Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1223: Closed Black House

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call out!

A beam of Divine Light suddenly appeared, rolled up Ye Tian, ​​and flew towards the sea pyramid.

The speed of the beam was so fast that Ye Tian was swept away without being able to dodge it at all.

The light beam contains the law of void, which makes his body almost blurred, and can transmit space without regard to distance.

When he reacted, the man was already in a small black room, seeming to flash, and really shrunk to an inch.

There is only thick darkness here, like a dark ink pool, and nothing is visible.


A wave of powerful mana waves swept from the darkness, stirring a huge force vortex one after another in the calm darkness. Like boiling water, it locked on Ye Tian and tried to restrain him. It is like a big mouth of blood basins, want to swallow him, giving a terrible feeling.

"Go away!"

Ye Tian suddenly roared, and a violent golden blood burst out of the body, which turned into a fierce gust of wind and swept out, suddenly suppressing the unknown mana fluctuations, and the dark vortices were destroyed one after another.

Boom, boom!

Two terrible golden pillars of fire exploded from his pupils, like two peerless swords, slashed into the darkness, split the chaos, and reproduced the day.

At the time of boarding, the black room was bright.

Ye Tian found out that he was in a metal closet. It was narrow and occluded, with black metal walls all around. I didn’t know what the material was. It was smooth like a mirror. It gave a solid and cold feeling. It is clearly a prison cage.

On the black metal wall, there are many mysterious runes engraved, which flow out strange waves and form a large array of runes.

Obviously, these are dimples, which are the nicks of the avenue. Although Ye Tianda can recognize it, it is difficult to crack, because his level is still too low.

Fortunately, the pattern is incomplete, otherwise he will be more aggressive today. Because of the large array of dense runes, Jin Dan killed the formation, which could trap Yuan Ying and kill Jin Dan.

Even if you know how to crack, even if you don't have a certain level of matching, you can't crack it, and it takes a long time to think about it.

Fortunately, the big team is incomplete, it may be wiped out in the years, or other reasons, half of the power is not bad.


The two golden beams of light exploded in Ye Tian's pupils, like a laser, penetrated the void and blasted onto the black metal wall.

Then a weird scene took place. Two pillars of sky-burning fire disappeared into the metal wall like mud bulls, and were absorbed into the metal wall. There was no trace of scorch on the metal wall.

Ye Tian's fire-eye golden pupil is so sharp and sharp. It is a kind of magic fire, chaotic gold flame, super-alloy steel plate with a thickness of several meters can easily penetrate, and even melt into molten iron.

Now Chaoyang Jinyan was absorbed by the black metal wall, and it was almost a ghost.

After absorbing the chaotic golden flames, some of the lines of avenues on the black metal wall were actually activated, with a shiny flash, like a star in the night sky, magnificent and gorgeous.

But there was terrible coercion drooping down, overwhelming like a tide, covering Ye Tian's whole body in an instant. Every inch of muscles and bones all over his body made steel that was crushed hard, and the sound of cracking and breaking to the limit of elasticity was like a sky collapsed, pressing on his body.

Banyetian is a golden sacred body, and he can't bear it. His face changes wildly, his eyes widen, his body is violent, and he struggles to resist.

This is the operation of the great power of the little black house to suppress the spirits inside.

This little black house should be designed for the strong level of Guan Dan, and the divine coercion corresponds to the Jin Dan level. Ye Tian is only a **** realm now.

Fortunately, the Divine Power Array is also incomplete, and Ye Tian's golden body can be comparable to the body of Jin Dan, otherwise, people will surely die, and will be pressed into blood mud.

"Give me!"

Suddenly, a burst of divine power in Ye Tian's body, like a awakened wild dragon, would suddenly break through the coercion of coercion, and then started the golden gold fist, bringing the tsunami-like punching waves, fiercely against the black The walls blasted past.

This is a dangerous place, it should not stay for a long time!


A loud noise like Hong Zhong Da Lu made the whole black house tremble.

The power of this punch is enough to blow a god's realm, which can be called a shocking world, but the result is beyond Ye Tian's expectations. The black wall vibrated and buzzed, but it was There was no damage for half a minute, and no dent appeared. On the contrary, he was shocked with blood and trembling, the five organs were shaking, and he took a few steps backwards and hit the wall behind him.

On the wall, a ray of dimples, like a beautiful line, shimmering, like a lamp being lit.

Awe-inspiring, Ye Tian's punching power was absorbed by the wall, and some Avenue Runes were activated.

This is terrible.

All rebellion is not only in vain, but will inspire Avenue Runes and bring more intense suppression to yourself. It is equivalent to all the crit, and finally hit themselves and seek for themselves.

Ye Tian refused to accept it, and then punched a punch. The whole person burst into a golden light, and the golden blood flew into the sky. Every pore was swallowing Ruixia. The whole person was cast like **** gold, and the net was like a glass.

This time the Golden Eucharist exploded with all strength, every inch of flesh was shaking, and the golden blood flowed like the Yangtze River, sending out the sound of thunder and thunder.


One punch broke the heavens and earth, as if to explode Jiu Chongtian, and printed on the black metal wall fiercely.

This time the wall is still not penetrated, but it has sunk in one piece.

Under the powerful anti-seismic force, Ye Tian was once again sent out by Zhen Fei and hit the wall behind him.

This black wall is very strange, not only can absorb the power, but also can reverse the power.

This time no more stripes were lit, but some stripes were dimmed.

Obviously Ye Tian's punch exceeded the ability of the black wall.

"It's really a powerful aborigine. It is placed in Daxi, where my Tianjiao is born, and can be tied with the top Tianjiao."

Outside the little black house, a beautiful woman exclaimed that it was the visitor from outside the field, the beautiful woman in a short skirt.

Standing outside, she could clearly see the scene inside the little black house.

Ye Tian guessed right, this Pyramid battleship was indeed left by the Great West when it invaded the earth in ancient times. Because it was scrapped, it never returned to Great West.

"Your Highness, this is an evil star, you can't take it lightly, kill him quickly."

Next to the woman in the short skirt, an old man in a white robe with a gray head and gray face said, nodded and bowed his waist.

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