.

"Is it time to surrender now?"

"As long as you surrender, it must be within time. Everyone knows that the young devil is not killing innocent people indiscriminately. It is my empire in this world who is not kind and always wants to destroy him, so he will be so crazy to revenge. "

"is it?"

The veteran general pondered for a moment, his thoughts changed, and finally made a decision to surrender. He didn't have to die, but he didn't want so many people to die with him.

In this short period of time, the Joint Fleet has been maimed and there is no one left.

"General, phone, from the head of state."

Just then, a guard came suddenly and said to the old general.

When answering the phone, the old general was ashamed for a while, and then he was full of energy and full of energy, as if looking back to the light.

"Prepare to explode all nuclear weapons, martyrdom, and pull the young devil to be buried."

A command came from his mouth and frightened everyone.

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