Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1227: Crystal seal

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Bermuda Triangle, Pyramid under the sea, small black house.

The beautiful woman in the short skirt stomped her feet lightly, and a strange burst of energy burst into the sky, and Ye Tian's body was crystallized.


You can even hear the sound of crystals, crisp and audible, purple crystals grow in clusters, clumps, pieces, like purple crystals, crystal clear, beautiful, but it is hundreds of times stronger than ordinary crystals .

This is a kind of ultimate control over the rules of energy crystallization, and is essentially a law of fairy tales.

Of course, it is not that the beautiful women in short skirts have mastered this law, but that there is the imprint of the law of energy crystallization in this cage, and she is pulling this imprint of the law.

I saw that Ye Tian's body seemed to be a fertile soil, and purple crystals spread and spread on his body unscrupulously, swallowing the seal, starting with his feet, then his legs, chest and abdomen, neck, head...

Ye Tian's body was trembling violently, violently violent, struggling hard, trying to break away from the crystal seal.

"Isn't it good to be obedient? As a ant, why can't there be consciousness of the ant?" The beautiful woman in a short skirt grinned, with clear eyes full of pity and contempt.

"Do you really think you are the master? Believe me or not, I will use a drop of thunder robbery to blow you into a dead dog?" Ye Tian also said sarcastically, although he was crushed, but he did not panic.


Between his speeches, two golden flames spewed out of his eyes, like two fire dragons who slammed into the short skirt beauties, the void roared, and the power was terrifying.

This time the beauty in the short skirt did not flash to avoid, and did not even move his hands and feet, but just a move of thoughts, and there appeared a wall of five-color radiance in the front, like a crystal cast wall.


Two flame dragons slammed onto the crystal wall. It was like a stone was thrown into the water. There was only a soft sound, and a ripple was stirred on the crystal wall, and there was no movement at all.

Not only did the crystal wall not break, but it was a little more shining and brighter than before, and a heavy pattern appeared. After absorbing energy, it added to the crystal wall and stimulated the potential of the crystal wall.

This crystal wall and the metal wall of the small black house have similarities and similarities. It is a rare protective implement.

"There is still some magic tricks, even if you come out, I will let you lose your mouth." The beauty in the short skirt said in a big voice, as if she didn't realize that this was an unfair showdown, she was cheating.


Suddenly, she protruded her slender fingers, and her fingertips overflowed with two strands of purple awns, hitting Ye Tian's eyes, forming two thick crystals, like glasses, to prevent Ye Tian from continuing to perform the fire eye golden pupil magic. .

She can pull the law of the little black house by virtue of the air machine, and more trace marks are revived and intertwined, as if countless silver snakes are dancing in a flurry. The little black house is flaming and gorgeous.


The violent energy surged like a sea tide, covering Ye Tian, ​​and the pressure was so heavy that he suppressed Ye Tian's resistance.

In the end, Ye Tian was suppressed to death, and all the resistance was in vain.

After all, this is a cage designed for Jin Dan. Even Yuan Ying will be suppressed when he comes in, not to mention that he has a small divine state.

"Before the endless years, my ancestors of Daxi conquered the planet. From that time until now, all the creatures on this planet are the captives of Daxi, the private property of Daxi. Since you are not obedient, then I’ll destroy you and completely erase from this universe."

"Being my opponent is a luck and a misfortune for you. Fortunately, you can live and become the only survivor of this star. Unfortunately, you will die for a long time and be tortured by many tortures. , I can’t.

"Of course, if you can beat me and qualify to be my darling, the ending will be a different matter."

The beautiful woman in a short skirt grinned and talked.

"You come from an extraterritorial civilization, Daxi? It used to be your invading earth, destroyed the fairy civilization here, and swept away the earth's heaven and earth spirit roots?" Ye Tian looked surprised.

He vaguely guessed something, but it can be confirmed from the beauty of the short skirt that it still shocked and angry him.

"You can ask these questions, it seems that you know a lot of things, even the world knows the roots of the world." The beautiful girl in a short skirt chuckled, with a trace of teasing in her mouth, her eyes contemptuous, as if she was examining her own slave. , Said: "I saw anger from your eyes. Why, do you want to hate Xue Hun for the uncommunicable encounter with this planet?"

"Is it Daxi, I remember!" Ye Tian said, biting his teeth.

"Hahaha!" The beautiful woman in the short skirt suddenly laughed, and the twigs trembled, as if hearing the most ridiculous joke.

"Xinghai is boundless, this universe is larger than your imagination and cruel than your imagination. Weak meat and strong food have always been the same forever."

"I started as a star thief in Daxi, and there are hundreds of hundreds of civilizations that have been destroyed. There are indeed some fish in the net. After some hard work, I thought that I had some ability to cross the star field and came to revenge. But so far no one has succeeded."

"One of your assassins in Middle-earth has a deep memory for me, named Xuan Tian Dao Jun. This is a talented cultivator, you should have heard of his name. Xuan Tian Dao Jun was brought to me as a captive Daxi’s was later escaped by him. This man was really insidious and deceitful. He was deliberately captured and came to our Daxi in an attempt to recapture the spirit of heaven and earth. For 1,000 years after he escaped, my Daxi could not survive and was killed by him A lot of people. Of course, his strategy could not succeed."

"As strong as Xuan Tian Dao Jun, you can only do some sneaky assassinations. How do you think you are compared to Xuan Tian Dao Jun?"

The beautiful women in short skirts continue to talk It seems that Ye Tian is determined to eat, not to avoid anything.

Xuan Tian Daojun’s name, Ye Tian, ​​of course, has heard of it, and even seen his portrait, knowing that this is a Gedai Tianjiao, hailed as the most prosperous fairy genius since the Penglai Xiandao Legion.

Seeing this description at the Nineth Palace Palace in Penglai Fairy Island at that time, Ye Tian also vomited to the Fire Cloud Lion that Xuan Tian Dao had no guts, and a generation of Tianjiao was captured. Now he knew that he had misunderstood Xuantian Daojun.

At this time, his whole body was covered with purple crystals, as if frozen.

But this is not over yet, where no naked eyes can see, Jinghua continues to go deep into his body, to seal all internal organs, all meridians, all blood vessels, all Jinghua.

After a short time, Ye Tian became a crystal person, lost his vitality, and did not fluctuate in breath, as if it had become a statue.

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