Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1213: Rush to the border

When Ye Tian's figure appeared again in the live footage, he had already crossed the Maple Leaf Kingdom and was coming to the inland land of the current great empire, and was in a fierce battle with the army.

"At all costs, do everything you can to bomb the target!"

This was an order given by the head of empire Hopkins personally. The three armies did not dare to obey, and all rushed to the battlefield like chicken blood.

I saw it in the void, and the line of fire, like a sickle of death, fought in anger, intertwined into a nearly impenetrable sky net, covering the sky.

In an instant, hundreds of missiles came from all directions, flying up, as if a tiger came out of the cage, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and roared towards the same figure.

In the follow-up, there will be more missiles coming from all over the world, some from launch vehicles, some from silos, some from aircraft carrier battle groups, and sea ghosts and submarines.

The number of missiles in this country is in the hundreds of thousands, which is simply infinite firepower, inexhaustible.


Thousands of artillery fired together, and the rain broke out, making the world shake.

Above the earth, thousands of tanks and armored combat vehicles converged into countless steel torrents, carrying yellow sand and thick smoke, and rushed to the battlefield desperately.

There are also various artillery vehicles following, high-altitude, cannon, slap, etc., and so on.

The ground troops are so brave, and the air force is naturally not far behind. Nearly 10,000 fighters flew out from various military bases, aircraft carrier decks, and even equipment workshops, full of firepower, and gathered together, as if the transiting locust swarms, densely packed, just look It makes people feel terrified.

The strength of the current great empire and the overwhelming global military power are most vividly reflected at this moment.

Countless melon-eating people saw this scene, all expressed shock, and their small hearts fluttered.

"The current great empire is worthy of being the current great empire. It's so powerful to step on horses. It's no wonder that you dare to walk sideways around the world and repair whoever is unhappy."

"Born in this country, the sense of well-being must have burst. I seem to smell the fragrance of the earth, the fresh air, this is the taste of freedom. I am fed up with the smog, and I must be reborn into the great empire in my next life."

"Are you breathing with your buttocks? Certainly not the smell of gunpowder?"

"Oh, when you reach your next life, it is still unknown whether the current empire exists."

"Yeah, the young demon is brave and invincible, and the current great empire is in danger!"


A golden figure rammed into the void, the sword in his hand was so arrogant, so unscrupulous, so unpretentious in the eyes, as if he were the master of the world, pushing the world invincible.

What kind of militia, patriot, what stinger, hairy legs, what battle axe, trident, ..., are all like chickens and dogs, not enough to see in front of him.

The young Golden Eucharist is almost immortal and can hardly resist the fire attack of large caliber rocket artillery.

Of course, it is impossible for a teenager to be so stupid that he can let a large-caliber rocket launch directly on his flesh. He has a vigorous body protector, as well as a drooping chaos on the Xuanhuang Daotai, and invincible defense, resulting in chaos on the crystal wall Holy area.

I saw that one supersonic missile, one thousand kilometers away from the body of the teenager, exploded one after another, and rolled up into a sea of ​​flames.

Occasionally, earth-launching missiles can take advantage of the weak points of Chaos God Realm, but they will also be destroyed by the Chaos Qi of the Xuanhuang Daotai in a hundred meters outside.

And when the teenager makes a counterattack, the consequences will be catastrophic.

A sword rainbow winds around in the air, bringing up a tsunami-like sword gas, fluttering hundreds of missile shells were intercepted, and dozens of fighters were turned into scrap iron.

Xuanhuang Daotai thrown, meteors generally blasted to the steel torrent on the ground, as if the domino collapsed, instantly pulled a straight line of fire in the steel torrent, that is a tank, tanks and artillery were bombed To.

"My goodness!"

Seeing this scene, countless people who ate melon expressed shock, and countless soldiers were shocked.

This is simply a dimensionality reduction attack, the same as the alien invasion of the earth in the science fiction movie.

The only advantage of the current great empire is the large number of people and the large number of war killers. Ye Tian wants to defeat it in one fell swoop, which is very unrealistic. Although his efficiency of killing enemies is very high, it is difficult to kill them without days and nights.

So, Ye Tian fought and left.

His original intention was not to overthrow the current great empire, but he just wanted to teach them a few lessons and teach them to be human again.


The young men's swords were united into a golden divine rainbow, and behind them a string of sound and explosion clouds rushed out of the flames of war.

However, no matter where he rushed, wherever he came, the flames of war would follow, and missiles and other war killers would follow.

But it said that this is not the homeland of the current great empire, but the territory of the Maple Leaf Kingdom.

Regarding the burning of war in the country and the innocent suffering, the Maple Leaf Kingdom upholds the feeling of brotherhood and chooses to keep one eye open and one eye closed, even if it brings many innocent deaths and injuries.

However, when a tens of millions of tons of nuclear weapons were detonated, a town was accidentally destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of nationalized fly ash, the Maple Leaf Kingdom could not calm down.

A group of staff members stood beside the king, filled with indignation.

"King, we can't stay out of the matter anymore, we must put pressure on the head of empire, otherwise the great Maple Leaf Kingdom will be charcoaled." Some of the staff exclaimed generously.

"Wait, wait, now is the critical moment of the life and death of the current great empire. As a fraternal alliance, it is our duty to share the pains with one another, and my Maple Leaf Kingdom should share some disasters." The king waved his hand so that the staff should not say more.

The king of Maple Leaf Kingdom is a true love for the current great empire!

At this moment, in the live broadcast, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, a violent shock wave swept through all directions, swept everything, devoured everything, and made the mountains and rivers dark, and the sun and moon were dull.

"That is……?"



In the flaming mushroom cloud, a golden figure flew out, like a petrel in a storm, and Ren Feng was in a torrential also must fight tenaciously against the sky and never fall.

"This time it's real physical resistance against nuclear weapons."

"The teenager is truly invincible."

"The world's great empire has committed a heinous crime, and it will finally be retaliated."


At this time, Ye Tian's mood is very calm.

In order to avoid the nuclear weapons of the current emperor, he deliberately shuttled from the town and passed through the places with many people. As a result, he still underestimated the heart of the current empire and dared to release nuclear weapons to him in the places with many people.

His physical body can linger on the edge of nuclear weapons, if the core can still cause trauma to him, so he dare not take it lightly.

"Continue to release nuclear weapons. If you can't release one, you'll release ten or a hundred. If you don't have 10 million tons of equivalent, you won't get 100 million tons of equivalent. I don't believe in killing him." Hopkins, the head of the great empire, had red eyes, almost Screaming.

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