Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1237: Onishi Shinsho

"Mad, why is there anyone?" Ye Tian scolded, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyebrows were all raised.

He has already played all the cards. He has just mastered the initiative and saw a glimmer of victory. He didn't want to be a real big boss.

"No matter how much it is, get started first!"

With a whisper in my heart, Ye Tian shot first with a thunderous thunder, and the five elements of Chaos God Thunder breathing in the form of four spirit beasts in Chaos God Realm were controlled by him like an exploding torrent, covered with sky and waves, surging against the Golden Building The boat washed away.

At the same time, he also used secret methods to condense a thick thunder spear, hiding in the thunder torrent, imagining thousands of heavy spears, stabbing the middle-aged man standing on the bow of the golden building ship.

This middle-aged man looked unusual at first sight, tall, burly, sturdy, sword-browed and staring, with a strong nose, a serious expression, and a sense of unsmiling expression.

He wore a magnificent armor, his chest was decorated with medals of military merit, and behind him was wearing a red cloak, no wind, automatic, hunting, and his attitude was very extraordinary.

In an instant, Ye Tian faced the middle-aged man with four eyes, only to notice that there were countless golden needle-like blooms in his eyes, which made him feel the dazzling sense of the midday sun.

"This is a master." Ye Tian determined.

Although, at this time, the middle-aged man's fighting intentions had not yet erupted, and his breath was not strong, but Ye Tian's previous life as a combined power, how fierce his eyes, can be false and true, penetrate the falsehood, and look directly at the source.

In the power system of pure flesh, this middle-aged man can be compared with the monk of Daxian Peak. With the help of armor, this person may even explode into the power of Jindan.

Facing the Jindan monk, the **** monk straddled two big realms, this frame could not be beaten at all, only the abused part.

And this is only one of them.

The golden building ship at the feet of the middle-aged man, the hull walls and the deck, with naval guns lined up, Ye Tian swept and saw ten thick muzzles.

"Magic Gun!" Ye Tian recognized at a glance.

This is the real magic artillery, which can produce thousands of tons of magic nuclear projectiles, and the vast mountains can be flattened by one shot, and the one in the hands of Princess Daisi can only be regarded as a magic artillery, and the power is not on a level.

Needless to say, this golden building ship is not a flower shelf, but a golden warship, a golden starship, with the power to destroy stars.

Fortunately, the magic ship gun of the Golden Building Ship dared not attack, otherwise it would destroy the entire submarine pyramid warship, and the starry teleportation circle would not be spared. Of course, in a small space, their own people will also suffer.

In other words, Ye Tian was also very worried about the destruction of the starry teleportation platform. While maneuvering the thunder torrent to wash away the golden building ship, the Chaos God Territory suddenly rushed to isolate the starry teleportation platform from the realm.

"Witch God will help me to catch this native alive, I want to let him not die! It is he who killed Xinao brother and Fenglao."

At this time, the shouting of Princess Daxi came from outside the Chaos God Realm.

Wu Shenjiang, Wu Xinao's proud uncle, and a member of Daxi's fierce general, are known as the gods of battle on the battlefield, and are very famous in the Star Theft Alliance.

This time he played, Princess Daisi naturally did not worry about anything.

"Well, I know." The middle-aged man responded calmly and said: "Princess, you go back first, your father and emperor are very worried about you. Just leave it to me."

With that, he waved his sleeves, and successively eight crystal-clear top-quality spirit stones flew out, all with the fist of an adult, falling into the eight grooves of the starry teleportation platform.

The psionic power in the top grade spirit stone can open the teleportation gate.

"Don't worry. Wait for the star to be destroyed, I'll go back with you." Princess Daxi said murderously.

At this time, the Star Teleportation Array was just abandoned by Ye Tian outside the Chaos God Realm, which just appeared in front of Princess Daixi. Eight Needling Spirit Stones were embedded in the eight grooves, the psionic roar, and the entire Teleportation Array was restless , Circulation gorgeous, is urging a transmission channel.

However, Princess Daxi does not intend to teleport for the time being, and will destroy the earth together with the witch god.

At this time, in Chaos God Realm, a fierce battle is beginning.

The overwhelming chaotic **** thunder scoured toward the golden building ship like a torrent. Suddenly a golden light curtain appeared on the bow of the ship. Ren Shenlei was like water like steel, like a knife like a gun. It was washed madly, and there was no thunder, which could penetrate the golden light. The curtain, slammed onto the warship, was blocked.

The Thunder War Spear hidden in the Thunder Torrent, imagining thousands of spear shadows, dominated the sharpness, and stabbed on the golden light curtain, but it could only make a burst of thunder and burst, and could not hurt the light curtain.

The middle-aged man Witch God will stand proudly on the bow of the ship, his waist stick is like a gun, his red cape hunts and hunts, his hands are behind his back, his face is calm, and his eyes are looking at Ye Tian as if he is looking at a ants without any slight emotion.

"You killed my nephew?"

Suddenly, the voodoo will speak, and there is a strong and majestic voice in the cold voice, which can disturb the mind.

Ye Tian disregarded it, if he failed, he made another move.

"Xuantian War Soul Blade Gang, go!"

As his iron palm waved violently, a gang of storms screamed out, densely packed with light, devastated and murderous.

This was a trembling offensive, as if thousands of war knives were coming out, tearing the void, splitting the sky, and persevering.

Immediately following Xuantian War Soul Blade Gang, Ye Tian held the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, and also slashed out with a sword force, sweeping out a long river of sword gas, splitting the world and spreading to the bow of the golden building ship.

The witch **** will finally change color, but it is not frightened, but angry.

A crimson red gust of gas suddenly screamed out from under his feet, like a whirlwind, instantly encasing his entire person.


The air expelled the air and made a thunderous thunder.

Immediately afterwards, a plume of pale golden electric awns burst out of the crimson ganglion, like tiny electric larvae, circling around him endlessly.

In an instant, the voodoo will be like a person, standing on the bow of the ship, with a tyrannical domineering power.

"Ask you, can't you hear me? Come die to me!"

In the voice of anger, UU reads the book www.uukanshu. com the witch **** will suddenly protrude a big hand, five fingers spread out, and slammed it in the direction of Ye Tian.

A large red palm condensed by a gang of gas manifested in the void, bursting into a violent majesty like a sky and a crack.

The imprint of the palm is not yet reached. Ye Tian has been enveloped by the violent pressure, and the ground under his feet is immediately pressed into a ten-foot-long imprint.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Xuantian War Soul Blade Gang rushed like a storm, but was easily wiped out by the palm of the witch god.


The long river of sword qi slashed by the Sun and Moon Divine Sword was cut on the big handprint of the witch **** general, and suddenly broke, only a small gap was cut.

"The ants are always ants, and they dare to let go in front of the true god."

The witch **** will widen his eyes with anger, his five fingers spread out, and Ye Tian will be caught like a chicken in his hands.

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