Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1313: Break the line

After blasting Ye Tian’s azure dragon **** form with one blow, Otsuki Qinglong aimed his spearhead at Ye Tian again, with a big mouth, thundering for nine days, violent thunder plasma fell from the sky, mudslides were thick and poured over the sky, like a thunder **** waterfall.

These kinds of attack methods are really stunned. One blow has the destructive power of a small nuclear weapon, and the aircraft carrier can be sunk.


Suddenly, a dazzling sword light rushed into the sky, breaking the sky like a divine light, breaking the violent thunder jet from the middle, and shunting from both sides of Ye Tian's body.

The thunder jet is unparalleled, and the earth under Ye Tian’s feet was washed out of an "island". He stood on the island, and there was a bottomless pit around him, filled with thunder plasma, just like A thunder pond.

But Jian Mang was advancing all the way, accompanied by the sun, the moon and the stars. Following Ye Tian's sword power, it separated the thunder jet like a broken bamboo, and slashed towards the body of Otsuki Qinglong.


The sword slammed through the sky, like a sound of piercing gold and cracked stone, the cold sword aura, and the biting killing intent, swept through the nine days.


A dragon roar stunned Nine Heavens, and the Yimu Qinglong seemed to be alive, roaring and roaring, slammed out of the big paws of the house, brought a terrible storm of vitality, and slammed the sword light.

This is the dragon claw condensed by the vitality of the heaven and the earth. It is like the essence. Every dragon scale and the lines on the dragon scale are clearly visible. The whole body is green and golden, like a kind of divine gold, giving people an incomparable sense of strength and indestructibility. sense.


When the Azure Dragon's giant claws waved, Ye Tian was standing on the ground, feeling a terrifying pressure, like a Taishan mountain pressing on top of his head, suffocating and trembling.

If it is an ordinary god, it will definitely be imprisoned, it will be difficult to move a single step, and it will not be able to use its magic power. The possibility of death is very high.


There was a earth-shattering sound, and the giant claws of the Azure Dragon slapped on the sword light that had been split by the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, sinking vigorously, smashing the sword light to pieces without any suspense.

However, the sword light cut a gap on the blue dragon's giant claws, and the dragon scales fell like snow, but they turned into vitality before reaching the ground.

At this moment, Ye Tian, ​​on an isolated island on the ground, suddenly heard the sound of the wind, spread his arms, and transformed into a divine bird of Vermillion Bird. His wings suddenly shook, and he soared up to a hundred feet high in the sky, surpassing Yimu. On the Qinglong, after a turning point, he swooped down, protruding a pair of huge claws, and grabbed the Yimu Qinglong.

When he swooped down, the Vermillion Bird ignited a raging flame, and countless thunder lights jumped out, like a meteor falling to the ground, unstoppable and invincible.


A dragon roar stunned the sky, and Yimu Qinglong opened its huge mouth, spouting a jet of thunder, and violently attacked the Vermillion Bird.


The Suzaku and the divine bird also uttered a clanging sound of birds, and a pillar of fire exploded from the mouth, and thick thunder accompanied them, like a super volcanic eruption, with a terrifying sound.


In mid-air, the thunder jet of Otsuki Qinglong and the Thunder Vulcan waterfall of the Suzaku sacred bird clashed with an earth-shattering sound, which almost shook the space out of cracks, and a shock wave of strong light like a nuclear explosion swept out, swept Cyclonus, swallowing everything. , Sweep everything.

The valley rumbling, countless vegetation, endless mountains and rocks, and an unknown number of creatures were swept away by the shock wave like a nuclear explosion.

Under such a sweep, the Otsuki Azure Dragon formation was also affected, and the formation was scattered.

Although this effect only lasted for an instant, and the formation recovered itself after that instant, the consequences were devastating.

Because at the moment when the formation was disorganized, Otsuki Qinglong suddenly stopped the continuous thunder breath, and his figure was a little blurred.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

The Suzaku and the Divine Bird grasped this moment well, rushed down, and reached out a pair of big claws and grabbed Otsuki Qinglong's head.

The speed of the Suzaku was so fast that Otsuki Qinglong couldn't react at all. After all, it was just a fake condensed from the Otsuki Blue Dragon Great Formation, and it needed to rely on the information collected by the Great Formation to react.


The Suzaku and the Divine Bird is not a divine form, but a real and infallible form. Two huge divine claws grabbed Otsuki Qinglong's head at once, shredded the green scales, and deeply embedded in his head.


The iron claws of the Suzaku sacred bird suddenly tore, and Otsuki Qinglong's head, which was bigger than a house, shattered and turned into a wave of horror.


The Yimu Qinglong, who had lost his head, fell to the ground with a huge body, smashing a huge pit in the sound of the earth-shaking roar.

However, the great formation of Yimu Qinglong went crazy, the vitality of the world was surging, and the tsunami gathered, allowing the wound of Yimu Qinglong to heal quickly.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the big formation is there, Otsuki Qinglong will be there, almost immortal.

How could Ye Tian let Yimu Qinglong's wound heal? After shredding his head with one blow, he opened his mouth wide and spouted out a sky fire, burning Yimu Qinglong's wound completely.

By the way, the Otsuki Blue Dragon formation was also broken, in the simplest and rude way, just like the magic formation that broke the Green Snake Immortal's submerged valley just now.

The sky was set on a prairie fire, and the sky was burned, and the valley was plunged into a sea of ​​fire for a time.

Suddenly, Ye Tian narrowed his eyes, and when the sea of ​​flames burned, he only felt that the stars were shifting. The world suddenly changed, and the surrounding scenery changed greatly, as if the world was changing, and it seemed that two time and space overlapped Secret world! "Ye Tian was shocked suddenly.

It turned out that there was a small secret world hidden under the Otsuki Azure Dragon formation. He broke the formation in a rough way at this moment, tearing the membrane of the small secret world, but it might also open the door of the small secret world.

call out!

At the moment when the two time and space overlap, suddenly, in the small world of the secret realm, a brilliant divine light rushed out, accompanied by the monstrous life essence, like a rain of light and rain.

Wherever the rain falls, the earth is instantly revitalized, and even the dead branches and fallen leaves will turn green and sprout.

"This is...?" Ye Tianhuo's eyes and golden pupils moved, and in the brilliant divine light, he saw a creature.

This creature is very strange. It is not a human being, nor is it a common animal. It is a plant that is half-formed into a human being. It has the nine orifices of a human being. It is about three feet tall and has sparse branches and leaves, but its roots are extremely developed. Moreover, the whole body is crystal clear, the leaves are glowing, and each root and whisker are like jade silk, shining brilliantly, and permeating a strong medicinal fragrance.

"Ginseng?" Ye Tian shook his heart, and suddenly thought of the plant ginseng.

A moment later, he thought of Changbai Mountain Ginseng Zu from ginseng.

This is obviously a refined ginseng!

"Where to escape, come back to me!"

Suddenly, a roar came from the secret realm.

Immediately afterwards, cyan electric lights appeared out of thin air, forming a giant net, blocking the path of the brilliant light.

"Damn it! Damn old Jiao, when are you going to trap me?" An angry voice came from the colorful divine light.

Accompanied by this sound, Shenguang suddenly turned back in the air, and fell on the ground, reclusive, and disappeared.

Ye Tian only felt a strong spiritual energy rushing toward his face, and suddenly returned to his senses, only to realize that he had come to another time and space, and came to the small world of secrets.

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