Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1204: Foreigner

"How does Feng Lao feel about this person? Is it eligible to join my Daxi?"

On a hill, a young man asked an old man beside him.

They stood on the top of a high mountain, and they were at a high level, and the steel torrents of the Maple Leaf Kingdom below were sweeping. Ye Tian in the air was also seen by them.

What the young man said was naturally Ye Tian.

He wore a black leather jacket and black high-topped combat boots. His facial features were tough and beautiful. His skin was bronze, as if cast from copper iron. His purple hair was meticulously combed. Even his eyes were purple, like a sword, full of In view of the wildness, the eagle looks wolves and looks imposing.

He carried a huge gun on his shoulder, three meters long, and the streamlined surface of the gun body shone brightly and splendidly, full of sci-fi beauty, unlike a modern weapon on earth.

The firearm seemed to weigh hundreds of pounds, but he carried it on his shoulder as if he had no weight and lifted it lightly.

"Talent is not under you. Unfortunately, this piece of waste soil buried him. If in my Daxi Lingtu, there is a high probability of being able to achieve a generation of babies." An old man with a bunch of goatee and silver eyes answered.

The old man is short and thin, and his wrinkled skin is like old bark. It looks very unbelievable, but the spirit is extremely exuberant, especially a pair of eyes, like two torches, countless countless spurs. , People can not look directly. His eyebrows and frontal bones glowed faintly. This is a manifestation of his strong spiritual power.

Needless to say, this old man is a powerful mental master.

Hearing the words of the old silver pupil, the look of the purple-haired man changed slightly, and a fierce flash in Ye Tian's eyes.

The sentence "the talent is not under him" in the old man's mouth makes him sound harsh.


On the other side of the young man, a young and beautiful woman laughed cover her mouth.

This is a woman who will make any man be excited when he meets. His figure is ups and downs, his legs are round and slender, wearing a purple princess skirt, revealing a bright white willow thin waist with a navel, full of purple long hair scattered, every one is very good Crystal, bright eyes and bright teeth, the style is touching, the whole person is like a jade carving, and it is unbelievably beautiful.

"Does Brother Ao want to fight him?" The beauties in short skirts laughed, exhaling like blue, bright red lips, and bright teeth.

"Huh, he's an aboriginal waste planet, humble ants, what qualifications are my opponents?" Zifa man sneered coldly, his fierce eyes full of contempt.

"It's wasteland, and don't despise it." The old silver pupil said, "This planet is very tenacious, and I was wiped out of the Xiuxian civilization by my Daxi, and after taking away the spirit roots of the world, there was no depression. Civilized, and developed very well. This alone is worthy of favor. Which other planet would I conquer, if you think of the Great Western Conquest? Most of them will be deserted and become Jedi."

Their identity has been clearly revealed, from outside the region, the Great Western Civilization, which is the Atlantis civilization in the myth of the earth.

A long time ago, this civilization came to the earth, destroyed the civilization of the immortals in the east and the civilization of the gods in the west, and took away the spiritual roots of the world. The spirit of the earth has since dried up, and a big star of Xiuxian has degenerated into a small star of waste earth.

"It's the technological civilization, and it's just the most backward mechanical civilization. The magic gun in my hand can wipe out the whole star." The man with purple hair shook his big three-meter gun on his shoulder, An arrogant life.

"Don't. I like this star very much. I'm going to come here often as my holiday destination." The girl in a short skirt smiled and looked at the great rivers and mountains of the earth, her eyes full of obsession.

"A broken star, what's so good? Is the diamond star I sent you bad? Ten thousand times more beautiful than here."

"The people there are almost killed by you. It's lifeless. I like the lively and crowded places. And I am very interested in the civilization here. Feng Lao, I want to play here for a few days and go back?"

Elder Yintong chuckled and plucked the goatee, saying, "Of course. As long as you want, the entire star is yours, and billions of natives are your slaves."

"There are too many billions of servants, I only need one, it is him."

In the sweet, sweet laughter, the beautiful girl in the short skirt protruded the jade fingers that chopped onion, and pointed to Ye Tian in the midair, with big eyes and smart eyes. Although there is no disdainful color like a purple-haired man in the purple eyes, there is no sense of respect, as if Ye Tian is really regarded as a slave.

At this time, Ye Tian was booming, and two thunder rays were exploded in the fire-eye golden pupil. After breaking a laser column like a bamboo, it fell into the muzzle of the laser gun.

Subsequently, the violent energy erupted from the laser cannon, and the world was shocked. A mushroom cloud was raised on the spot. The tens of tons of laser cannon launcher was torn into iron chips at once, dozens of vehicles within a thousand kilometers. The chariots were also destroyed.

"Not bad, this guy is very interesting, I must accept him as my servant." The beauty of the beautiful girl in the short skirt glowed, very excited.

"If you want to be your servant, you have to pass me first." The man with purple hair suddenly unloaded a three-meter-long gun on his shoulder and hugged it in his arms. The muzzle aimed at Ye Tian's direction.

"Don't hurt him. This person is very talented. I want to cultivate it well, but I might not be a great man in my Daxi." The old silver pupil stopped.

"Relax, I won't hurt him, just try his weight." The man with purple hair grinned.


At this time, the world's great empire was in a state of panic and noisy. The streets were full of demonstrations and crowds, smashing, burning and looting everywhere.

Countless people shouted the name of the head of the great empire and told him to step down.

There are also countless people shouting the name of the **** leader Barov ~ ~ let him consciously cut his head off, give the young devil to kick the ball, calm the anger in the young devil's chest.

It can be said that the passive situation of the current great empire is caused by these two people.

"Sir, the head, it's time to close. No one can stop the young devil, and no one can kill him. If you let him go on like this, the foundation of the great empire will be destroyed."

In the Free City, the National Defense Center, and the combat command room, there were high-level officials who could not bear the pressure and persuaded the head of state to surrender.

"Close up? Is it possible to close up? Is it that I am willing to close up, and is the young devil willing to close up? Take a step back, there is no place for burial, further, there is a possibility of winning. Open all nuclear arsenals, and The young devil fights, even if it is to be buried in the whole world." The head of state said with red eyes.

"Heads of state, no one can do anything."

A group of VIPs scared their urine and paled.

It's crazy to let the whole world be buried.

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