Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1225: Was beaten

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The beauty in the short skirt is purple waist-length, smooth like silk, a little bit of gloss flashing, as if the fairy hui is flowing, the figure is graceful and graceful, the body is white as jade, especially the two long legs, white and delicate, firm and powerful, beautiful dream, a pair Dai Mei's eyebrows were upright and her eyes were dazzling.

This is a woman who is too beautiful. Any man will be emotional when he sees it. He seems to have no power, elegant and expensive, and pitiful, but when he starts, the executioner frowns, sharp and ruthless. hot.

The stripes under her feet flashed, colorful, disillusioned step by step, like a ghost, giving her the super power of flashing.

As if this is a field of hers, Law Avenue is close to her, and you can get various blessings from it.

However, Ye Tian will be suppressed, shoulders as a mountain, pressure is heavy, and it is difficult to walk.


During the disillusionment of the pace, the beauty of the short skirt appeared behind Ye Tian ghostly, incredibly fast.


She protruded her right hand. The five claws were like five slender swords. They pierced the void, accompanied by the sound of gold cracked stone, and pierced the back heart of Ye Tian fiercely. Old fate.

Ye Tian evaded quickly, but under heavy pressure, he bound his hands and feet, still a slow shot, and was stabbed.


A loud sound like Hong Zhong Da Lu came out, the beautiful girl in a short skirt shook her body, and her five claws bent three at once. The white jade hand flew for a while, and there were blood stains flowing out of her fingertips.

It seemed that this blow was not stabbing on Ye Tian's flesh, but stabbing on the hardest steel in the world. The steel was harmless and hurt himself.

Her five alloy claws, also known as finger knives, are made of several kinds of magic alloys. They are from Daxi’s top smelter masters. They are real iron-cutting mud, indestructible, what armor of the main battle tank, what battleship The deck can be split like a melon or a vegetable. Now that she couldn't pierce Ye Tian's body, she bent three claws, but she was not surprised.


Without piercing Ye Tian's flesh, she slid down again and took a fierce grasp. She shattered Ye Tian's back shirt, and five claw marks were visible on the body of the godlike golden glaze, which overflowed the gold. Blood stains.

"Why is your flesh so powerful? Are you really a native here?" She couldn't believe it. Although she hurt Ye Tian's flesh, it was far from achieving the effect she wanted and penetrated the heart.

In Daxi, there are also some powerful horizontal training bodies, but none can match Ye Tian.

I saw that Ye Tian was also surprised. This claw of the beautiful woman in a short skirt actually injured his golden eucharist, although it was only a minor undetectable injury.

"Smelly girls, dare to hurt me, you are looking for death!" Ye Tian snarled and burst into a swearing.


He lifted his iron fist again, breaking free of heavy restraint and suppression, like a angry lion, blasting at the short skirt beauty, as if to blow her head with a punch.

Without any suspense, his fist missed, only a hammer burst of air. The beautiful woman in short skirt dodged easily with the flash of superpower, appeared in a corner behind him, staring at him with a strange look.

"Boy, I really appreciate you more and more. I suddenly moved, some do not want to kill you, let you be my darling, fight for me, will certainly make many of the West proud of sideways." Short skirt beauty eyes flashed , As if looking at a mythical beast, very happy.

During the speech, her delicate body like sheepskin and white jade shined, and as a little brilliance gleamed, a pink-purple battle armor suddenly appeared on her body, wrapped tightly from head to toe, and she was heroic and majestic.

Click, click!

On the back of the armor of the battle armor, as well as the elbows of the arms, the knees of the legs, several high-frequency warblades were ejected, oscillating at high frequencies, flashing light blue arcs, dazzling and cold.

Compared with finger knives, the high-frequency war knives are sharper, and can cut at the molecular and atomic levels, that is, the star nucleus can be cut.

"However, if you want to be my favorite pet, you have to pass the test. Boy, a chance for life is in front of you, depending on whether you can grasp it." The beauty of the short skirt said coldly, like a master, High above all, no one in sight.

"I want to catch me as a pet of war, I am not ashamed. Believe it or not, I caught you and sold it to the kiln."

"It's such a stubborn guy. Is it so difficult to lower your head?" The beautiful girl in a short skirt shook her head and seemed to regret it.

Suddenly, she stomped her feet sharply, the lines under her feet flashed, and countless lines across the little black house lit up.


A thunderbolt fell, thicker than the Haiwankou, extremely fierce, and covered Ye Tian's heavenly spirit.

As a result, I saw that Ye Tianwen didn't move, letting the thunder strike to cover the sky, and then covering the whole body like running water.

His whole body has several pores, and his body circulates golden Baohui, even bringing lightning into his body and refining his body.

The beautiful woman in the short skirt frowned, her teeth biting loudly. He wanted Ye Tian to suffer some hardships, but he didn't expect the teenager's body to be hard against lightning.

"It's an incredible indigenous! It seems that you won't bow your head before I step on your dog's head."

In the voice of anger, the beautiful woman in the short skirt turned into a streamer, and the lightning flashed out, and the high-frequency elbow on the elbow of her right arm split against Ye Tian's neck.

Ye Tian's body is short, avoiding the chopping of the Gao Zhoubo sword, and at the same time a leg sweeping, iron legs like a tomahawk to the beautiful body of the short skirt beauty. The result was flashed away by the beauties in short skirts, kicked to the back, and the whole person flew away.

The beauty in the short skirt brought the flash to the extreme, and Barov was dazzled outside the little black house, and could not keep up with her rhythm.

At her flashing speed, under normal conditions, Ye Tian may not be able to escape, not to mention being suppressed.

This is an unfair showdown, totally unreasonable.

Every blow of the beauties in the short skirts is a dead hand, and the force is heavy, which is really testing Ye Tian.

The Gao Zhoubo Warblade seemed to be able to cut the void, and every time it passed the void, a dark crack appeared.

Bang, boom!

There was a burst of rumbling sounds in the little black house, and the beauty of the short skirt beauty was getting stronger and became more and more fierce, and the figure was almost blurred.

Suddenly, she appeared again behind Ye Tian, ​​and Gao Zhoubo's war sword swept across Ye Tian's back, bringing a thin blood stain. There are already several blood stains on Ye Tian's body.

With one blow, the beautiful woman in short skirt flashed away.

She licked the gold blood remaining on Gao Zhoubo's sword, revealing a sweet smile, and said to Ye Tian:

"It's really boring. I didn't think you were so weak, I couldn't even stop me with a blow. Waste like you, but I can't be my favorite. Just stop sealing you first."


She stomped her foot gently again, and the new track marks in the little black house recovered and turned into a blue and white streamer, which flooded Ye Tian's body like tide, and the body was crystallized.

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