Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1244: Snipe fight

"I'm going. Is this man a young demon king? The scarlet shawl is very windy and matches his invincible temperament."

"How did this guy run to the bottom of Bermuda? Did he touch the fish?"

"What happened to the Big Bang just now? Is it related to the young devil?"

"All the tsunami has come out, this is too fierce! Is this the rhythm of the young devil to destroy the earth?"

"It's not destroying the earth, it's protecting the earth. Don't you think there is a fight between the young demon king and Superman at this moment? Superman has always been a decent figure!"


When the witch **** will leave the bottom of the sea and appear on the surface of the sea, brushing brushes, countless eyes locked together, the network live broadcast boiling.

Everyone who preconceived thought of him as Ye Tian, ​​shocked, shocked, and admired.

The voodoo will not know, at this moment his attention has become the focus of the entire world.

He was **** and confused, and the satellite lens could not dial into his true face.

"Huh, that's not right. The young devil's qi has always been golden, which is his most unique symbol. How has he become **** now? And, the young devil clearly has no red cape!"

Someone asked questions on the Internet.

"Without the scarlet cloak, wouldn't it be possible to pull a curtain. As for the color of the gang, it should be free to switch. Whatever color you want to change into," the wise man answered.

"Don't the Great Empire just surrender just now? What does it mean to attack the young demon now?"

"Is it weird? The urine of the great empire is well-known to the world, no tears can be seen in the coffin, no bumps to the south wall, no turning back."

"The three armies of the current great empire almost came out of the nest. This time it should be true. It must be broken with the young demon fish."


In the voices of countless melon-eating people, another wave of death is looming, and the witch **** will face a crit.

This time the great empire of the world is really moving, and the three armies of the sea, land, and air are almost coming out of the nest, at any cost, fighting against the water.

As you can see, some of these death fire lines come from fighter groups, some from aircraft carrier battle groups, some from submarines under the sea, and some from land,...

Before that, no matter whether it was in the Bering Strait or the territory of the Maple Leaf Kingdom, the current great empire played very "conservatively".

"One hundred million tons of nuclear weapons, I don't believe you are not injured, I don't believe that your combat power is still at its peak, I don't believe that someone really can override the three armies of my current empire!"

Off the coast of Bermuda, on top of a nuclear-powered super aircraft carrier, General Elson stood in front of a large screen in the combat command room with a cold look and a dazzling look.

He had already made a military order to the head of state, and if he could not kill the young demon king, he came to see him.

The head of state gave him great powers, and the army, navy, air and army were under his command, and nuclear weapons were used casually.

Although he is currently in the carrier battle group, he is a commander of the genuine military services.

It can be said that he has now surpassed the head of Hopkins and become the most powerful person on this star. If he wants to rebel, he can let Hopkins step down in minutes.

"His gang qi degenerates from golden to bloody. He must be seriously injured. His bloodline diminishes sharply. It is almost impossible. The general will surely succeed this time, cut his head on the head, save the great empire, and save the world. In the future history book There will definitely be a strong stroke of the general." A subordinate came over and said, all suspected of flattering.

"I think the Statue of Liberty in Liberty City can be replaced by General Elson, and it is admired by all people and worshipped by the audience." Another subordinate slaps and croaks.

"You see him standing on the tip of the wave, motionless, I wonder if he can still fly."

"The pyramids are all blown up, and he cannot be injured."

"If he shrinks his head tortoise and hides under the sea, then we can't handle it."

"It's okay. One hundred and eight submarines of our navy submarine squad are coming. Even if he hides in the crack of the stone, he can pull him out."


Under the flattery of his subordinates, General Elson was still very useful. Suddenly there was a great sense of pride in his chest. He felt that he was really an invincible hero at this moment, saving people, saving lives, saving the empire, and saving the world.

"One hundred and eight submarines are not enough!" General Elson murmured first, and then waved his hand with a loud voice like Hong Zhong, issued a command: "Let's go, it's time for us to debut."


He clenched his hands with iron fists, his bones crackled, his eyes looked like a torch, he was brave, and he couldn't help chanting a poem:

"Thousands of warships are competitive, and if you don't cut the Demon King, you won't return it!"

At this time, on the big screen, in addition to a tall figure standing on the tip of a steady wave, there were even days of tsunami rushing across the shore, one wave after another.

At the center of the nuclear explosion, the big waves reached 100 meters and ran for hundreds of miles. Although the height of the waves dropped sharply, they were all above 10 meters.

Such a big tsunami can be called ruinous.

However, when the steel warships of the world's great empire were not afraid, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier at the foot of General Elson followed by more than one hundred warships, chopping waves and advancing against the deep sea of ​​Bermuda.

The plan was to wait for the warship to depart after the tsunami ended.

Now General Elson is in a state of great enthusiasm and can't wait.

However, it is said that the warships stopped at the harbour may be washed to the shore, which is more dangerous.

At present, there are only waves on the sea, and the wind is not strong. A large wave of more than a dozen meters is facing the front, and it cannot turn over 10,000 tons of steel warships.

"No! Elson, are you crazy?!"

At this time, at the defense center of Freetown, Hopkins gritted his teeth and burst of power.

Ye Tian controlled all of them, forbidding them to contact General Elson.

Ye Tian had a good idea, so that the current great empire and the witch **** would work together and consume each other, and he would be a good fisherman.

No matter who wins in the end, Ye Tian can benefit.

However, Ye Tian has the answer in his mind, and he does not think that the current great empire can win.

Although he and Wu Wujiang had only one trick, but they had already felt the terrible Wu Jingjiang, and their combat power was not under him.

"Junior Demon King, you can't do this. My world empire has surrendered, why do you want to be aggressive?" a uniformed man growled.

"Since you have surrendered, naturally everything has to listen to me." Ye Tian said lightly.

"I go……"

The man in the military uniform was about to roar, and his head was suddenly exploded by Ye Tian.

"It's not big or small. Wouldn't it be quiet to stay? You must die."

At the time, everyone was silent.

At this time, the Bermuda waters saw a terrifying scene.

Numerous death fire strikes came from the crit, and the Witch God will shoot again.

His right palm protruded, and his palm fingers shook, showing a huge warhammer, electric scorching, runes shining, and the surging energy surged like a tide.

"A group of aborigines, I'm It's not a humiliation of your ants!"

In the voice of anger, the Witch God will swiftly lift the warhammer, and countless lightning hairsprings fly like tentacles, soaring upwards, the soaring electric field is like a tens of thousands of waves, reversing the sky, and it is instantly filled. Piece of sky.

"Raytheon Warhammer, Lightning Storm!"


The thunder roared, the bright electric light shining through the sky, leaving the sun, moon and stars dim.

Hundreds of feet, thousands of feet, thousands of feet, twenty thousand feet, thirty thousand feet!

In the end, a thunder field completely covered a space of 30,000 square feet.

A radius of 30,000 feet is a hundred kilometers, covering the sky like a sky.

More than a thousand fighters, countless missiles, and even nuclear weapons, like paper paste, were torn apart by lightning storms, or detonated, and chased to the sea in an instant.

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