Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1282: Host Successor

After a long journey, Huojia Town at the foot of Changbai Mountain finally arrived.

The residual sun is like blood, the afterglow is spread all over, Changbai Mountain is majestic, magnificent and magnificent, like a dragon lying prone on the vast ground, stretching to the end of the world.

Huojia Town is located in a scenic valley between two mountains. It was originally a small village with a population of only a few hundred. Huojia Village later became popular due to the tourism industry of Changbai Mountain. A small town with a population of over 10,000.

However, the population of Huo surnamed town still accounts for half of the population, and Huojiazhen is also worthy of the name.

In addition to the tourism industry making Huojia Town prosperous, Huxiantang Main Hall is located here, which has also greatly improved Huojia Town's reputation. Every year, many people come here to find out about Ma Xian's medical treatment and disaster relief, and seek wealth and luck. Among them, there are many big figures with heads and faces, celebrities and businessmen,...

"It's here." Ye Tian shouted to the two roommates in the back seat.

At this time he drove the car and drove on the only road leading to Huojia Town, the town was close at hand, and he could see it.

It is unbelievable that, at this juncture, the car is actually stuck in traffic, and the car is moving at the speed of the turtle.

This is just an ordinary weekend. It’s not Golden Week, it’s not a big holiday. It is surprising that so many people come to Huojia Town.

Although Huojia Town is close to Changbai Mountain Scenic Area, there are dozens of miles, which is not the nearest town.

It can be found from the license plate that the car is not only local, but also many foreign, but most of them are in the three eastern provinces.

"Did they all come to Changbai Mountain for tourism?" On the passenger's seat, Qing Han stared at the clear eyes and asked Ye Tian.

"Maybe." Ye Tian was undecided.

At this time, the two roommates in the back seat, one was drowsy and the other was sleeping, heard Ye Tian's voice, woke up with a shocking spirit.

"I can't think of the second son's hometown being so popular! It was really a golden phoenix in the mountain lump, and ten thousand birds came to the court." Zhao Chuyi exclaimed.

"We've come by coincidence. The town seems to have an event tonight. Wouldn't it be a gathering to meet?" Wang Yan looked at Huojia Town, not far away, guessing.

Although it was not dark at this time, the town was already brightly lit, and the streets were crowded and bustling, with many people walking around.

"Your family meets at the meeting in the evening!" Zhao Chu ridiculed.

"Oh, too." Wang Yan smiled awkwardly.

There are so many people in the town that the car can't get in at all. Ye Tian found a place to park on the grass outside the town.

Many cars are parked this way, there is no decent parking lot.

After parking the car, the four came to the town and were caught in the crowd.

The town is really like a gathering, with lanterns everywhere, red lanterns hanging high, and lively extraordinary. There are many selling things, eating and drinking, and various juggling tricks.

However, it is not a big deal to say that it is a gathering, because few people stop to buy things, and the flow of people is rushing in the same direction. It seems that there is a big scene in front that attracts people.

"I want to eat rock sugar gourd."

After passing a sugar cane gourd stall, Qinghan stopped.

"What style do you want to eat, pick it yourself, I invite you." Qing Han said to the three.

"Thank you sister-in-law, then I'm welcome." Zhao Chu said with a smile, without pretending, came up and picked a big bunch.

"Thank you sister-in-law."

Wang Yan was also polite, and picked up a bunch of bigger ones.

During this journey, the two sisters-in-law and long sister-in-law did not scream, but at the beginning, Qinghan would blush. Now that she is used to it, she still feels very helpful.

She chose a string for herself, and also chose a string for Ye Tian.

Then she was ready to give money, and asked the stall owner why Huo Jiazhen was so lively tonight, and whether she knew Huo Tingxuan and where she lived.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, I also want to eat rock sugar gourd."

At this moment, suddenly, a young girl sounded.

Then I saw an old man with white hair wearing a navy blue robe and white coat, holding a little girl's hand passing by here.

The little girl is about the age of six or seven years old, wearing a little red gown, tying her double bun, and adorned with carved jade, very cute.

"There is something delicious, and the teeth are bad." The old man said with a cold face, he said very seriously.

It can be seen from the appearance that this old man is not an ordinary person.

Although he must have white hair, but his face glowed with red light, he walked on the road striding meteor, full of gas.

His left eye was very dignified and his eyes were shining, but his right eye lost his spirit and could not turn. He was a fake eye.

"No, I'm going to eat it." The little girl coquettishly looked at the bright red sugar candied gourds, and her saliva came out.

"Sister, sister, is the sugar-coated gourd delicious?" the little girl asked Qing Han again, eyes open.

Qing Han laughed and said, "Sister, would you please eat a bunch of small ones?"

At this time, a passerby and the grandfather of the little girl greeted each other and touted each other.

"Sister, are you also here to attend the ceremony of the new host of Fox Fairy Hall?" the little girl asked Qinghan with a childish voice. The cherry bite instigated the rock sugar gourd, and her two lips were red.

"What classic?" Qing Han froze.

"Don't you know the new master of the new hall of Fox Immortal Hall?" Don't you know?" The little girl's eyes widened.

This time Qing Han understood, but confused.

Zhao Chuyi and Wang Yan were also stunned.

Fox Fairy Hall, succession ceremony, what the hell?

Ye Tian was not too surprised. As soon as he got out of the car, he found that the situation here was not right, and he was so angry. He opened the fire-eye golden pupil, swept through the crowd, and found that many people had demon possessions, and they were all one by one.

This is a big rally!

Listening to what the little girl said about the succession of the new host of the fox fairy hall, U Tian read the book Ye Tian suddenly understood, why so many out of the horse fairy.

The last host of Huxiantang was Huo Tingxuan's grandfather Huo Shi'an. Now that the new host is succeeding, it seems that the old man has gone.

But, who is this new host?

Will it be Huo Tingxuan?

Ye Tianshen reads out, it is easy to feel Huo Tingxuan's breath, but it is very weak, as thin as a hairspring.

Such a weak breath, if it is not caused by deliberately restrained breath, is probably a health problem.

Can't help but Ye Tian's heart raised a bad hunch.

At this time, after the greeting, the little girl's grandfather turned around and found a bunch of rock sugar gourds in her granddaughter's hands.

However, the little girl and Qinghan pretended not to see.

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