Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1214: Take control of the mushroom cloud

Ye Tian fought and fought and killed him all the way, which cost him a lot.

Fortunately, Meng Yao sent him a few good elixir, and he also had a few drops of thunder sap liquid, which can supplement the consumption of vitality of the body.

Standing in the sky and looking south, we can see that the border of the current great empire is getting closer and closer.

There was a torrent of iron and steel, laid out in a row, countless war kills were waiting in line, the two in heaven and earth were one, and the guard was solid as a golden soup.

However, everyone knows clearly that this seemingly solid gold torrent, and the indestructible steel torrent, is simply impossible to stop the young devil.

If the young devil does not choose to bear hard, he must have killed the Liberty City early, and it is likely that the old nest of the Empire League will be taken.


The sky was violently shocked, and the glaring light made the witnesses hundreds of miles away stunned, and then saw a huge mushroom cloud steaming up, thick smoke covered the sun, the sea of ​​fire was violent, and the sky shook like a rag. , As if torn.

This is the tenth nuclear weapon released in five minutes, with an average of two nuclear weapons a minute, all of which are fusion nuclear weapons of more than 10 million tons equivalent.

The whole world was shocked and could not be calm. The current great empire clearly regarded nuclear weapons as ordinary missiles and released them as if they were not money.

However, it is said that this country has ten thousand nuclear warheads up and down, and now only nine cattle are released.

The tenth nuclear weapon was dropped by bomber fighters in high altitude. According to Ye Tian’s flight path, flight speed, and other parameters, the supercomputer was used to calculate the detonation point in advance.

When I saw the young devil finally swallowed by the mushroom cloud, tens of thousands of people from all over the world embarked and cheered.

Of the ten nuclear weapons, only two have achieved the mushroom cloud to devour the young demon king. This is one of them.

The speed of the young devil is too fast, and has a strong sense of mind, it is too difficult for nuclear weapons to hit him.

But the man has lost his foot and the horse has stumbled. This time he finally caught the young devil, and the mushroom cloud swallowed him in. There are dozens of millions of degrees of high temperature inside, and there are deadly factors such as strong light radiation, shock storms, etc., just like a world of purgatory, Dixian has to drink hatred with a high probability.

"Oye, finally succeeded."

"Useless, it won't kill the young devil at all."

"The body of the young devil can resist nuclear weapons, which has just been verified."

"Ten, nine, eight, seven,..."


In front of the live broadcast, countless people who ate melons talked, some people cheered, and many people remained calm.

There was already a nuclear weapon mushroom cloud that swallowed the young demon king, and the result was not flying out.

But this time, there seems to be some situation, and the time has passed, and there is no sign of the young devil.

When thirty seconds passed, and the young demon king had not yet come out, the calm melon-eaters also frowned.

When one minute passed, and the young demon king kept silent, countless people who were calm about eating melons said that they could not calm down and were anxious.

"I'm going, did you really hang it? Don't you?"

"Young Demon King, get out, or I will look down on you."

"When the great empire is not overthrown and world peace is not coming, how can you die?"


On the Internet, there are countless discussions among the people who eat melons, the words are full of sorrow, and deep regret, sorrow, and mourning for the young devil.

But the world's great empire is full of laughter and laughter, as if it is the Chinese New Year.

"Head of State, we succeeded!"

There were also people cheering in the commanding room of the current great empire.

"No, we haven't succeeded yet!" Divine lord Barov said solemnly, pouring cold water on the big guy.

Although there is no sign of the young demon king in the camera, Barov's eyes are so violent, there is an intuition that the young devil is still alive.

As the saying goes, no acquaintance, he knows nothing about the young devil. Every time when he thought that he had killed the young devil, the young man would appear miraculously.

"Huh, why did it thunder?"

Suddenly, many people saw a scene of surprise, lightning flashed in the mushroom cloud, and the number was increasing at a very fast rate.

It didn't take a moment for the huge mushroom cloud to turn into a shining ball of light, with crackling countless electric lights shining non-stop.

This situation is unheard of, unseen!

Countless people stunned with wide eyes.

"The young devil must be the young devil. I can guarantee that he is not dead!"

"Will it be him? Really not dead?"

"It's really his words, what are you doing in there? Are you joking?"


In many people's expectations, many people's fears, and many people's shocked eyes, a figure of a teenager finally came out of the mushroom cloud, with a steady pace and a straight waist, which is better than a walk in the court.

This is a demon-like young man, burning with a blazing golden flame, in the golden flame, wandering flashes of dragon-like dragon-like five-color thunder, bursts of bursting sound.

His long blond hair stood upright, his roots were crystal clear like jade silk, and he hunted and flew in the golden flame thunder, like a golden flag of Zhang Yang's wild.

His pupils were open and closed, and his eyes were full of light. His golden pupils were cast like gold, and his thunderstruck beating like two thunderballs.

Above his head, a nine-story pagoda suspended, innumerable chaos hung down, forming a golden bell-like iron cloth shirt-like compartment.

Also on this nine-story pagoda, countless thunderstorms exploded, forming a thick lightning, such as giant thunder dragons, and the tail of the dragon in the mushroom cloud, disillusioned, like a one. A large tree of thunder and lightning, divided countless branches, throughout the mushroom cloud.

The countless lightning bolts in the mushroom cloud that everyone sees are all from this Xuanhuang Daotai.

As the boy stepped forward, the blood of gold boiled, and the terrible coercion fell like a mountain to the steel torrent on the ground, shaking the sky, shaking the earth, and the tension of countless soldiers, and a suffocation.

And the horror is that, with his pace, the huge mushroom cloud in the sky, under the traction of the nine-story Xuanhuang Daotai air machine, is also moving, just like a huge thundercloud ~ Cover the sky.


"He actually took away a mushroom cloud formed by a ten-million-ton equivalent fusion nuclear weapon outbreak. How is this possible?"

"Illusions must be hallucinations."


At this moment, the whole world was horrified and shocked beyond reproach.

A mushroom cloud can contain nearly half of the essence of a nuclear weapon, which is actually manipulated by a human being, which is too illusory.

At this moment, the young devil is seen by all beings, as if it were a thunderbolt in charge of heaven.

"Take control of the world, this is the power that only the true **** can master! This is not a demon king, this is a true god!"

An old shinker exclaimed, his whole body shivering and couldn't help but kneel to the ground.

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