Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1279: Fight wisely

"You can look down on me, but you can't insult me! Mud Bodhisattva still has three points of fire. I really thought that Meng Hongda is a soft persimmon, so I can handle it?"

After being ridiculed in public by a group of uncontrollable leaders of the Ye Family, the boss Meng finally couldn't help but broke out and opened his throat and shouted.

Anyway, he is a big boss with a net worth of over one billion yuan. He is a household name in the northwestern part of the country. Even the head of a city has been polite to him when he meets him. Now that he has been vilified as a liar, how can he not be angry? ? How can I not be angry?

"This billion-dollar deal is a big deal and I'm not talking about it."

In the roar, Meng Da boss opened the briefcase, took out a stack of documents, threw it on the ground, and stomped on it with his feet a few times, and finally took off with her subordinates.

Before leaving, he looked at Ye Tian, ​​his eyes were strange, and he seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.

A company leader was quick-witted, Meng Hongda had just left his forefoot, and quickly picked up the documents with his hind foot, and was ready to tear it and throw a trash can.

"A madman, ignore him. The matter of acquisition does not exist at all. We are the Yeh Group, the world's top 500, with strong strength and strong financial resources. It is almost the same as buying other companies. Who can buy our company? Go, Let's go in and talk. In my memory, the last time you came to the group headquarters building was when you were a child. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, the children at that time had grown up like this." Chairman Guo Yuanhao said meaningfully and played an emotional card.

However, Ye Tian ignored him, and his big hand suddenly made a move. The company leader who was about to tear the contract, the contract in his hand flew out of control and fell into his palm.

Ye Tian only glanced at the contract, dusted it, and gave Lin Zimo a good look.

After all, Lin Zimo is more involved in this aspect of the contract.

Suddenly, all company leaders looked uncomfortable and uneasy.

How could they think that a deception drama had just begun, and there was a loophole.

Ten minutes later, Ye Tian Group Building, the eighth floor meeting room, Ye Tian and a group of group leaders sat down.

Of course Ye Tian was sitting on the chair. Although he didn’t have a cent of Ye’s shares in his body, he had the blood of Ye’s and he had the reputation of killing him. No one dared to say anything to him. .

It is no exaggeration to say that the company leaders feel that they are facing Lord Yan at the moment, and they are all worried.

"This contract, I need you to give me an explanation." Ye Tian said coldly, his eyes glowing, looking around all the company leaders in the field.

Among these people, some of them are familiar and some of them are strange, but they will not give any feelings.

Lin Zimo took a quick look at the contract, quickly reviewed the contract, extracted the main information, and spoke to Ye Tian.

This is indeed a sales contract for the sale of a branch of the Northwest of the Yeshi Group to Mengshi Mining.

"That's it, young master. In fact, the company's acquisitions and sales are normal business practices. This branch of Northwest China has been losing money in recent years, and there is no sign of improvement. It is also forced to sell it. Let you know, I'm afraid you are worried. A branch company can't explain anything, the group is generally good and prosperous." Chairman Guo Yuanhao explained.

Other company leaders echoed.

"Really? Chairman Guo, why do I find the information, this branch of Northwest China is making profits every year, and the profits are rising every year? The level of profit is obviously in the forefront of peers." Lin Zimo said, questioning Tone.

"Nonsense, how is this possible? Where did you find the information? Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand it." Chairman Guo Yuanhao's eyes glared, and the elegant appearance revealed a bit of fierce looks.

"Yip's Group is a listed company, and it publishes its financial situation every year. Is Chairman Guo doubting the true and false financial statements of the Y's Group over the years?"

Guo Yuanhao was speechless. All the other leaders were stunned.

They thought the girl was a vase, they didn't put it in their eyes at all, and now they found that she was unusual, clever, and capable.

If Lin Zimo is alone, it is really difficult to find this information in such a short period of time, but she has Beiming Pharmaceutical, a large group company, and talents behind her.

As long as she sends a message back, someone will help her do everything.

"I see that in this contract, the valuation of the Northwest Branch is only 1 billion, but it was disclosed in the financial statements last year that the valuation of the Northwest Branch was 3 billion. In just half a year, the valuation fell by 2 billion What is the situation? Chairman Guo, can you give an explanation?" Lin Zimo was aggressive and his tone became tougher.

"Who the **** are you? My internal affairs of the Yeh Group, what qualifications do you have?" Guo Yuanhao exasperated, scolding loudly.

"Where's the little girl film, please go out, don't affect our meeting. Want to separate our relationship with Ye Shao, what exactly do you have in mind?" Another leader said, tall and strong, looking strong Very bad.


At this moment, Ye Tian waved his palms and screamed out of the air, as if a brick had reached the face of the big leader. Suddenly, the face of the big man's leader was blood, and he fell to the ground with his head up, and almost passed out.

"Shouting in front of me, when I don't exist?" Ye Tian yelled angrily.

In this way, the audience quieted down at once, and everyone was trembling.

"Made, I don't want to do it anymore! I have been working in the Ye Family for 28 years. I have been loyal and honest. Every year I have been a good employee. Even your grandfather Ye Changqing treats me politely, do you dare to beat me?"

The big leader stood up, wiped the blood from his face, and jumped like a thunder.

"Master, you are too wrong to beat people, and we are chilled by those old employees." Guo Yuanhao shook his head, looking very distressed, and then continued: "If the master is doubting my favoritism, then I Choose to resign in order to prove innocence! This chairman's seat, who wants to be the one who should be.

"People live a breath, and UU reads tree to get a skin. I also quit my job and stopped."

"If President Guo doesn't do it, then I won't do it, it's boring."


But in a moment, more than half of the company's leaders said they would resign.

These are all important leaders of the company, and hold the lifeblood of the company. If they resign, the company will be hurt even if it does not collapse.

As a result, I saw that Ye Tian didn't care at all and said lightly: "I have no opinion on your resignation, but before leaving, please spit out all the illegal income from Ye's. Then, accept the investigation of the relevant department."

"Let me call the police?" Lin Zimo asked.

"It depends on their performance." Ye Tian said looking around the leaders.

A group of people looked at each other, they underestimated Ye Tian's courage, and really dared to rectify them with the risk of letting Ye's group collapse.

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