Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1287: Huo family shame

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In the ancestral hall in the backyard of the Huo Family Mansion, a painful and stern scream suddenly came out, like killing pigs and sheep.

If a person has not been subjected to some kind of severe torture and heartbroken, he would never make such a sound.

Tonight, half of the Huo’s guests are immortal. They are all extraordinary people. The sound from the backyard to the front yard has been flapping its wings like mosquitoes and flies, weak and inaudible. The fairies heard it.

Brush up!

A pair of eyes looked in the direction of the backyard, and the spirits jumped wildly, revealing doubts.

In addition, they could also sense a horrible breath coming from the depths of the backyard, like a peerless old demon.

The wisps of demonic energy floated over the backyard, gradually converging into a big cloud, which is invisible to ordinary people with naked eyes, but with the extraordinary vision of the horse fairy, you can see it, and can even tell from the color which demon energy comes from. .

The evil spirit of the fox fairy is white, the evil spirit of the yellow fairy is yellow, the evil spirit of the white fairy is purple, the evil spirit of the Liuxian is blue, and the evil spirit of the grey fairy is gray.

It can be seen that the demonic energy above the backyard of Huo's family presents four colors of yellow, purple, blue, and gray. It is surprising that the other four veins besides the fox fairy are in trouble.

"Go, go and see."

Some immortals could not restrain themselves, and came out, among them the two old men with one eye and one lame leg were the fastest.

Although there are some other four channels in the field, the Foxxian channel accounts for the majority, because after all, this is the ceremony for the succession of the hall master of the Foxxian Hall.

Now there are four other big immortals coming to the main hall of the fox immortals, how can the immortals of the fox immortals sit and watch?

In the backyard ancestral house, I saw that the four old hall masters were sitting cross-legged around Huo Tingxuan, all with their eyebrows glowing, and the terrifying spirit pierced Huo Tingxuan's sea of ​​knowledge like diamond claws.

On their bodies, all kinds of evil spirits rolled and steamed, almost drowning them. A horrible breath erupted from their bodies, moving the world.

Among them, Huo Tingxuan knelt on his knees, his face distorted, his face pale, and his eyes dull, as if he had been taken away by all his energy and became a walking dead.

At this moment, he couldn't even shout, and there was a paste in his mind, as if a piece of earth was being dug three feet, and he was about to turn upside down.

Although these four main hall masters all have some secret soul searching techniques, they are all the crudest soul searching mysteries, and their cultivation is not advanced, and their mastery of soul searching mysteries is still raw.

At this moment, they are clearly doing simple and rude brutality, regardless of whether it will cause trauma to the soul searched.

"No, stop it all!"

Outside the big house, a man yelled loudly, extremely angry.

Huo Hongyi coughed up blood in his mouth, staggered to his feet, and rushed into the house.

Suddenly, he shouted: "Tianhu help me!"


A frightening breath erupted from his body.

Behind him, a blazing white light suddenly lit up, as if it was burning, and suddenly the figure of a white fox appeared.

The fox shape appeared, and his vigor was rising steadily, his blood was tumbling, his blood boiled, and his hair was standing upright, as if he had lived with endless divine power.

This white fox is his possessed fox fairy. Although it is just a thought, it is like a real fox demon, full and concrete in form, shining and full of vitality.


Huo Hongyi stomped his foot abruptly, and the ground exploded. With the force of the counter-shock, he swept away from the house like a cannonball.

At the same time, his right hand became a palm, and he slapped it out suddenly, hitting the four main hall masters who were searching for souls.

As soon as the palm came out, a fox shadow formed by a transparent air current was wrapped around his arm, and his palm just overlapped with a transparent fox claw.

He slammed his palm out, like a sky fox flying in the sky, probing his claws in the clouds.

A fox claw condensed from vigor appeared in the void, and it was inflated as if it were inflated, like a huge grinding disc running across the sky, making a rumbling sound.

It is Huo Jia's unique knowledge, Tianhu Mudra!

"Boss of the Huo family, your brother doesn't know what's good or bad, so don't hesitate to stop him!" Hall Master Bai Nantian shouted loudly.

"Your hall master succession ceremony tonight still depends on your performance." Hall Master Hui Yongshou said, full of threats.

Huo Hongtu stood under the door frame, his face sinking like water, his brows frowned into the word Sichuan.

As the eldest son of the Huo family, he was the new owner of the Huo family from the moment the old man passed away. He wanted to maintain not only the face of Huxiantang, but also the face of the Huo family.

Huo Tingxuan's soul search, no matter what, it is a shame to the Huo family.

As the head of the Huo family, he was also under pressure.

However, the four main hall masters of the four veins of Huang, Bai, Liu, and ash came together, one **** realm and three quasi **** realms, and his Huo family could not be an opponent at all.

The situation is better than others, and he has to bow his head.

"When I reach the God Realm in the next day, today's account will be recovered in one stroke." He secretly vowed in his heart.

If he relied on his own ability to cultivate to the **** realm, he wouldn't know it would be a year of the monkey.

However, the Great Immortal Tianhu will give him an initiation, and his combat power will increase sharply. This is because of his poor talent. After the initiation, he can reach the middle stage and even the later stage of the Profound Realm. As long as he is diligent in learning and practicing, within ten or twenty years, the spiritual realm can be expected.

However, at that time, the main hall master of the other four channels didn't know what realm it was.

"Brother, the hall master's succession ceremony, this is a big deal, so you can bear it."

In the voice, Huo Hongtu finally shot his brother.

Accompanied by a terrifying breath erupting, the figure of a white fox appeared behind him.

This white fox is not only much larger than the white fox on Huo Hongyi, but also has three tails. The white fox on Huo Hongyi has only one tail.

The three-tailed white fox, this is the grandmother of the Huo family, is the most powerful thought that the Great Fairy Tianhu has differentiated, and it leads all other thoughts that have been differentiated. The person possessed by Grandma Fox is the head of the foxian hall.

The same is true of the other four immortals, UU reading www.uukanshu. The great immortal possessed by the chief hall master of com is the most powerful thought of the great immortal deity.


Huo Hongtu slammed his palm out, and also struck out a handprint of the sky fox, several times larger than the handprint of the sky fox of his younger brother Huo Hongyi, causing the void to tremble, causing ripples.


With a loud bang, Huo Hongyi's Tianhu handprints were smashed, his entire face turned pale, his mouth was bleeding, and he flew straight to dozens of meters away.

Huo Hongtu was as steady as Mount Tai, motionless.

"Give me your hand!"

At this moment, suddenly a cold voice came.

Huo Hongtu raised his eyes and saw that in the whirling shadow of the tree, he saw a young man walking quickly, disillusioning step by step, as if shrinking into an inch.

The young man's eyes were cold, like two sharp swords, extremely forcing people, full of killing intent.

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