Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1245: Surrender


Thunder and thunder, howling wind, the sea boiling, emptiness trembling.

With the witch **** as the center, hundreds of millions of volts of electric potential fields are instantly covered with a sky, covering a hundred kilometers of space, as if laying a lightning storm field, a dazzling electric light, a violent thunder, shining on the sky, tearing everything within the scope Crack and destroy.

Bang, boom!

I saw that in the field of lightning storms, the sound of explosions was endless, and huge fireballs were raised, which were dazzling as if the maidens were scattered, and some of them showed the shape of mushroom clouds.

This mushroom cloud is a nuclear weapon!

Some people roughly counted, there are about forty-eight mushroom clouds.

This is terrifying, meaning that the current great empire launched at least 48 nuclear weapons in one breath. And all the nuclear weapons they launched before added up to this number!

This is just the beginning, the ghost knows how many nuclear weapons they will launch later.

The whole world was shocked by the "Juvenile Demon King" shocking power, but also by the brutality and strength of the current great empire, nuclear weapons should not be invested like money.

This country is trying its best to fight back against the water, and it really wants to break the dead net with the young demon fish.

This is not only about the dignity of the current great empire, but also about the national movement of the current great empire. Once defeated, the national movement will come to an end.

However, it is said that the hand that Wu Wu will reveal is somewhat similar to Ye Tian's five-element chaotic **** Lei Datong.

In this way, everyone thinks that Ye Tian is shooting.

However, there are also some people who can see that the lightning storm field erupted by the Wraith Warrior's Thor hammer is even stronger.

"When did this guy put a hammer handle on Xuanhuang Da Yin?"

Some people were suspicious, and they also expressed the voices of many people.

"Backward civilization, primitive technology, can't withstand a blow!" The witch **** will whisper softly, with contemptuous eyes.

He was holding a Thor hammer, and a **** whirlwind was raised under his feet, stepping up to the sky step by step, his waist pen was like a gun, and his cloak hunting was arrogant.

He seems to have forgotten that he was almost exploded into fly ash by nuclear weapons. The earth civilization regarded by him as wild is not without the ability to kill him.

However, just now people on earth are suspected of sneak attacks, and it is almost impossible to detonate a billion-ton nuclear weapon next to him without knowing it. If it is not a nuclear explosion center, it is difficult to kill him.


The void suddenly shook again, and even more incredible things happened. The lightning storm field covered with sky suddenly shrank suddenly, gathering the energy exploded by thousands of missiles.

The witch **** put the thunder **** warhammer in his hand like a devouring **** beast, like a long whale drinking water, and swallowed all the energy in an instant.

In this wave of operation, the energy of Thor's Warhammer is not only not consumed, but also absorbed a large amount of energy, which is simply unscientific.


Seeing this scene, the entire world, countless people eating melons were stunned.

The Liberty City, the National Defense Center, and all the key officials of the authorities, the spine are all cold and cold.

This is terrible!

Dozens of nuclear weapons were easily swallowed, and the battle was not fought at all.

They have no doubt that the witch **** will rely on this big hammer to turn the entire great empire hammer and hang the entire earth civilization.

Even Ye Tian frowned, secretly smacking: "This great Western hero, it's not easy to deal with!"

"General, it's not good, the young demon rushed over us. Not only was he not injured, but he seemed to have become stronger. What should we do? Are we still fighting?"

On the aircraft carrier battle group, an officer panicked in the combat command room, his voice trembling.

On the wide screen, I saw that the terrible figure hundreds of kilometers away suddenly soared into the sky, and turned into a **** Changhong penetrating the heavens and the earth, plundering the position of the carrier battle group.


The speed of Wu Wujiang is so fast. After breaking the sound barrier instantly, the speed continues to soar.

One times the speed of sound, two times the speed of sound, three times the speed of sound, five times the speed of sound,...

In the end, the speed of the Wujinjiang actually exceeded ten times the speed of sound. The whole person seemed to be a super electromagnetic cannonball, penetrating the void, and invincible.

The big red cloak behind him greeted the wind, hunted, screamed a heavy **** wind, and gathered into a terrible **** storm, scrolling the world, and the airspace around it was affected, countless clouds were shot broken.

In the sky, a fighter plane hasn't had time to join the battlefield. Seeing the bad situation, the birds and beasts generally spread out and fleeed. It is a pity that they are too slow, and the Witch God will come in a rampage, swept through a large area, and countless fighter jets will be wiped out in the fingers.

The missiles couldn't reach him at all, so they were torn apart by the Scarlet Storm.

"Demon, this guy is simply a demon! General, let's surrender, it can't be an opponent at all."

"We are wrong, we cannot go wrong again and again. General, surrender is our only way of life."

"I'm not afraid of death, but I don't want to be shot to death like ants, it doesn't make any sense."


The super fleet composed of several aircraft carrier battle groups has fallen sharply.

Pairs of eyes looked at General Elson, his eyes full of panic, terror, arrogance, and anxiety.

General Elson gasped heavily, frowning into a Chuan character, and his noble pride was no longer replaced by the pressure of Shanda.

"Is Liberty City connected?" General Elson asked his subordinates.

"Report the general, can't be contacted." The next face said anxiously.

"Then forget it. At my command, stop sailing, stop all fire attacks, and raise the white flag."

In the end, General Elson gave the order to surrender, his teeth bite loudly, and he was very unwilling.

At this time, the Super Fleet hadn't sailed out of the harbour, and they all retracted.

But I don't know, this time he made a wrong idea, because the witch **** will not be Ye Tian, ​​seeing the earth as ants, there is no heart of concealment.

Hundreds of miles away, the Witch God will soar at ten times the speed of sound, only a few minutes away.

A **** storm hovered over the harbor.

It seems that the other party surrendered, and the Wujin God will not immediately shoot.

"Surrender, we surrendered."

On the deck of the battleship, the soldiers shouted, like mountains and tsunamis.

"It turned out to be a humble aborigine. UU Reading did not have a firm will, no determination to win, so it was so easy to surrender."

In the Scarlet Storm, there was a cold voice.

Immediately afterwards, a figure walked out of it, holding a thundering warhammer, a red cloak hunting behind him, and a **** lingering air, as if the **** flame was burning, as terrible as the demon **** of hell.

"General, this man doesn't seem to be, not a young devil."

A general holding a telescope looked at the **** figure in the sky and exclaimed suddenly.

It seemed that this was also found, and General Elson's pupils shrank and his expression changed wildly.

"I witch wars despise the ones who don't fight the most in my life. So, let me die!"

Accompanied by a low drink, like a falling meteor, the Witch God bombarded the Thor's hammer and aimed at the main battle aircraft carrier Alson was in.

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