Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1224: Past events

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"It's too cheap to kill him. I'm going to take him to Daxi, to be judged by Daxi, and torture him with the harshest punishment. He killed my proud brother and Fenglao, and he will die without guilt!" The beautiful woman bit her fangs angrily, her long purple hair shining, and her delicate little face was a bit daunting.

"What? Bring him to Daxi? His Royal Highness, unbelievable! In case there is a chaos, this is a great scourge." Balov looked shocked, uneasy.

"Why, do you think my masters are gathered, and the grand upper reaches of the heavens can't suppress you, a little native of the waste earth planet?" The beautiful woman in a short skirt squinted her eyes, like listening to a big joke.

"No, no, Your Highness misunderstood, I don't mean that. I'm afraid that it's better to kill people early. It's better for people to kill early." Balov bowed his brows, cold sweats came from his head.

I don't think he was so nervous when facing the head of the great empire.

"Baluofu, although you are a descendant of my Daxi, but you have not entered my Daxi in this life, the blood of Daxi has long been thin. My Daxi robbed his home with stars, swept the heavens and the world, and conquered one after another. The stars, fierce, brave, and courageous, are integrated into the bloodline, and they don’t know what they are afraid of. When you return to your mother star and recognize your ancestors, you will know how strong my Daxi is, and your vision How small it is." The beautiful woman in a short skirt said proudly.

"All is determined by His Royal Highness. It's my shallow knowledge and worry." Balov bowed his head in shame, his eyes flashing, and there was a little excitement.

He is a descendant of Daxi. He was abandoned by the parent star for a long time. He can return to the parent star in this life. It is like a dream. It is inevitable to be excited.

Although his bloodline was so thin that it was almost a pure native aborigine, the only trace of Daxi bloodline made him fascinated by Daxi and thought he was a Daxi.

"I'm going to destroy this sinful waste star, let all the creatures be buried for my proud brother and old wind. I have been summoned to go back, or Daxi will send someone to wipe out here in one fell swoop. What else do you have here Relatives? You guarded the frontier for my Daxi, guarded the teleportation gate, and worked hard. I can give you a few places and bring me into Daxi. Oh, yes, there is the native who has the Zero Armor, Bring him in too. I just need a pet to fight for me. I don’t know if he has the qualifications.” The beautiful girl in a short skirt said coldly, her purple eyes sparkling, her hair fluttering, and she was very beautiful. .

Not far behind her, in the central hall of the Pyramid Battleship, there was a circular object shining with white light, about three feet in diameter, which stood on a high platform and looked like a large mirror. However, the mirror surface is not glass, but a light curtain, but it can ripple like water.

This is a door, the star gate, that is, the star gate of the starry sky transmission, can achieve interstellar transmission.

Unlike the Xuanguang platform used by short skirt beauties before, it can only be transmitted at close range, only tens of thousands of miles.

Of course, the starry sky transmission array also has a transmission limit, and there is no possibility of unlimited transmission. There are two stars that are far away. When building a starry sky transmission array, a "relay transmission station" is needed.

Between Daxi and Earth, there are several transmission relay stations.

The so-called transmission relay station is actually a transmission gate, which is exactly the same as this transmission gate on earth.

After the war of conquest in the ancient times, not all the people of Daxi evacuated together, but left some tribes to stay here, exploit the earth's resources, and hunt the fish in the net.

The mined earth resources are sent back to the parent star through the star gate.

Of course, Daxi cannot do this by himself, but forces the labors of the earth to do it.

At that time, the warship could still float on the sea and even make short flights at low altitudes. It was not completely abolished, but was only a half-waste.

Moreover, the pyramid warship can be unfolded, floating on the sea in a plane, just like an island.

The Great Western Continent described by Plato is not an unfolded pyramid warship.

After the exploitation of the earth's resources was exhausted, the Daxi people evacuated, but some descendants remained.

Most of these descendants are not pure Westerners.

That's how Balov's ancestors stayed.

Initially, these descendants are also connected to the parent star, and the parent star sometimes sends people over. Later, it may be that the mother star has opened up too much territory, forgotten here.

Then in the blink of an eye, the endless years passed.

In order to survive, the thin blood descendants of the great Western descendants had to integrate into the lives of the people of the earth, and even sold some resources to obtain preferential treatment.

"My loved ones are gone, I haven't gotten a wife. I had a disciple who was also a descendant of Daxi, but died in the hands of the young devil. As for the native who integrated the No. 0 battle armor, he also hoped that His Royal Highness would atone and die. It was buried in the hands of the young demon king." Balov said shamefully.

The beautiful woman in the short skirt looked down, looking at Ye Tian, ​​who was still struggling to resist in the little black room, gritted his teeth and scolded: "Good boy demon!"


At this time, Ye Tian punched again, and smashed a big pit on the black wall, making some runes dim.

The beautiful woman in the short skirt lightly pointed her fingertips and shot a fine light, hitting the black metal wall, and suddenly many runes lit up.

Suddenly, heavier coercion fell, causing Ye Tian's counterattack to stop suddenly, as if it had been sealed, as if time had stopped flowing.

Then, the beautiful woman in the short skirt stepped forward, her body shining a little bit, even passing through the wall, and came to the little black room in a flash.

"Your Highness, be careful." Balov was shocked when he saw this.

But at this time the beauty in the short skirt had entered the little black room. When he wanted to pass through the wall, he couldn't.

"Indigenous, we meet again. You have no way to heaven, you have no way to enter hell. It is you who cast your own nets, no wonder I!" The beautiful girl in short skirt smiled, seeming to be sarcasm.

"I knew you were fooling, who are you?"

Ye Tianheng Suddenly, his body shook, and he broke free from the force field, and then a big iron fist served the short skirt beauty.

At this time, I heard a voice coming from behind:

"Your speed is too slow."

The beauty in the short skirt flashed in general, disappeared from the front of Ye Tian, ​​and suddenly appeared behind him.

Qiang Qiang!

Her right hand, as white as jade, was protruding, and her five fingers with green onions protruded into five nails with a length of one foot, like five slender war knives, shining in the cold light of the forest, extremely sharp.

Then, facing Ye Tian's back heart, she slammed her jaws down, vigorously sinking, as fast as lightning, and caught five dark cracks in the void.

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