Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1203: Laser Cannon

In the booming sonic boom, I saw a golden divine rainbow, which came across the sky from the north, and after chopping up several fighter planes in a row, suddenly like a predatory vulture, turned sharply down and dived towards the Kingdom of Maple Leaf Steel torrent.

This is the border between the Maple Leaf Kingdom and the current great empire Alas Province. In order to stop the footsteps of the young demon king, the Maple Leaf Kingdom has tens of thousands of soldiers here, and there are numerous war killers. From a distance, it looks like a torrent of steel, which stretches for dozens of years, and is full of killing gas, which makes people afraid.

When the figure in the sky swooped down, thousands of war killers were locked together, tanks, rapid-fire machine guns, large-caliber artillery, rocket artillery, ground-to-air missiles,...

With so many war killers, once the firepower is fully on, the bad destructive power will be amazing. Do not say that God Realm dare not attack the front, even the Earth Immortal will frown.

However, with such overwhelming firepower, facing a young man, no one dared to fire.

The whole death was silent, all the soldiers were stunned, terrified, and there was no reaction for a while.

They shouldn't have thought that Ye Tian didn't even greet him, he was simple and rude, and he went to war.

As expected by some people, they were forced to battle.

It was the head of the empire next door who pressured their king and forced to send troops to intercept.

Otherwise, ten courage to the Maple Leaf Kingdom will not dare to provoke Ye Tian.

Although this country is vast and rich in resources, it has a very small population and its military capabilities are really not very good. They didn't even have a decent army. It was the great empire that helped them arm and provided war killers before they could piece together such a torrent of steel.

Such an army, just looking at bluffing, really fighting, there is no fighting power.

Ye Tian stepped on the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, holding a nine-story Xuanhuang Daotai in his hand, bathed in golden radiance, lingering in chaos, as if a god, Ling Chen, facing the torrent of steel.

The Maple Leaf Kingdom is the only great empire in the world. It’s a three-day trip to give me a trip to the Great Eastern Kingdom. Ye Tian’s impression of it is very bad, and I’m going to teach them a lesson.

However, now the tens of thousands of opponents seem to be scared and stupid. He didn't even shoot a gun, and he didn't laugh at the face. After all, the Xuanhuang Daotai in his hand was not good to blast out.

The terrain here is wide, and the steel torrents of the Maple Leaf Kingdom are laid out. If the battle is really going, Ye Tian is confident that with the help of the Xuanhuang Daotai, he can push horizontally and smash all the steel chariots into scrap iron.

Somewhere in the middle of the steel torrent, a lot of temporary military tents were erected, with bright flags flying, which was where the headquarters was. One-fifth of the military power of the entire steel torrent is concentrated here, surrounded by chariots and artillery.

Ye Tian swooped down and came here, hovering in mid-air.

A mountain-like heavy pressure fell, making everyone below feel a repressed breath, making it difficult to breathe.

"Do you want to stop me?" Ye Tian asked to the bottom, his voice was like thunder, shaking for dozens of miles.

Accompanied by this voice, a more terrifying coercion swept out, with the sound waves, swept in all directions.

This is Ye Tian's invincible will, the fighting intention of killing with blood.

For a time, tens of thousands of soldiers were throbbing, their souls were chilling, and their fear was extremely high.

An illusion emerged spontaneously. They were as small as ants, and Ye Tian seemed to be a heavenly god. They dared to fight against the gods, they were just looking for death.

thump! thump!

There are constantly soldiers kneeling down, shaking like sieve chaff, begging for forgiveness.

At this time, the mushroom cloud over the Bering Strait has not yet dissipated, but no one has paid attention to it. Countless eyes follow Ye Tian and freeze here at the border.

"Couple, kneel before the war. It is also a live target, far worse than the old empire on the peninsula."

"This is the end of kneeling and licking the current great empire."


The network is boiling, full of cold words.

Because this country is too close to the current great empire, it often acts as a tiger for the tiger, and has made many enemies in the world, and its reputation has long been ruined.

"Youth Demon King, this is the territory of my Maple Leaf Kingdom. If you sneak into my territories, we have every reason to prevent you from entering. My Maple Leaf Kingdom is indistinguishable from you, and you should not deceive people too much. !"

In the voice of countless people on the Internet, a muscular middle-aged man walked out of a military account, wearing military uniforms, carrying four stars on his shoulders, with a strong breath, under the pressure of Ye Tian , Still keeping calm.

Behind him was a group of men in military uniforms, with stars on their shoulders, and they were all officers.


Ye Tiandan pointed out that a golden flame burst out and instantly burned the four-star general to ashes.

Suddenly, all the officers were not calm.

"Junior Demon King, please exercise restraint. My Maple Leaf Kingdom will not cause trouble, but I will never fear anything. Please come down, we have something to say."


Ye Tian snapped his fingers again, and a Gengjin sword gas burst out, instantly tearing the body of the second officer into a blood mist.

"carry on."

Ye Tian's eyes were indifferent, as if killing a single ant, and his mood did not fluctuate at all.

When he next sent the three officers to Xitian, finally an instruction came from the royal family. The king orally ordered him to give up all resistance and let him enter.

After all, the king failed to withstand the pressure and compromised.

This is the first time in history that the Maple Leaf Kingdom has fought against the will of the current great empire.


At this moment, in the steel torrent underneath, a burst of white light beam suddenly exploded, radiating to Ye Tian, ​​facing the position of the door.

The speed of this incandescent beam of light was so fast that it shone on Ye Tian's face door almost instantly.


For a moment, a large scorch mark appeared on his face, and even a few light blue smokes were burning.

"Laser Cannon!"

Suddenly, countless people exclaimed online and offline.

Looking through the light ~ ~ can see that this white light beam comes from an unremarkable tank in the steel torrent. The car carries a mechanical body, and a muzzle is glowing.

There are many countries in the world that study laser cannons, but those who actually use actual combat and can kill enemies in seconds can be the only great empire in the world.

This vehicle-mounted laser gun comes from the current great empire and is powerful. It is said to be able to counter satellites in low orbit, destroy fighters, intercept missiles,...

"Shine his eyes and blind him."

The laser gun fired into the car, a voice shouted.

Then the incandescent beam shifted slightly and aimed at Ye Tian's eyes.

"Common ants!"

With a cold hum, I saw a very horrifying scene. Ye Tian's eyes suddenly burst out two golden beams of light, accompanied by countless thunder bursts, like a laser eye, and suddenly pushed the white light beam back, and Lightning generally rushes towards the electromagnetic gun launch vehicle.

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