Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1318: Xiao Jiao Wang

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Although Elder Green Jiao was an earth fairy, he was still stunned by Ye Tian's invincible aura. Shan Shan Ye Tian blasted the Nine Dragon God Iron Great Seal with a single punch, and his combat power surpassed him.

Long Yun, the son of the old arrogant King Jiao, also closed his tongue tightly. He clenched the spear tightly, urging the mana, but he didn't dare to pierce it out with a thick killer light at the tip of the spear.

When Ye Tian exploded the Nine Dragon God Iron Great Seal, the Qi machine pulled him back, causing blood to overflow from the corner of his mouth, and a burst of blood tumbling inside his body.

The human youth in front of him is so powerful that it surpasses everyone's imagination. It is no wonder that he dared to come to the Secret Realm of Longchi alone.

"I entered here by mistake, and there is nothing to chat with you. Just let me take this mountain ginseng." Ye Tian said indifferently and calmly.

The roots of Changbai ginseng ancestor diverged and condensed into two short legs. Sitting on Ye Tian's neck like a small person, with big eyes and smart, sitting tightly, it was a bit funny.

Ye Tian's strength must have surpassed its expectations, but it was not afraid of anti-happy. It now regards Ye Tian as a life-saving straw and catches it firmly. Even if Ye Tian let it go, it wouldn't escape.

"If you hear it, let us go, or else you will be destroyed, and my human brothers will say nothing." Changbai Ginseng Ancestor Fox pretended to be a tiger and said without embarrassment.

Without discussing it with Ye Tian, ​​it recognized Ye Tian as a brother, and he didn't have too much skinny.

It was burned into coke's roots and body, all the dead skin fell off, and the whole body was once again crystal clear, like the best jade carving, brilliant and glowing, glowing, overflowing with aura.

It is a demi-magic medicine with a body that is almost immortal. This little injury will not hurt it, and it will heal itself in minutes.

The Changbai ginseng ancestor looks like a fox and looks like a tiger. As soon as it said this, the noses of all the Jiao tribesmen in the field were tilted.

"Friends of Taoism, you can go, but this old ginseng must be kept. It is a treasure that my Jiao Clan has spent endless efforts to cultivate, and it belongs to my Jiao Clan alone." The elder Qing Jiao said, although he felt frustrated, But the attitude is very firm.

"I'm pooh!" Changbai Ginseng spit out immediately, and said angrily: "Before the world changed, the old Ginseng and I were rampant in Changbai Mountain. At that time, the ancestors of your Jiao clan were not born yet. You dare to speak up. It was me that your Jiao clan cultivated. Believe it or not, I spit you to death?"

While talking, Changbai Ginseng really spit out a mouthful of water, turned into a light rain, fragrant, fragrant, Rui Cai misty, rich and blooming, filled with a sacred breath, which can purify people's body and mind, and wash body and soul. .

This is the ginseng liquid. Although it is not taken from the core of the medicine, it contains the shards of the avenue and the essence of the gods, but it also has infinite medicinal effects and infinite value, which is absolutely comparable to the best elixir.

Immediately, the children of the Jiao Clan were tempted, and he opened his mouth and sucked fiercely.

Changbai Sanzu looked at him dumbfounded, with a dazed expression, and 10,000 alpacas whizzed past in his heart.

"Shut up all!" Elder Qing Jiao was furious. A group of children didn't pay attention to it, leaving it with old faces and nowhere to put it.

Ye Tian smiled indifferently, and said: "It has already helped you recast the spiritual roots of the Dragon Pond Secret Realm for the Jiao Clan in accordance with the agreement. You shouldn't confine it anymore because of the reason. It belongs to the outside world."

"Friends, do you really insist on being an enemy of my Jiao Clan? Although my Jiao Clan will not return to the pomp of the past, I can still find a few of them. And the old Jiao King of my clan is even one and a half. Bu Tianxian. If you meet each other, do you think you have a chance of winning?" Elder Qing Jiao was finally angry, and his tolerance was just delaying time.

At this moment, on a mountain in the distance, several divine rainbows suddenly jumped out and rushed like lightning.

One of the divine rainbows was extremely fast, Yiqi Juechen rushed to the vicinity with just a few fingers.

"Who are you who dare to come to my Longchi Secret Realm to go wild? Don't you know what this place is? Leave your life here today!" A majestic voice came from the rainbow.

This is a middle-aged man from the Jiao tribe. His facial features are as sharp as an axe. He is tough and handsome. There is no scales on his body. He has completely transformed into a human. He wears a purple and gold robe with a white jade belt around his waist. His look is very majestic and exuding. A breath of king.

"Little King Jiao!"

Immediately, all the children of the Jiao Clan in the field bowed down to the ground.

The old Jiao Wang had nine sons, and he passed the position of Jiao Wang to his eldest son when he was in retreat a hundred years ago and hit the Heavenly Wonderland. It was the middle-aged man in purple and golden robe who flew here at this moment, named Long Ba. In order to distinguish him from the old Jiao Wang, the tribe called him the Xiao Jiao Wang.

"A bunch of useless things, let me get away." Little King Jiao roared, his expression was a bit hideous, and he was full of murderous intent.

Although King Xiao Jiao is very handsome, he is not good-looking. It is definitely a stubborn mistake. Even Long Yun was very jealous of this big brother.

Xiao Jiao Wang flew over, and without a word, he started to come up.

It opened its mouth and spit out, spouting a jet of water. Immediately afterwards, the water column across the sky quickly differentiated, turning into tens of thousands of water arrows, densely packed, covering the sky, with great momentum.

Each water arrow is attached with a trace of evil spirit of gold, which has the power to penetrate the gold and crack the stone, and it is extremely sharp.

Changbai Sanzu was frightened, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

But Ye Tian didn't change his expression and took it calmly.

He raised his right arm and spread his fingers apart, making a grabbing gesture.

Then, an astonishing scene happened. The torrent of supersonic water arrows that could destroy an aircraft carrier unexpectedly stopped three feet in front of him, and a wall seemed to stop these water arrows invisibly.

The water arrows in the front stopped, and the water arrows in the back came one after another. In a blink of an eye, tens of thousands of water arrows condensed into an arrow wall three feet in front of Ye Tian.

This was not a magical skill, Ye Tian just activated the two talents of Chaos Golden Body, Water and Gold, to seize the control of Water Arrow.

"Come and not be indecent!" Ye Tian smiled indifferently, and pushed his iron palm forward suddenly. The tens of thousands of water arrows that had stagnated three feet in front of him all turned and reflected.


In the thunderous sonic boom, UU reading tens of thousands of water arrows broke through the speed of sound at the same time, and blasted towards Xiao Jiao Wang Long Ba in an overwhelming manner.

King Xiao Jiao's pupils shrank, and his expression was a bit surprised. But immediately his expression turned gloomy.

He slapped out his palm, and his palm was full of real energy, and he condensed a huge flood claw, which was ten feet in size.

Bang bang bang!

The ten-foot-sized flood claws were like a big shield, grabbing half of all water arrows in their hands.

"Die me!"

Facing the position where Ye Tian was standing, the ten-meter-old Jiao claw slammed down. In the palm of the palm, the water that the arrow turned into was washed down like a torrent.

Just when Ye Tian was about to punch and explode ten zhangjiao claws, the ten zhangjiajiao claws and five fingers suddenly gathered, and the water rushing down like a torrent condensed into ice lumps, freezing Ye Tian and Changbai Ginseng Zu In it.

Moreover, hundreds of ice thorns emerged in the ice tuft, sharp like war spears, spurring inward, to pierce Ye Tian and Sanzu holes into sieve eyes.

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