Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1286: Search soul

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"Get out, get out of me all. Who dares to search for my son's soul, I'll go on a horse and fight him hard!"

In a tall house deep in the backyard of Huo's family, an angry roar came out, accompanied by a murderous scroll.

The Huo family’s backyard is a forbidden land, built on the hillside, with lush vegetation, quiet and quiet. Even the children of the family can’t come and go as they please, because this is where the Huo family’s ancestral hall is located.

The tall house where the roar was heard at this moment was the Huo family's ancestral hall. It was ten rooms wide, with blue bricks and gray tiles, and simple atmosphere.

The gate of the ancestral hall was closed, but the lights inside came on, and several figures were seen shaking through the windows.

"Nephew Hongyi, you don’t have to know good and bad. Four genius juniors from the four families of Huang Bai Liu Hui died tragically, and your son is not a murderer, nor can you get rid of it. If it’s not for the sake of your old man’s bones, I killed him a long time ago. We are just searching for the soul to find out the real murderer behind the scenes. If everything really has nothing to do with him, we will deal with him impartially and spare his life." An old man’s voice sounded, strong and majestic .

I saw that this was an old man with white hair wearing a crane cloak, looking at Xian Feng Dao Bone, but there was no sign of compassion.

His cheeks are sunken, his cheekbones are prominent, and his eyes are small and round, which can be called thieves.

Not only did this person look fierce, and his face was abominable, but his breath was extremely formidable. Between his gestures, a horrible aura fluctuated out, ripples in the void.

His whole person is like an active volcano, with raging flames accumulating in his short body, it seems that once it erupts, it can burn everything and destroy everything.

There is no doubt that this is a powerful existence.

This person's name is Huang Can, Huang Xiaoxian's grandfather, the main hall master of Huangxian's line, and his cultivation has reached a terrible god.

Among the five masters of the five immortal families of Hu, Huang, Bai, Liu Hui, Huang Can is the only god, and may even be the only **** in the entire Northeast.

Even when Huo Shian was alive, he was only half-step into the gods, otherwise he wouldn't die so early.

Divine Realm often has two hundred years of life and can live a long time.

Of course, because of being condemned by the gods, the immortal should not live so long, and generally have a shorter life.

In addition, half of the ability to go out of horses comes from the thought of the possessed great immortal. If the thought of the great immortal leaves the body, it will be nothing.

Therefore, the realm of the cultivation base of the immortal of the horse is a bit misnomer.

"Hall Master Huang, just talk nonsense with him, catch Huo Xiaozi, and search for the soul directly. When the real culprit who killed my grandson is caught, I will have to smash his body forever. Superbirth, and then destroy him."

Next to Hall Master Huang Can, an old man with a short stature but with great horizontal development said.

The old man wore strong clothes and had deep eyes with a hooked nose. His appearance was really unflattering. He was short and round, like a hedgehog. But the aura on his body is also extremely strong, only slightly inferior to Hall Master Huang Can.

It was the chief hall master of Bai Xian's line, Bai Nantian, Bai Zhan's grandfather, a quasi-sacred realm.

He carried a mace in his hand, covered with steel needles, like spikes on a hedgehog, densely packed.

"Huo's second child, don't force us to do it. It's not good to hurt the five families. We just want to search for the soul, and we won't lose a hair of your son. You quickly get out and hand over your son." The three old men stood up and said.

I saw that the old man was tall and thin, his face was sallow, and his appearance was miserable. The wrinkles on his face were like a knife cut, and he looked tired and almost dead.

Naturally, this is not an ordinary person either. Beneath the desolate and fragile appearance, there is a powerful aura like a deep sea.

He is holding a zhangba spear with a sharp sharp tip, a sharp and cold edge, and a ray of murderous insecurity.

It is Hui Xiantang's chief hall, Hui Yongshou, Hui Xiu's grandfather, who is also a quasi god.

"Boss Huo family, don't you push your brother apart and wait for us to do it? If you delay your succession ceremony tonight, we won't be responsible." A woman's voice sounded, sharp, like two pieces of metal It was knocking, and it made people feel a kind of scratching.

I saw that this was a woman in a white dress. At first glance, she looked like a young lady in the 20th century. She was born beautiful and charming. She had long hair and shawl. She was white and beautiful. But when you look closely, you will find that the corners of her eyes are covered. It's full of crow's feet, and it's obviously old.

This is the only woman among the main hall masters of the Five Great Immortals. Liu Mai's main hall master, Liu Rumeng, and Liu Xiao's grandma, look young because of her skill in beauty.

This time, the main hall master of the four veins of Huang, Bai, Liu and Hui came together to ask for an explanation for their dead grandchildren and find the real murderer behind the scenes.

In fact, they wanted to do this a long time ago, searching for Huo Tingxuan's soul, but because of the shelter of Huo Shian, the old man of the Huo family, they have not been able to succeed. Now that the old man is gone, they can finally have no scruples.

Opposite them, a middle-aged man was holding a big knife, glared, his expression was extremely excited, and he looked desperate. A young man was guarded by him, his face was yellow and thin, his eyes were dull, and he was sickly, but he could vaguely see the appearance of the second child in the 508 dormitory.

This young man is no one else but Huo Tingxuan. The middle-aged man with a knife guarding him is his father, Huo Hongyi.

"Ting Xuan, are you really unwilling to say it?" said a middle-aged man standing next to them with a sharp expression. It was his uncle, Huo Hongtu, who was Huo Tingxiao's father.

"I've already said that you don't believe it. It was my cousin Huo Tingxiao and them in four battles. Both lost and wounded. My cousin died tragically. I avenged my cousin and killed all four of them. Respect." Huo Tingxuan's voice was weak.

"Nonsense, a mere Huo Tingxiao, my granddaughter Huang Xiaoxian can deal with it alone, how can He De and four talented juniors suffer both losses? I think you can't see the coffin without tears!" Hall Master Huang Can said angrily.

"Let's do it! Don't talk nonsense with them. It won't be easy when the fairy fox arrives," said the Lord Bai Nan Tian. As he spoke, he put out a big dry hand with five fingers claws, and grabbed Huo Tingxuan. .

"Dare you!" Huo Hongyi yelled, UU reading with a big knife force in his hand, sweeping out a sharp knife light.

In order to protect his son, he really gave up.

However, he was just a monk in the early stage of the Profound Realm, facing a quasi-sacred realm, unless he was armed with a sharp weapon, he could not fight back.


A big dry hand and a big knife shook hard, and dazzling sparks spattered, and there was a sound like a steel collision. The big hand was no problem, but the big knife was shot and flew out, breaking into two volleys.

Huo Hongyi's figure couldn't help but fell out, smashed the door of the ancestral hall, flew outside the house, vomiting blood again and again.

An invisible suction power instantly enveloped Huo Tingxuan's whole body, and the whole person flew towards the palm facing Bai Nantian, and then slammed onto the ground with a thump, and landed in front of the four main hall masters.

"Since you have a stiff mouth, no wonder we are cruel. Let's do it together, search for souls!"


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