Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1283: Find the Huo family

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After all, Qing Han was well-meaning. Although the one-eyed old man's face sank, he didn't have a seizure after all, but pulled his granddaughter away.

"Sister, thank you for the sugar cane gourd. My grandfather and I are leaving first. We are destined to see you again!" said the little girl, looking back.

It's just that her grandfather, unsmiling, has a majestic and cold look, which is daunting.

"Okay, goodbye." Qing Han waved his hand with a smile.

At this time, Zhao Chuyi was asking Huo Tingxuan's family address to the owner of the crystal sugar gourd stall, but the stall owner said he did not know the person.

Although the town is small, there are also tens of thousands of people, and some of them are settled out of town or come to do business. It is normal to not know Huo Tingxuan.

"Let's go too." Ye Tian said to several people.

"But we don't know where the second child lives, how do I get there?" Zhao Chuyi said.

"I already know, just follow me." Ye Tian said.

"How could you know?" Zhao Chu didn't believe it.

Still Wang Yan responded quickly and said, "Youngest, don't forget that the boss is not an ordinary person. Follow him, you're right."

"The same is true, the boss is a land fairy, who can see the heavens, the sky and the ground, know everything, know everything." Zhao Chu flicked a fart, exaggerating and said very much to Ye Tian. Great trust.

"Do you know why you didn't say it early?" Qing Han complained, his eyes twitching, his eyes shining like black gems.

"You didn't ask me." Ye Tian chuckled.

"I don't ask you, don't you say it?"

"You don't ask me, what do I say?"


The two even fought, and Zhao Chuyi and Wang Yan frowned.

Over the course of this journey, the two of them did not eat less dog food, and now their stomachs are still supporting it.

Following the flow of people, a group of four walked towards the center of the town.

Although Huojia Town is not large, there are only 10,000 people, but it is very beautifully planned, with several streets criss-crossing, street lights in rows, flower gardens in pieces, clean, tidy and beautiful.

There are scattered houses on both sides of the street. Although they are not tall, they are mostly under five floors, but they have their own styles and do not have a charm.

Such a town can be called a characteristic town, with tourism features.

Qing Han took a look at the left and right, and walked all the way to see all the way. It really seemed to be a tourist. It was a few minutes away, but I didn't even walk for more than ten minutes.

Zhao Chuyi and Wang Yan were not too anxious. Anyway, people have already arrived in the town, and they should be able to meet the second son soon.

Ye Tian found out that there are not only fox fairy veins, but also four other fairy families, but there are obviously more fox fairy veins in the town, but after all, this is the ceremony of the successor of the fox fairy hall.

These immortals have basically practiced some spells, but they are mostly at the level of Dao and Dharma, and rarely exceed the level of Profound Realm.

Xuanjing Daoxiu is comparable to Martial Realm, and it can be called a real person.

The one-eyed old man just now is a Xuanjing monk, and he wanted to come to play a very important role in Ma Xian.

As for the immortal of the Celestial Cultivation, Ye Tian has not yet found one.

After all, it is difficult for the sky to reach the sky.

Mo said that the eastern three provinces are on the Central Plains side, and it is difficult to find a god.

If you were not here, Ye Tian couldn't believe that there were so many horse celestial beings in the northeast, and the matriarchal system was so prosperous.

He feels more and more that these five fairy ancestors behind Ma Xianxian are not ordinary, maybe they are really 5 Xian Dixian, otherwise how can they differentiate so many ideas, drive so many Ma Xianxian, work for them and collect merits.

In the end-era era when the Dixian was almost extinct, there might be five Dixian hidden in the northeast earth, and it was a demon repairing the Dixian. What a terrifying thing and how incredible.

It can only be said that this world, hiding dragons and lying tigers, is not as simple as we seem.

Even Ye Tian is now called the master of the planet, and he can't guarantee that he must be the most powerful person on this star.

"I heard that at the ceremony of the succession of the main lord of fox fairy hall tonight, Tian fox big fairy will appear.

"I just came to Tianhu Daxian and drove five hundred miles. If Tianhu Daxian didn't come out, then my trip was really white."

"Thinking about the last appearance of Tianhu Daxian, or thirty years ago, Huo Shi'an was given the title of the host and gave Huo Shian a lot of magical seconds. If there is no accident, Tianhu Daxian It will appear tonight, and empower the new host."

"It is said that Tianhu Daixian has nine tails, which is the nine-tailed fox."

"In this life, I can see the big fairy of Tianhu, and die without regret!"


On the street, many people talked about the word "Tianhu Daxian" appearing very frequently.

Most of the people who came to the town tonight are ordinary people.

The reason why these ordinary people will come, and some even come from far away, is basically directed at the Tianhu Daxian, want to see the legendary **** of its existence.

"What a fox fox? Is it a vixen?" Zhao Chuyi asked a passer-by curiously.

"Xiaowazi, disrespecting the Daxian, be careful and blame out of your mouth." The passer-by glared at Zhao Chuyi.

"At first glance, they are tourists from other places. Those who don't know are fearless."

"Forget it, regardless of them, let's go quickly, the ceremony is about to begin."


Zhao Chu was stunned for a moment, and his hair was straight.

However, he quickly recovered and slandered: "Lao Tzu was born in a new society and grew up under the Red Banner, believing you are a ghost."

A few minutes later, the four came to an antique mansion in the center of the town.

This mansion not only occupies the best location in Huojia Town, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. The large area of ​​com is also staggering. At least a hundred acres may be larger than the Yecheng mansion of Yancheng.

In front of the vermilion gate, stone lions lined up. Looking across the tall courtyard wall, you can see the lush inside, planted with many precious trees, flowers blooming, floating out like a secluded paradise.

Above the gate of the mansion, there are two large gold stamps, Huo's family.

Huo Tingxuan's breath sensed by Ye Tian is in this compound.

"Boss, are you sure this is the second family?" Zhao Chu asked with a frown, a little unbelievable.

He was not only surprised by the arrogance of Huo Tingxuan's mansion, but also surprised by the succession ceremony of the lord of the Fox Fairy Hall, which seemed to be held in this mansion.

I saw that at the moment, the Huo family's mansion was covered with red carpets in front of the door and red lanterns hung on the door, and guests came in groups.

Two sturdy men stood at the door and took the invitations from the guests. They were sure they were the ones before they let the guests in.

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