Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1314: Dragon Pond Secret Realm

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This is an ancient world, revealing a primitive and wild aura, not only the aura is many times stronger than the outside world, but also the ancient laws of the world.

Looking around, the grass is flourishing, the elixir is fragrant, the old trees are towering, the luxuriant branches and leaves obscure the sky, and many old vines are too thick and scary, like a giant dragon lying around, winding from a mountain. On the other mountain, there are huge mountains towering into the clouds, and the snow on the top of the mountain does not melt all the year round.

Surprisingly, this is a pure land similar to Penglai Xiandao. Ye Tian couldn't see the end at a glance, and didn't know how much.

"Who are you? If you are tired of life, you dare to make trouble in Changbai Longchi?"

Suddenly, an angry voice yelled at Ye Tian.

"Changbai Longchi?" Ye Tian frowned.

There was a big lake in his sight, on the top of a big mountain, the blue waves were thousands of hectares, like a deep sea, bigger than the Changbai Mountain Tianchi in the real world.

The lake water is green and blue like the clouds, contains the gods, shimmering, like a huge gem, standing on the top of the mountain, connected by sky and water, smoke and waves, misty, holy breath permeating.

Boom boom boom!

From time to time, there was a tsunami-like sound on the lake, which caused great waves.

It was the presence of strange beasts, like dragons and snakes, with claws, beards and horns, and the body was densely covered with scales, and the thinnest was as thick as a bucket, all of them huge and scary.


Ye Tian recognized it at a glance.

It could only be a flood dragon, not a real dragon, because a real dragon hadn't even seen Ye Tian in his previous life.

"Is the place where the dragons live? Is this the Changbai Mountain Dragon Pond in ancient times?" Ye Tian was shocked.

He had just heard about the existence of the secret world of Changbai Mountain Longchi from Xiao Qingtian, and couldn't believe that he came here so soon.

Just my great eastern country, there are so many secret worlds, Kunxu, Penglai, Changbai Longchi,...

Looking at the entire earth, all the secret realms added up must be a very impressive number.

This is caused by the objective conditions of the earth.

The earth in ancient times, before the spiritual roots of heaven and earth were lost, the volume and area of ​​the earth was much larger than it is now. It may not be comparable to Jupiter and Saturn, but it will never be inferior to Uranus and Neptune.

Later, the spiritual roots of heaven and earth were stolen, the volume of the earth shrank, and many spaces were folded. These folded spaces form a small secret world.

Some folding spaces may not be perfect and have loopholes, which were later repaired by human monks through magic circles. The Kunlun Secret Realm came from this, and it is the larger and possibly the largest of all the secret realms.

The secret realm of Changbai Mountain Dragon Pond probably also came from this, rather than a simple sky-shielding formation.

"Leave him alone, the most important thing is to catch Sanzu. Take action together, don't let this old thing run away."

Immediately afterwards, another rough voice shouted, it was the voice that Ye Tian had heard just now, just like Hong Zhongda Lu, deafening.

This is a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. His body is extremely burly, his upper body is bare, his waist is wrapped in an animal skin skirt, his body is covered with a large area of ​​scaly, the shimmering metal-like cold luster, and the large claw-shaped palm of the grinding disc Holding a war spear.

There were several people standing next to him, all of them in similar costumes, all covered with scales, and some even had a long snake-like tail behind him.

It is not difficult to see that this is a group of flood dragons that have transformed into human beings to different degrees, each holding a sharp weapon in their hands, is chasing and intercepting a mountain ginseng.

As the middle-aged man said, this refined mountain ginseng is the legendary Changbai mountain ginseng ancestor.

Around the eighteenth banner, there is a large Nine Dragon Seal hanging in the air, forming a large formation, sealing a world. Ren Canzu has the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the earth. When he falls into the large formation, he cannot escape. There is no way to escape.

"Damn Jiao Clan, I've spent all my energy in vain to help you recast the spiritual roots of this world. Not only do you not know the rewards of grace, but you also cross the river to demolish the bridge and kill the donkey. You will not end well."

Below the ground, there was an angry roar.

Listening to the position of the sound, you can find that the sound is wandering, flickering.

Half-transformed into human beings, able to fly into the sky and escape the earth, this ancestor of Changbai Mountain is a demi-magic medicine, not the holy medicine said by the green snake.

The demi-magic medicine must be at least one hundred thousand years old.

Can not help, Ye Tian set off a stormy sea in his heart.

Although the demi-spirit medicine only occupies half of the god-word, it has also nurtured divinity, far surpassing the holy medicine, and it is not on the same level at all.

The demigod medicine contains a huge amount of heaven and earth essence and divine essence, which can be used as the spiritual root of a heaven and earth, and it can automatically reproduce a pure land.

The spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth dries up, the earth veins are exhausted, and the demi-magic medicine can activate the exhausted earth veins, transform the essence and recast the spiritual roots.

This should be what the ancestor said to help recast spiritual roots in the secret realm of Longchi.

In fact, the earth’s spiritual root is essentially a tree and a medicine, but it is much larger, called the "world tree."

"My clan old Jiaowang will pass the pass soon. Old things, you can give yourself out, and make a great pill to help my clan old Jiaowang pass the pass." Someone sneered.

"Aren't you afraid that I will fight with you to die and break the net?"

Amid the roar, the ground blocked by the eighteenth flag broke through and cracked, and huge tree roots burst out of the ground, like a golden python, like an iron whip. Whipped away at the eighteenth banner.

"Waiting for the fish to die and the net to break, you don't have the qualifications yet." The burly middle-aged Jiao clan man holding a war spear coldly snorted.

While talking, he slammed his palm out, and a thunderball flew out with a flash of light.

"Damn, do you dare to use thunder method on me, so you are not afraid of hurting my roots? Each of my roots is comparable to a superb elixir." Sam Zu has anxious eyes and seems very jealous of thunder method.

The hundreds of tree roots that came out of the ground were suddenly densely entangled, forming a thick wooden shield, blocking the thunderball.

However, it was useless at all. The thunderball was so fierce that, in the sound of the earth-shaking blast, hundreds of tree roots were blown into fly ash with just one blow.

The demi-magic medicine can be half-transformed into a human being, which can be regarded as a demon cultivator, but the fighting power is really not very good, and it can only play some instinctive talents.

Hundreds of tree roots like this cracked ground are a kind of wood magic power.

"Do you think I don’t know the essence of your body, 80% to 90% of UU Reading is above a medicine core? I just need to catch your medicine core. The rest of these medicine effects, don’t worry. ."

"Damn Jiao Clan, I fought with you."

In the center of the big array, the mud suddenly flew up, bursting a big hole, and a divine light rushed out.

It is the ancestor of Shen, the whole body is withered and burnt black, and the dense roots are one-third less, and some become coke.

It opened its mouth wide and howled sharply.

After the time, a terrible scene happened.

The void trembles, layers of ripples in the air, a mental shock that hits the soul directly, emanating from the mouth of the ancestor, like a hurricane tsunami, rushing away in all directions.

The shock wave hadn't arrived yet, the shrill screams like blades of glass had rushed into the ears of a crowd of Jiao tribesmen, suddenly dizzy, chest tightness and vomiting.

The eighteenth flag was hunting, and the flag surface was broken, and the formation of the flag gradually loosened.

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