Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1238: Awakening Supernatural Powers


Under the fierce grasp of the five fingers of the witch god, the space was shocked. Ye Tian only felt that there were five invisible giants around him, all squeezed out, his body was about to be imprisoned.

Then, all the bones in his body shuddered, bursting into the sound of steel clashes and the surface of the skin, like damaged porcelain, giving birth to fissures and seeping crystal blood beads.

This is clearly his realm, and the Wujin God will turn against the guest and suppress him.

And this is only invisible coercion, the giant palm of the witch **** has not yet fallen, and the real killing has not yet come.

This is definitely a man who is so powerful that he is stronger than any master he has seen since his rebirth.

Ye Tian suddenly regretted it in his heart, and it might be a mistake not to destroy the starry teleportation platform. Once this error is settled, it will not only bring disaster to himself, but will also bring disaster to the souls of the entire earth.

However, there is no regret medicine to take in this world, and Ye Tian can only do it.

"Go away!"

Ye Tian Yang Tian roared, like a angry lion, the blood in the body was boiling, the gas roared, the madness was running crazy, desperately squeezing every potential in the body.

He exploded through the whole body with golden light, chaos and turbulence, and at the same time, he also spawned the thunder **** fire robbing wind, lingering around his body, the whole person seemed to be reborn in Nirvana, the bones of the body were rumbling, the muscles were rhythmic, and the surface of the body was like a dragon. During the tumbling, it burst out, and the whole person gave a very powerful sense of strength.

Since his awakening, his golden Eucharist has never been suppressed, nor has he been forced into such a situation.

Puff, puff!

His eyes glared, two sky-high fire pillars burst out, the flame was golden, and the void was burned to an inch, like a high-speed water jet from a high-pressure water gun, soaring into the giant palm of the witch god.


He threw his mouth open, a thunder dragon roared out, opened his teeth and danced his claws, exuded a wild and wild atmosphere, and flew towards the giant palm.


His left hand was pointing like a knife, and a ray of Gengjin gas was fluctuating at his fingertips, struggling to slash, a thick knife burst out of the sky, like a lightning that tears the sky, and splits away against the giant palm.


He held the sword in his right hand, pointed the upper finger of the sword, and pierced it like a javelin, bringing a sword-like brilliance like a galaxy.


Fire, thunder, sword, sword,...

In an instant, Ye Tian did his best to exert all his strongest offensives.


In the series of explosive sounds that shook the earth and earth, the immense palm print that the witch **** will detect was bombarded by Ye Tian's offensive.

The violent vigor swept out in all directions, exploding the surrounding ground into countless large and small pits. Even the boundary film of the crystal wall shook violently, even tearing out small cracks, and felt that it might break at any time.

Ye Tian's offensive was not fierce, but the result was shocking, and he failed to explode the giant palm of the witch **** general.

Big palms like mountains, continue to suppress down.


Ye Tian's eyes widened, his face full of consternation.


The giant palm of the witch god, the five fingers that were put away suddenly spread out, and a slap was shot on top of Ye Tian's head. The violent palm strength was clearly to slap Ye Tian to death, or to shoot half-dead rhythm.

In this electric light flint, Ye Tian suddenly raised his hands, and suddenly withstood the giant palm of the witch **** general. But the whole person fell to the ground from midair, and half of his body plunged into the dirt.

He has been photographing others all the time, why have they been photographed by others!

Feng Shui turns, come to my house next year.

Hedong in thirty years and Hexi in thirty years.

The Wujin will not mean to close his hand, and the giant palm continues to press down, as if to shoot Ye Tian into the soil.

Under the giant palm, Ye Tian roared again and again, the brute force surged, but to no avail, the whole person was completely suppressed.

The witch **** will have his eyes cold, and his look is extremely cold, like a god, standing high above, looking down on all beings like ants.

The big Western warriors behind him were speechless and expressionless, but there was contempt in their eyes.

"Get me up!"

Just when everyone thought that the witch **** had won the flag and Ye Tian was about to be shot down, he suddenly roared through the world.

Then, I saw an incredible scene, the witch **** lifted up the giant palm on Ye Tian's body, and the figure of a teenager below was expanding rapidly, and the inflation generally became larger.

"Difference between heaven and earth?"

The witch **** and all the big Western warriors on the building ship will look different.

In the roar of anger, Ye Tian's body suddenly became larger, and in a blink of an eye turned into a giant with a height of ten feet, muscles like iron, big tendons like dragons, the whole body was golden and bright, and the body was made of **** gold, like a myth. The legendary giant spirit will.

This is not a simple world of law, but a chaotic golden body cultivated to the level of the golden sacred body, which comes with a magical power of change and a supernatural power of change.

If it wasn’t for being slammed by the witch **** and suppressed by fate, this supernatural power might take some time to awaken.

Ten feet tall is not the limit of the change of the giant spirit. With the improvement of the cultivation, thousands of feet can be expected, which is comparable to the Titans.

"Break me!"

In the thud, Ye Tian propped up the giant palm of the witch **** with one hand, and the other hand slammed his fist suddenly, the sound of the sound roared, the electric awns overflowed between the fingers, and the fist that was larger than the door was like a huge thunder ball. , Threatening to destroy the might of the sky, slammed into the giant palm of the witch god.


Just heard a loud thunder, the witch **** blasted the giant palm that wiped out Ye Tian's many strong offensives, and the violent shock wave swept all directions, just like a tsunami, rushing in the chaotic **** realm, overturning the ground By the way, all the rocks and trees were gone, and the boundary membrane of the crystal wall was torn like a rag, with so many holes and dense cracks.

In the Chaos God Realm, the witch **** guarded the golden building ship under his feet by a layer of golden light curtain, which did not cause any harm.


The witch **** will hum, his eyes calm like water, his face is joyless and sad, his voice is indifferent: "You are very good, no wonder you can kill the proud and wind old. However, this is just my hand, only used 10% It’s just strength. With this kind of palm power, I can play thousands of palms without stopping. I don’t know how many palms you can get?"

"A few palms can be it and you will know."

Ye Tian raised his hand, Xuanhuang Daotai fell into his hands, changed to a foot, and would blast out towards the ship.

The greatest ability of the giant spirit **** is its great strength, and turning mountains and throwing mountains is not a legend.

Suddenly awakening the change of the giant spirit god, Ye Tian was born with a lot of power. Now he feels that he can blow the golden building ship in front of him, and even the pyramid warship.

Of course, this is an illusion.

However, if you use the Xuanhuang Daotai, you may not be able to blow up the golden building ship with one blow.

But at this moment, a shocking explosion came, and the Pyramid Ship shook violently, as if it was overturned.

Princess Daxi stood outside the Chaos God Realm and saw a very terrible scene. The pyramid warship was being torn apart, and a torrent of fire poured into it. It seemed that a little sun had exploded, and the blazing light almost blinded her eyes.

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