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Ten-zhangjiao's claws ran across the sky, and under a violent grasp, a monstrous stream of water in the palm of the palm condensed into an icy tuft, which just happened to freeze Ye Tian and Changbai Ginseng Zu in it. From the outside, it looks like a mosquito imprisoned in amber. It is firmly controlled and unable to move.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Amidst the ice lumps, hundreds of ice thorns grow criss-crossed, each of which is as thick as an adult's arm and sharp as a war spear. It is necessary to pierce one person and one tang into a sieve and smash into a hornet's nest.

Ten-zhangjiao's claws grasped the ice tuft in the palm of his hand, violently and violently crushed it to crush the people inside.

However, a very unbelievable scene happened. The hundreds of ice thorns growing inside the ice tuo suddenly turned back. Qi Qi pointed their spears at the outside of the ice tuo, spreading at a faster rate and growing even more. Thick and sharper.

Puff puff!

Suddenly, Xiao Jiaowang's ten-zhangjiao claws were like grasping a large durian, and hundreds of holes were pierced all at once.

Moreover, King Xiao Jiao could clearly feel a chill of icy energy, trying to freeze his ten feet of Jiao Claws. This cold energy was far above the cold energy he cultivated, and it instantly took away the control of his freezing technique.

"Damn it!" Little King Jiao changed wildly and roared loudly.

Ye Tian took away the control of his water arrows just now, and now he has taken the control of his freezing technique. He stabilized his head and used his strength to hit him. It was equivalent to hitting his face with his hand. Crazy, I really have the urge to vomit blood.


He smashed Bingtuo against a mountain not far away, like throwing away a hot potato.


Bingtuo exploded in the air and shattered into icy debris in the sky. The figure of a young man floated down, with a small tree man sitting on his shoulders.

"King Xiao Jiao, let us go quickly, or my human brothers will beat your parents even not." Changbai Sanzu yelled and talked harshly for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

"People, people, ghosts, or ghosts, I should have stewed you!" Little Jiaowang was furious, gritted his teeth, his eyes widened in anger, his eyes flashing like flames.


A horrible breath erupted from his body, and his body was surging. The unparalleled coercion was as turbulent as a tsunami, rolling up a hurricane, blowing sand and rocks.

King Xiao Jiao hit a real fire, really angry!

"King Xiao Jiao, stay calm, you may not be the opponent of this human youth. When the elders arrive, I will join hands together." Elder Qing Jiao persuaded.

"Is this king of me really a decoration? I have to join hands with the elders to deal with a human youth?" The little king was humiliated, and immediately became furious and his eyes were red.

As he spoke, he sat down on the horse, clenched his right hand in his fist, raging, and condensed a black dragon head with a large grinding plate at the tip of the fist, and the dragon body was coiled on the arm.

"Black Dragon Fist!"


Amid the roar of heavy artillery fire, the earth shook violently, facing Ye Tian's direction, Xiao Jiao Wang punched out.

Under his feet, a ring of air suddenly burst out, swelling up smoke and dust, spreading in all directions like a sandstorm.


On the rocky ground under his feet, large footprints two feet deep burst out, and cracks spread out one after another, as dense as a cobweb, until ten feet away. A whole hill was almost shattered, showing how powerful his punch was.

This situation really looked like an invincible heavy artillery fired, and the powerful recoil shook the ground, raising the wind and sand in the sky, shaking the earth.

Accompanied by this heavy artillery roar, a black dragon fist roared out, like a comet passing across the sky, dragging a long tail of light, piercing the void and destroying the sky, and violently attacked Ye Tian. Come.

This is an invincible killing fist, like a scourge of a beast, and the domineering black dragon fist has nothing to resist.

"Impossible, hurry and hide!"

Changbai Ginseng screamed immediately, smacked his tongue, his two small arms held Ye Tian's neck tightly, his body leaned back, like pulling a radish, and he wanted to lift Ye Tian up.

"It's your honor to die under my black dragon fist!" With a punch, King Xiao Jiao laughed wildly, as if he was quite certain that this punch would kill Ye Tian's life, and no matter how bad it was, it could be severely damaged.

The Black Dragon Fist Gang can lock on the Qi machine, just like a guided missile, no matter how you evade, you will be chased.

Therefore, this punch can only parry, not dodge.

Of course, the inability to dodge is only relatively speaking. If a fighter plane flies faster than the guided missile, then the guided missile is exhausted and you don't want to catch it. Or fighters are more sensitive than guided missiles and can eventually run out of fuel for guided missiles and escape pursuit.

Just like this fist of King Xiao Jiao, if Ye Tian showed his magical powers, he could squint the Black Dragon Fist off the eighteen roads.

However, Ye Tian didn't seem to plan to dodge.

As soon as the Black Dragon Fist Gang rushed out, Ye Tian suddenly hugged his hands, his palms were divided up and down, facing each other in the air, like a virtual hug.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned, thinking that Ye Tian had given up resistance and let the invincible Black Dragon Fist drive straight in, blasting his heart.

But soon something shocking happened.

Between the palms facing each other in the air, a cloud of chaotic energy suddenly burst out.

In the chaotic atmosphere, there is the roar of thunder, the rotation of earth, fire, wind and water, seeming to open up a small world.

In an instant, a group of chaotic Qi differentiated into two Qis of Yin and Yang, one black and one white, rotating at high speed, forming a Tai Chi Yin and Yang fish pattern.


The black dragon fist of Xiao Jiao Wang landed on the center of the Tai Chi Yin and Yang fish. It did not make an earth-shattering sound. Instead, it hit the cotton like a punch, only smashing a shallow pit, moving forward. The momentum suddenly stopped.

Tai Chi, overcome strength with softness!

King Xiao Jiao was stunned, his eyes almost glared out of his sockets.

All the others were shocked. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Give you!"

In the voice, Ye Tian pushed his palms, and the Tai Chi Yin Yang fish with the Black Dragon Fist Gang, reflected at a faster speed than before, and blasted in front of the little King Jiao.

The Black Dragon Fist Gang could still be locked, and this time it was locked on the little King Jiao. Knowing that King Xiao Jiao could not escape, he immediately sat down on his horse again, exhaled and blasted a punch, trying to break the fist with his fist.


The Black Dragon Fist Gang was held in the shadow of Tai Chi Yin and Yang, and collided with Xiao Jiao Wang's fist without fancy, and there was a huge sound like a meteor hitting the earth.

A violent shock wave erupted from the confrontation, forming a visible ripple of the void, turbulent in all directions, overturning the land within a radius of ten meters, blowing sand and rocks within a radius of one hundred meters.

The ground at the feet of King Xiao Jiao sank suddenly, exploding a big hole, but his whole person flew out uncontrollably, smashing a big mountain a hundred meters away by a corner.

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