Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1280: Frankly wide

"Master, do you really care about the company's life and death, do you want to tear your face with all of us? You know, without us, there can be no company today. Without us, the company cannot have tomorrow. You are heavenly You may not be able to look down on this asset of the company, but after all, it is the hard work of several generations of your Ye family ancestor. If it is destroyed in your hands, I am afraid it is not good?" Guo Yuanhao responded to Ye with a calm tone. The sky said, moving with emotion, persuasion.

At this juncture, he knew that he was just showing his weakness and flattering himself. It was no longer useful, and he could only fight hard with Ye Tian to gain a ray of vitality.

Of course, he is not fighting alone. All the company leaders on the field are standing on the same line with him. The grasshopper on a rope is both honorable and detrimental.

"Are you teaching me to do things?" Ye Tian glanced at Guo Yuanhao, his eyes full of indifference and alienation, as if looking at a stranger, but also like looking at a dying person.

"I'm not teaching you to do things, but to remind you. You are too young, have no experience in managing the company, easy to use things, and can't tell the difference. I admit that the company may have some financial problems, but there is no harm. Seriously, it will not have a fundamental impact on the company's operations. Even if your grandfather Ye Changqing is here, you will open your eyes and close your eyes. If you are serious, you will lose. We all lose in all markets."

"My grandfather is my grandfather, I am me. I don't need you to teach me how to do things. Now I will give each of you a chance to say what I did and what I know do to the detriment of the Yip Group's interests, Frankly, I will deal with it as appropriate. Otherwise, I will let you know what I have done."

Ye Tian said, his right hand slammed on the table, accompanied by a loud noise, a thick wooden conference table was printed with a palm mark, transparent up and down. Even the tiles on the ground were also printed with a striking palm print.

Suddenly, all company leaders were frightened, and the spine swallowed out in the spine.

They knew that the Ye Prince's prince, acting without taboos, could really do anything, even killing and setting fire.

However, for a time everyone shut up and looked at each other, none of them volunteered.

"It seems that you don't want to be well anymore, and you want to fight me to the end." Ye Tian sneered, suddenly stood up from the seat.

"Just whatever you want to do, I don't want to do it if I don't want to do it, let's take a step first." said the tall leader who had just been called by Ye Tian from across the air.

Then he really left, with his toes high and no one around.

Seeing his actions, other people were just about to move.

However, he soon became tragic. The gun shot the first bird. He was killed by Ye Tian's chickens and monkeys. He was shot again from the air. With the spirit of fire, he first hit him in a volley and then burned his bones. .

A large living person, just like this, disappeared in front of everyone.

This time, all the leaders can't calm down, so scared.

"I said, I said, Mr. Guo forced me. I took the company for 30 million, and I can return it intact."

"Most of the company's lost assets are in the Guo family's pockets. We only got a small profit. If you want to settle the account, go to the Guo family to calculate it."

"Sales of the company's assets were done by Mr. Guo. He received a lot of rebates from others. Of course, I was also wrong. I shouldn't cooperate with him. I took the company for 100 million. I can return the interest together."

"Since Chairman Ye is gone, the Ye Family has become the world of the Guo family. The Guo family has covered the world..."


The frightened leaders of the company expressed their opinions one by one, all pointing at the Guo family and Chairman Guo Yuanhao.

"You nonsense? Shut up to me all!" Guo Yuanhao jumped like a thunder, his face became terrible, and then said to Ye Tian: "Master, don't listen to them nonsense. My Guo family has been for you for three consecutive generations. Ye Family Service. My father Guo Shouming and your grandfather Ye Changqing are playing the world together. I and your father Ye Wenhua are exploring the territory together, and now my child is also in the Ye's company, to fight for the Ye family for a lifetime. , Also the Ye family of my Guo family. How can I do something that is not good for Ye family?"

"People are doing, the sky is watching, Guo Yuanhao, what you have done is clear to you."

"The company's accounts are all there, and you will know it when you check it."

"He swallowed at least 30 billion yuan by himself, and a good Yip was almost evacuated by him."


There was no need for Ye Tian to speak at all, and the anxious leaders retorted one after another.

"You, you,..."

Guo Yuanhao was so desperate that he almost passed out.

He knew he was gone, and after a moment of stiffness, he slumped weakly in his chair.

At this moment, the door of the meeting room opened, and an old man walked in with a trembling help, supported by a middle-aged woman. Her face was sallow and morbid.

Seeing this person, the noisy meeting room suddenly became quiet.

"Dad, why are you here?" Guo Yuanhao shouted.

The person who came was Guo Shouming, one of the company's veterans, who had fought the world with Ye Changqing and was also Guo Yuanhao's father.

When Ye Tian saw him last night, he still had strong bones and did not have such morbidity.

"Not a child!"

Guo Shouming stared angrily, and when he came up, he gave Guo Yuanhao a big ear.

"How can I teach you, you can't ignore your conscience. Without the Ye family, there can be no Guo family today. How can you do such a thing? Don't hurry to kneel and apologize to the young master?"

"What, I give him...?"


Another ear scraper pulled to his face, Guo Yuanhao honestly knelt in front of Ye Tian, ​​with a snot and tears, sincere regret.

"All the money of my Ye family is here, more than 30 billion. I also hope that the young master will not blame, and give you Uncle Yuanhao a chance to reform." Guo Shouming took out a bank card and presented it with both hands.

Obviously, Guo Shouming knew what Guo Yuanhao did.

When Ye Tian looked for him last night, he expected this moment today and set about preparing.

He just sat in the office next door and saw that the general trend was gone and had to show up.

But I do not know, Ye Tian's Shen Nian has long sensed his existence. So he was not surprised at all.

"More than 30 billion, you dare to be greedy! If I come back a few days late, the Ye Group will not be evacuated by you." Ye Tian said lightly, surprisingly calm.

He lifted his right hand suddenly, palms up, opened his mouth gently, and a flame burst forth from his mouth. The golden light shone like the sun.

"Don't kill me. Dad, save me, I don't want to die." Guo Yuanhao suddenly urinate.


Guo Shouming also knelt on the ground, UU reading said to Ye Tian: "Master, for my old bones, for my loyalty to the Ye family, spare you Yuanhao Uncle takes his life."

Thump, thump!

Next, the rest of the company's leaders kept kneeling on the ground, and some confessed themselves, and some pleaded for Guo Yuanhao.

A golden flame in the palm of Ye Tian didn't beat it out after all, killing was easy, but it was too much.

He just needs to stand up his prestige.

In the end, when these leaders agreed to return the stolen money, and were willing to continue to fight for the Ye family, make up for the losses as much as possible, Ye Tian pardoned almost all of them. But in some serious cases, he still has to punish minors.

The company's chairman is no longer Guo Yuanhao, but Lin Zimo.

Soon after, the company's name will change to Beiming.

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