Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1330: God's wings split sky

Remember in one second【】

With the Suzaku Nirvana Rebirth Technique, Ye Tian healed his wounds in just a few seconds.

This is unbelievable, because his injuries are so serious that it would be enough to die if he was replaced by someone else.

He stands proudly in the void, with bright eyes and golden light all over his body. He is like a nine-day war **** born in the fire, majestic and imposing.

Behind it, there was a prairie fire. A huge firebird with a wingspan of ten feet shook its wings, as if it wanted to merge with him. The breath of terror was like a flood, moving in all directions.

"Human junior, your strength is beyond my expectation!" The old Jiaowang's tone was solemn, and his expression was somewhat solemn.

He crushed Ye Tian at a great level, but he failed to win in this situation. Instead, he was crushed. To some extent, he had already lost.

"You didn't exceed my expectations." Ye Tian said indifferently, eyes flashing cold and electric, like a blade, dominating sharply, as if he could see through the world and look directly at the origin of everything.

"Lao Jiao, I know that my human brother is strong, so why don't you let us go? Be careful that my human brother beats you all over the floor, peeling your skin off and making big pants to wear, pulling out your tendons as a waistband. "Changbai Sanzu standing in a clearing shouted.

Seeing him with his head held high, his two short hands behind his back, he looked a bit human, and his tone was a bit arrogant.

However, all of its roots plunged into the ground, agitated, worried about being caught, and fled for the convenience of escape.

"Looking for death! A thing that is not even a beast, dare to insult the old king of my clan?"

Amid the anger, suddenly, an arrow flew in, like a flaming meteor, the flames lingered, reflecting the void, and the speed was incredible.

It was a child of the Jiao clan who had fought Ye Tian before, and his name was Long Hao. His transformation was not complete. He was half human and half Jiao, holding a big bow in his hand, and he was so fierce.

Changbai ginseng ancestor immediately shrank his head, like a gopher, suddenly disappeared from the ground and escaped into the veins.

At almost the same time, the soil where it originally stood was flying across, exploding a large pit, and there was raging magma at the bottom of the pit, and part of the pit wall even turned into colored glaze.

The explosive power of this arrow is only stronger than a heavy artillery.

"Jiao Clan junior, don't be arrogant, when I wandered around the rivers and lakes, your ancestors hadn't yet..."

Moments later, Changbai Ginseng burst his head out of the ground ten meters away and shouted.

However, before it finished speaking, a sword light from the sky smashed in front of it.

This time it was King Xiao Jiao who took the shot, holding the White Chi sword.

Changbai Ginseng's mouth was so broken that even Ye Tian wanted to smoke it.

So Ye Tian left it to be repaired, stepped out abruptly, and attacked the old King Jiao.

He didn't want to give the old Jiao Wang too much time to heal his injuries.


The Suzaku breathes, the divine fire is like a waterfall, spreading across the sky, and accompanied by thousands of fire thunders, covering the old King Jiao.

This kind of supernatural power against the sky, the sea of ​​fire accompanied by thunder, burned the sky and exploded the void, and everything passed by was vanished.

The old King Jiao didn't dare to neglect, he let his wounds go first, and with a roar, Long Yin shook for nine days, opened his feet to swallow the blood basin of the three houses in one mouthful, and slammed into the dragon pond below.

Suddenly, the water in Longchi boiled, rolling up a huge wave, like a heavenly river, first reversing the sky, and then rolling away in the direction of Ye Tian, ​​the void rumbled, as if thousands of iron riders were roaring with momentum. Shocked nine days and ten places.

The water area of ​​Longchi is large and deep, far above the real Tianchi, but under the suction of the old Jiaowang, it is obvious that the lake surface has dropped a lot, and there are even reefs in the lake surfaced.

It is conceivable that under the suction of the old King Jiao, what a huge amount of lake water was drawn, like a heavenly river, swallowing mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, endless waves dispelling the sky, overwhelmingly swept into the sky fire that the Suzaku ejected.

At this moment, the sky and the earth faded, the sun and the moon were dark.

All the Jiao people were shocked and shocked on the spot. There was only a sky fire and a sky river in their eyes, which stretched across the sky, becoming the only two in the world, and everything else was invisible.


The sky was rioted, and a whole void was shattered. Tianhe and Tianhuo had a fierce collision, and the momentum was earth-shattering, as if two universes were colliding.

The result was shocking and unexpected. Water can overcome fire, but Tianhe failed to extinguish the sky fire. On the contrary, Tianhe evaporated a lot and turned into water vapor. A huge mushroom cloud, and shock waves swept in all directions, wherever it passed, even the space burst into cracks, showing dense black cracks like a spider web, like a nuclear explosion.

The fire that Suzaku spit out was not an ordinary fire, and the chaotic golden flame that Ye Tian built was a kind of sacred fire, which could not be extinguished by ordinary water.

Moreover, there is also the blessing of the C Vulcan Thunder in the sky fire, which is even more powerful.

However, Tianhe Shengli had plenty of water and had an entire Dragon Pond as its backing. It was almost endless. It was far more than the sky fire that Suzaku breathed. The stalemate continued, and Ye Tian was the first one to fail.

Therefore, after a stalemate for a while, Ye Tian made an astonishing move, humanizing the Suzaku, combining the law into one, spreading his ten-foot-long divine wings and bursting out of the sky.

This is a crimson divine bird, the whole body is radiant, dazzling and dazzling, every feather is slender, crystal luster, flowing through the gods, the whole body is like red gold casting, full of power that can shake the sky .

^0^Remember in one second【】


The sound of birds stunned Jiu Xiao, revealing the majesty of a master.

Hearing this voice, all the creatures in the Longchi Secret Realm, including the Jiao Clan, were throbbing and their souls trembled. Many people with poor concentration slumped to the ground, worshipping in the direction of the sound.

This is not surprising, because the status of Suzaku and the dragon are equal, and both are the supreme beasts in the universe, possessing the supreme godhead.


The sacred wings split the sky, like a peerless heavenly sword, it broke a big gap in the Tianhe at once, and slashed the old Jiao Wang behind.

The old Jiaowang's eyes condensed, and the thick tail twitched suddenly, like a whip, shaking the Suzaku's Sky Splitting wings.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The ear-piercing sound of golden and iron mingling instantly spread throughout the secret realm of Longchi, and a series of sparks burst out, like a goddess scattered flowers, extremely gorgeous.

The **** scales on the old Jiaowang's body are raining down showing bright red flesh and blood.

The feathers on the edge of the Suzaku's divine wings also broke many roots, but they were far less severely injured than the old king.

In an instant, it flew far away, the Vermillion Bird, flying around in the air, and then flew back. The whole body was surging with red clouds, its wings crossed the sky, and it slashed towards the old King Jiao again.


Suddenly, a large mountain was entangled by the giant tail of the old Jiao Wang, and it rose from the ground and slammed the Vermillion Bird.

The Suzaku, the divine bird, was fearless, its divine wings split the sky, and directly slashed up with the force of destroying the void.


A large mountain tens of feet high was directly split in half, and a sound of piercing gold and cracking stones was heard, and the sound wave shook the sky.


Many children of the Jiao tribe were dumbfounded, and they were so shocked that they could not speak.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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