Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1281: Drive to the northeast

Ye Tian did not worry too much about the Yeh Group. A group of big leaders have been tamed and obedient, and promised to return all the stolen money.

It is no exaggeration to say that because these leaders made mistakes, even if they sold their lives to Ye Shi in the next half of their lives, they would spend half their lives to atone.

I believe that under the leadership of Lin Zimo, the Ye Group will develop very well in the future, reproduce the glory of the past, and even climb to the peak.

"It's hard work, so come here today. I'm going back to school first, and there is something else."

In the headquarters building of the Ye Group, Ye Tian said to Lin Zimo that he was going to leave.

At this time it was already dark, the two were really busy all day, from morning to night, they were not idle for a moment.

Of course, Lin Zimo is far harder than Ye Tian. She needs to be familiar with the company's operations and go up and down.

"I'll give it to you." Lin Zimo said, his face was tired and his hair was messy, but it still looked **** and elegant, graceful and beautiful.

"No, you're tired too, go back and rest early."

"It's okay, it just happened."

Seeing this, the company's leaders are a bit confused, and do not know the true relationship between the two:

Are you a couple?

Or an ordinary friend?

Or a confidante?

Although there are doubts in my heart, none of them dare to talk.

For the time being, everyone regards Lin Zimo as Ye Tian's woman, and he is extremely respectful and not afraid to be negligent.

Lin Zimo was inviting, and Ye Tian didn't refuse, so she got in her car.

Yancheng at night, with brilliant lights and ample color, is far more visually striking than the night view of Chuzhou.

A red Ferrari, shuttled in the traffic, the beautiful female driver can always receive the attention of many people.

The two didn't have much words and were speechless all the way.

Soon Yan Da arrived. On the roadside of the school gate, a young girl wearing a pink long dress and a white princess hat on her head was looking forward to her.

"I saw Qinghan." Lin Zimo smiled, the car slowed down and drove straight past.

"I haven't seen her for a while, and the little girl has become more and more beautiful." She exclaimed.

"It is said that the university is a beauty salon." Ye Tian replied in a rare way.

"Qinghan is a natural beauty, since she was a child's embryo, it has nothing to do with not going to college." Lin Zimo praised.

Her eyes are as clear as water, and her eyes are envious, but they are not the beauty of Qinghan, because she also has the beauty, but the other.

The same beauties, the same girls, Qinghan's life is much better than her!

"Sister Zi Mo, I heard that you have become the chairman of the Ye Family. Congratulations!"

After the car stopped, Qing Han greeted Lin Zimo with enthusiasm.

"Which chairman, just a part-time job. I sent your man back. I won't disturb you, and enjoy the world of two."

Seeing Qing Han, she naturally thought of her younger brother Lin Yu.

If there were no such changes, Qing Han should have been her brother and sister. Really fool people.

"Ye Tian and I are going to eat, or shall we go together? Anyway, you are here alone." Qing Han invited, out of politeness.

For Lin Zimo, her feelings are also very complicated. She used to be a sister with a different surname who has a good relationship. Nowadays, all things are different and the relationship is slowly estranged.

"Do you want me to be a light bulb? I don't want it. Look at your man, don't let him run around again." Lin Zimo smiled, then stepped on the accelerator and walked away.

The back of the sports car is very cool, Qing Han stared at it for a while, until it disappeared into sight.

She could clearly see that Lin Zimo felt miserable.

"Leave, what do you want to eat?" Ye Tian took Qinghan's hand naturally.

Qing Han came back and said, "Let's go to the night market and eat whatever we see."

"Good." Ye Tian nodded.

The two stopped a taxi and embarked on an ordinary and romantic journey for two.

In the car, Ye Tian was very worried. He was really bad at speaking. If something happened tomorrow, he would leave Yancheng again.

But when Qing Han proposed the idea of ​​going to the suburbs tomorrow, Ye Tian finally had to speak, telling Qing Han that he would go to Changbai Mountain in the northeast with two roommates tomorrow to see his roommate's second child.

Ye Tian's roommate Qing Han knew that she was also very concerned when she heard Ye Tian said her second son Huo Tingxuan might be in trouble.

"Why don’t I go with you anyway? Anyway, I’m fine on the weekend. After visiting your classmates, we can go to Changbai Mountain. I haven’t been to Changbai Mountain yet. I heard that there is a Tianchi and a dragon living inside. If you are lucky, Maybe you can see the dragon."

Qinghan's brain circuit was so strange that Ye Tian's eyes could not help but widen.

However, Xiao Nizi's proposal is not unfeasible, one more person and one less problem.

In other words, since the two had determined their relationship, Ye Tian had not taken Qing Han to travel. As a boyfriend, it was too incompetent.

Ye Tian told the two roommates that Qinghan also wanted to go to Changbai Mountain. The two roommates did not disagree.

Yancheng is more than 1,000 kilometers away from Changbai Mountain. It is very far away. How to get there is a problem.

Although Ye Tian has a Xuanguang platform, which can travel thousands of miles away in minutes, but in front of his roommate, it is still a low-key, he does not intend to use it.

After all, this is a normal human world!

So, he suggested to go by plane, get off the plane and take a taxi.

But the third son, Zhao Chuyi, proposed to drive. He said that he would rent a car at the dealership and drive in the past. It was more comfortable and convenient.

Ye Tian thought about it and agreed, but the car didn't need to be rented, he had it himself.

In the garage of the Ye Family Mansion, there are dozens of luxury cars of all kinds, just drive one and go.

However, because Yancheng is still too far away from Changbai Mountain, Ye Tian suggests to leave early to ensure that he arrives before dark.

This night, Ye Tian took Qing Han to visit the night market. UU read the book and ate a variety of delicious snacks, then went to the movies and played until the middle of the night before going back.

It stayed warm overnight, and the next morning was bright, and the two got up, washed up, and went to school to join Zhao Chuyi and Wang Yan.

Ye's garage has many cars, all of them are luxury cars. Ye Tian chose a low-key Mercedes-Benz G.

As soon as Zhao Chu saw the Mercedes-Benz G, his eyes flashed and he was about to open, excited.

Of the four of them, Ye Tian and Zhao Chu have driver's licenses, and they can drive all the way, and they will be there before dark.

Huo Tingxuan's family address is in a small town at the foot of Changbai Mountain, named Huojia Town, only a few tens of miles away from Tianchi, a famous scenic spot in Changbai Mountain.

When Qing Han said that after visiting Huo Tingxuan, he went to Changbai Mountain Tianchi to play together, and Zhao Chuyi and Wang Yan both readily agreed.

All three of them regarded the trip to the Northeast as a trip. Only Ye Tian was uneasy. He always felt that this trip might produce some right and wrong.

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