Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1243: God will survive

Bermuda, the underwater world after the nuclear explosion, is full of holes, dense cracks crisscross, magma is like the blood of the earth, red and hot, endlessly spraying out.

The huge crater has been filled with seawater, and the surging magma is cooled down at a rapid rate, and white smoke is bred to regenerate into hard and hard stones.

Just in the middle of the crater, the original pyramid battleship was traversed by a ship-shaped object, and the pyramid battleship had disappeared and was completely torn apart in the nuclear explosion.

If you look closely, you will find that this is indeed a ship, but the hull has been broken, only a few keels remain, and it is difficult to maintain the shape of a ship.

If Ye Tian is here, it is not difficult to recognize that this is the golden building ship that traversed from outside the territory.

Although there is only one dragon skeleton left, it is also a miracle. After all, it is in the nuclear explosion center, and it is a nuclear weapon of 100 million tons equivalent.

It can be guessed that the materials used for the dragon skeleton are very unusual, as well as the formations depicted in the later sacrifices.


Below the hull, somewhere in the original cabin, a giant red egg suddenly broke a crack.

I saw that this is a crystal-like giant egg, as big as a water tank, the skin is crystal clear, and it is red, carved like a red crystal, with a gleaming glory and a moire, which is very godlike.

Around the red crystal giant egg, there are many white ashes piled up, as if he was supporting this giant egg during his lifetime.

Click, click!

The fissure spreads rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the giant red egg has been crawled with cracks like a cobweb.

Then, a large, sturdy palm hit the shell from the inside out.

The debris flew across, the red crystal giant egg was divided into two, a middle-aged man of great stature appeared in the giant egg, wearing a gold armor, the chest was decorated with military medals, and his thick long hair was scattered, His face was pale and his eyes were dull, not who the witch **** would be.

He looked left and right for a moment, and his spirit gradually recovered, his eyes became sharper and sharper, his pale face became rosy, and a plume of red gas burst out of his body, and there was a hint of electric glow , Whirling around his body like a whirlwind, making a thunderous sound, breaking through the squeeze of the sea water, forming a gangling protection.

He stood up, and the broken red crystal egg shell turned into a red cloak, which was draped over his shoulder, but it was not very complete. It was torn open a lot of mouths, and there were burn marks, like The beggar's tabard is average and he can't get it.

It can be seen that this cloak is a magic weapon.

Since it is a magic weapon, it can be repaired naturally.

As the witch **** sacrificed all the magic powers, the red cloak shone brightly, the dense lines shone, the cracked mouth gradually healed, and the burnt marks were quickly erased, and soon restored to the original, The bright red was bloody, moving against the wind and hunting.

Suddenly, he bent down and grabbed a handful of ashes in his hands. The white ashes shone with a metallic luster and had a metallic texture. It was far heavier than normal human ashes, flowing like sand in his fingers.

Come to think of it, the original bones of the ashes are strengthened by metal and harder than steel.

These are his men, a brother who lived and died together. Before he died, he gave him the strength of the Fa and guarded the crystal giant eggs made of the red cloak with his body, so that he could survive.

Of course, the protection he got was more than that. The pyramid warship provided the first layer of protection, and the golden building ship provided the second layer of protection. The protection of the golden building ship was far superior to that of the pyramid warship.

After all, the Pyramid Warships existed too long ago, and the Divine Power could not survive.

The golden building ship is the crystallization of the latest technology and avenue of the Western civilization.

Then came the guardian who blessed him, and finally his own guardian.

His expression became more sorrowful, his eyes became sharper, his fighting spirit roared in his body, and he seemed to be overturning the river.

He couldn't think of it anyway. A trip to the "Border Wasteland" actually landed in this field and was posed by the indigenous people.

What made him even more angry was that the star teleportation platform was also destroyed. One is not good, and he may not be able to return to the Great Western Star in this life.


Suddenly, he roared up in the sky and yelled. The sound wave was like a knife, and the sea floor was turbulent.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The dragon skeleton of the golden building ship, in his sharp sound waves and violent momentum, is like paper paste, broken into pieces and turned into debris.

After the nuclear explosion, the dragon skeleton is not strong anymore, and countless lines are broken, so it is on the edge of collapse, so this is the case.

Suddenly, he lifted his large right palm, and his five fingers were close together. His fingertips ejected five slender and sharp finger knives.

In the sound of Zheng's sword, a sharp sword light spewed out from the tip of his five fingers, breaking through the thousands of meters of seawater, and piercing the sky.

Afterwards, his entire generous palm seemed to turn into an indestructible sword, slashing down.


Passing through the sky, the seawater was cut open, and a sky was revealed, as if it were in the sky, a sword broke through the chaos, the yin and yang were differentiated, and the turbidity was clear.


The witch will slam his feet violently, and only the remaining dragon skeleton instantly turns into powder, and the earth is stepped out of a deep pit, and the whole body is turned into a **** meteor, and the whole person turns into a **** meteor, followed by a hand The sky in the sea is soaring.

Above the sea, the wind screamed, the big waves rolled high, and a figure suddenly appeared, standing steadily on the tip of a wave.


When the seawater flows back, the seagrass heals suddenly in the sea, bursting out a hundred-meter-high water wall that stretches for tens of thousands of feet.


Before the Wujin **** could breathe a breath of fresh air on the earth, he saw that countless lines of fire in the sky came from all over the world and hit him head-on.

Each line of fire is filled with the breath of death and contains the power of terror.

This is the first attack, just an appetizer, issued by the fighter cluster that is flying here. The missiles are all small and small equivalent.

The more brutal attack from the carrier battle group is still halfway.

Here is above the sea, away from people, the current great empire has no worries, the head of state authorized the use of nuclear weapons in advance.

"Is this the middle-earth star that my Wu clan ancestors once conquered?" The Wu God muttered to his mouth.

Then, he looked up at the fire line of death and the fighter clusters like the locusts crossing the line after the fire line, and then said: "Interesting, the Dadao civilization is destroyed, but a technological civilization has developed. Unfortunately, it is only the lowest level of technological civilization. It is difficult to make a big climate."

"If you are given another 100,000 years, you may be promoted to a starry civilization."

"Unfortunately, you do not have this opportunity."

"It was a huge mistake that my ancestor did not destroy this star at the beginning. Now, let me make up for this mistake!"

In the voice of muttering words, the red cloak behind him violently spread out, and a **** storm rolled out violently.

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