Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1226: Ultimate hunt

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"Huh, weird, where did the young demon go? Why suddenly disappeared?"

"The current great empire has hung white flags, but the young devil has disappeared. Is this a joke?"

"Have you already been invited by the current great empire to go home, waiting for wine and food? Or, are you interviewing Hopkins, the head of the great empire?"


At this moment, the Internet is full of comments about the young devil.

Countless people scrambled to ask, where did the teenager go?

Just now the entire world's attention was on raising the white flag of the current empire, so that he suddenly disappeared, but no one could find it.

"I'll go and see, the white flag of the current great empire has come down again. What's the situation, don't you surrender?"

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded.

At this time, I saw that in a live broadcast, the white flag rising in front of the Great Empire National Defense Center building was slowly dropping.

Board the time, frypot on the Internet!

"Is the condition negotiated with the young demon king? The two sides have reconciled?" Some people offered their opinions.

"No, it will take a while, and the conditions have been negotiated?"

"I don't think so either. The current great empire has already proposed the conditions for reconciliation. The young devil refused to accept the bid of hundreds of billions of dollars. The young devil has suffered too much grievances, and there is no evil in his chest. How can he not give up."

"Before was now, now is now. No matter what, it will eventually be reconciled."

"The urinary nature of the current great empire is well known to the world, and reconciliation is only an expedient measure. If one day recovers, it will still be against you, and it will be revenge thousands and hundreds of times."

"This Xiongtai, the world's great empire has already been like this, what do you want? Do you have to be wiped from the earth to be happy? Be a man, stay in the line and meet each other in the future. You can't be a man."

"Yeah, not many people in this great empire imagined it as unbearable. The more you understand this country, the more you will feel that it is great. The country of the lighthouse is by no means infamous. They already know that they are wrong, and they will definitely correct it in the future. Certainly not so strong."


In the voices of countless people, some military spy satellites looking at the camera in the ocean have made new discoveries, and steel warships have assembled in the Bermuda waters.

This is the carrier battle group of the current great empire. The number of various warships is more than one hundred. Almost all the remaining naval forces are in the nest.

There are more than a dozen aircraft carrier battle groups in the world empire, four of them were destroyed in the previous battle, and more than half are left.

With only the remaining half of the multi-carrier battle group, the navy of the current great empire can still stand proudly as the strongest naval team.

In addition, their air force team also maintains combat power, and the total number of fighters of all types is nearly ten thousand. It is still the strongest air force team in the world.

In this battle, they suffered the most from the ground army. In particular, the young man took control of the mushroom cloud with his peerless blow, which wiped out more than half of the army's combat power of the current great empire.

This is the case. The current great empire has not been maimed, and its comprehensive military power is still unmatched.

This country is unbelievably powerful, even if it is not accepted.

"What are they doing?"

The fighting nation, the imperial palace, and the emperor frowned for a while. A group of staff around him also had question marks on his face.

"A military exercise? Are you full enough?"

A staff member joked, causing a group of people to burst into laughter.

"Bermuda Triangle, Bermuda Triangle..." Hua Guo Xiao Qingtian murmured in his mouth, his eyebrows deeply locked.

"Did General Xiao think of something?"

Next to him, a man in military uniform asked.

He was at the National Defense Center of China at the moment, with a group of generals and key officials, watching the live broadcast and analyzing the situation.

Brush brush!

A pair of eyes looked at him, his face full of doubts.

"I'm not sure. The Bermuda Triangle has hidden secrets. There may be a space-time channel to the outside."

"You mean, Ye Tianren just entered the space-time channel? So suddenly disappeared?"

"Does the current great empire mean to work on the space-time channel?"

"You can't make an assertion, just wait and see its changes. I hope Ye Tianren is fine!"


Liberty City, the defense center, and Hopkins, the head of the great empire, clenched their fists, and their eyes were as sharp as two war knives.

"This time, if you are unsuccessful, you will become a benefactor!" Hopkins' voice clanged, his expression unprecedentedly firm, and he seemed to be out of control.

"Head of State, I feel that it is necessary to inform the coastal cities, especially in the coastal area of ​​Bermuda, to allow them to take precautions and evacuate all personnel from the sea." A staff member said.

"Well, do it!" Hopkins nodded.

"It may be too late." Some staff members shook their heads and looked sad.

"How much you can save," Hopkins said, taking a deep breath and sighing.

For a time, all personnel in the combat command center were silent.

They knew that many people would die.

That's a 100 million ton equivalent of annihilated nuclear weapons. The ghost knows how big a tsunami can be and how big a submarine earthquake can cause.

Just now, the boy disappeared from the coast of Liberty City. The current great empire has been tracing all the way. The place where it disappeared is the Bermuda seabed pyramid.

Although the underwater pyramid can be hidden, the current great empire already knew that such a existence existed.

Of course, Balov is so tight-lipped that he always shows some clues.

The current great empire has been able to accurately locate the seabed pyramid, but it cannot enter it.

They knew that the young devil must have entered the pyramid.

Blasting the pyramid is their last chance to kill the young devil.

And the pyramid is on the bottom of the sea thousands of meters deep, it is not easy to explode!

Only nuclear weapons can be used, and only nuclear weapons, and super-large equivalent nuclear weapons, with the help of deep-sea submersibles. Because the water pressure at the bottom of the sea thousands of meters is too high, small and medium-sized nuclear weapons may not be able to lift the wind and waves. And the pyramid on the sea floor is extremely strong.

It’s unbelievable to say that this time the great empire decided to use the ultimate million tons of extinct nuclear weapons.

"Courage to do it, children, the great empire is proud of you! Your wife, children, father and mother, and brothers and sisters will be well taken care of."

On an aircraft carrier, General Elson's generous hands patted a young man.

This will be an ultimate hunt. General Elson no longer hides behind the scenes, but walks to the forefront and commands the battle himself.

"Report to the general, everything is ready." A soldier came over and said.

Right on the deck, a deep-sea submersible is ready to go. The middle-aged man in front of General Elson is the submersible pilot.

A few minutes later, several large armed helicopters took off from the aircraft carrier deck and flew deep into the Bermuda waters, where the seabed pyramid was.

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